[EuroPython] SUMMARY WEEK 21

Tom Deprez Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com
Wed, 29 May 2002 23:43:25 +0200

So what happend last week ie WEEK 21

* Announced a new press release:

* Registration was open since WEEK 20. Although we received some
registrations, we'd expected more. We hope people start to decide soon
concerning having a visit at EuroPython 2002

* All track champions placed the talks of their tracks online. You can
watch them at http://europython.zope.nl/sessions/talks
   pdf created broshures by ReportLab aren't ready yet. But as they told
they will work on this these weeks.

* We've introduced a new way of propagandazing for your company:

* We've introduced a wiki for visitors of the congress. In there you can
discuss to share rooms etc: http://europython.zope.nl/wiki

* A FAQ was introduced for speakers:

* We've updated the accommodation page:
    * added cheap, but nice available accomodation
    * added a map which shows the distance between conference and hotels

* Updated the Travel http://europython.zope.nl/travel page with a
timeschedule with information on taking the train from the national
airport (brussels) to Charleroi

* The localizing team is slowly localizing the whole site. We've now
also a german translator.
