[EuroPython] [ez] Linuxtag participation
Sun, 26 May 2002 17:23:54 +0200
on last minute I could get a presence for EuroZope in the LinuxTag in=20
Karlsruhe from 6.6 - 9.6.2002, http://www.linuxtag.de. We only have a=20
computertable there, but I think we should use the opportunity to promote=20
Zope and especially the EuroPython 2002.
I will be there all four days, and I ask anybody, who has a little time to=20
join me there.
best regards Joachim Schmitz (1. chairman)
EuroZope e.V. H=FCsgenstr. 33a D-52457 Aldenhoven Germany
phone: +49-2464-8851 fax : +49-2464-905163
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