[EuroPython] Some talks for next year ...

holger@trillke.net holger@trillke.net
Tue, 28 May 2002 10:54:17 +0200

[Nicolas Chauvat Tue, May 28, 2002 at 10:09:00AM +0200]
> > I think the most important change to consider is getting a
> > professional conference organizer to take care of the conference
> > maintenance (location, food, hostesses, projectors, badges, etc.).
> Agreed. We should contract such a company to do the grunt work and focus
> on content and public relations.

just my 2c... 

I visited the CCC-congress with ~800 people in berlin and
the fosdem in Bruxelles with ~600 people. They both were well 
organized by volunteers and they were great events. 
They both weren't the first of their type, though! Have some patience ...

The intended type of the event is especially important: 
Is it for developers/hackers or for business people?  
Trying to mix these types is *difficult* and needs special 
considerations and experiences.  (regarding accomodation, 
prices, talks, mostly everything).

And anyway, i believe that EuroPython will be a success! 
I have organized bigger events myself and there almost 
always is a great depression because of uncertainty.
(btw, for the CCC-congress you can't even preregister!)
Also there almost always is a misallocation of resources
(caring for not-right-now-important-things too much).

After the web-site has enough information (*) I suggest 
that everyone writes a *personal* inventation on their 
respective mailing lists (where they are personally known). 
Sending out press releases on developers mailing lists is 
not the right means if i dare say that.

best regards,


(*) IMO  the information about 'who gives a talk about what' 
    is the most important information. everything else from
    city-maps, payment to accomodation comes *next* (after you
    decided you want to come!).