[EuroPython] Credit card payment for registration

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Tue, 28 May 2002 09:33:48 +0200

Tim Couper wrote:
> Joachim, Marc, Tom
> I think you need to add:
> If different form the person applying:
> * Name of card holder (preferably as shown on the card

Joachim pointed out to us that the name on the card
is not required by the payment provider. Still, there
now is a field for the card holder name on the form,
so you should be set now :-)

> * Address to which the card is registered

This is not needed.

> You might also want to add the optional e-address of
> card holder, so that you can send an email to them
> about the payment. 

Not sure about this one. There might be a need for
something like a receipt which we could send by email,
but since noone has asked for this, I suppose we
shouldn't bother.

Still, we should probably note that VAT is not charged
by P3B, the conference organizer.

> Tim
>  --- "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@lemburg.com> wrote: > Tim
> Couper wrote:
>>>I've just tried to register my student daughter
>>>the conference. I am wanting to pay by Visa, but
>>>there's nowhere for me to put details other than
>>>card details; I presume that you are
>>>against the attendee's name? What if people are
>>>on company VISA's, or, like me, paying for her?
>>Good point.
>>Joachim, can we add a name entry field to the credit
>>card form which is preset with the name entered
>>on the registration form ?
>>Marc-Andre Lemburg
>>CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
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Marc-Andre Lemburg
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