[EuroPython] Some talks for next year ...
M.-A. Lemburg
Tue, 28 May 2002 09:45:56 +0200
Denis Fr=E8re wrote:
> Le Mon, May 27, 2002 at 03:15:20PM +0200, M.-A. Lemburg pianota:
>>We'll need some talks for next year as well ;-)
> I'll jump on Marc-Andre's last sentence to start this new thread.
> We should start speaking about EuroPython 2003.
> Let's remember we could have asked for European Communities support
> if we had done it early enough. I was told it could be possible for nex=
> year if we send them an application before June 14 2002. It's within 2
> weeks and a chunk.
> So, what will we decide for next year ?
> We've learned a lot with this first organization, we've a multilingual
> website, a logo, much contacts, etc. With some time more we would have
> had much more advertisement and a lower entrance fee. Starting now can
> change a lot.
I think the most important change to consider is getting
a professional conference organizer to take care of the conference
maintenance (location, food, hostesses, projectors, badges, etc.).
That way we can focus more on the contents of the conference and
getting the word out. It also helps in reducing the conflict
levels a bit: there's really no point in losing good contacts
on the grounds of organizing a conference.
About the EU fund: what needs to be done for the application ?
Can't we just send one in without adding too many details, like
e.g. the where and when ?
About the where: if we want to stick to the current level
of entrance fees, then we should consider getting a cheaper
location for the conference, e.g. use university facilities.
The location should also be easily reachable by plane, trane
and car.
About the when: Dinu already mentioned the conflicts with
some UK events and there's also the football world... so how
about the first week of June ?!
Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
Company & Consulting: http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software: http://www.egenix.com/files/python/