[EuroPython] EPC2003: registration : summary 1

Nicolas Chauvat Nicolas.Chauvat@logilab.fr
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 19:32:03 +0100

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 03:19:19PM +0100, Tom Deprez wrote:
> * We want to have 3 full days : 1 business; 2&3 mixed (but mostly oriented
> to the programmers, etc)

What about:
   thursday day1 = business
   friday   day2 = tutorials
   saturday day3 = hackers

> * People need to be able to register for:
>    All 3 days
>    Only 2 last days


>    First day (I think this is neccessary too)

Hmm. I don't. Business users coming on day 1 can pay full price, even if
they do not attend the last two days.

What make you think we need to have a first-day-only entrance?

> Having a full 3-day ticket and a cheap 2-day ticket only. The first day
> would include "premium service+catering", so that you
> could eg. invite customers to the conference (as suggested by someone on the
> list). The developer days must be content with water+bread only ;-) Or call
> the 3-days ticket 1-day "businees conference ticket", with free admission to
> the developer days :-)


> * Ideas
>   Interest Categories:
>     It would perhaps be nice to know what interest certain people have. This
> can be done, but at the moment I'm afraid it will make it too complicated
> and will only increase costs. Perhaps the easiest way is to allow a
> checklist on the batch and let people fill it in themselfs... But then the
> batch becomes too crowded perhaps?

Let people go to the "freebies booth" to get colored dots to stick on their
badges. Have a legend on a poster in a visible place (side-by-side to the
programme of the conference for example).

>   Central Place for everybody, rooms only for payed visitors:
>     This would imply that we need to check people entering the rooms, so
> more checks. We should discuss this more I think.

Would you want to have a "central place" open to non-paying public?
>   Give the freebies bags at another place and you get one by showing your
> entry ticket.
>       This would reduce the time at check-in

> * Problems:
>    How to reduce the waiting rows:
>      We could make seperate rows at check in (pre-registered, and non
> pre-registered)

>   How to reduce the time for finding-of-batch-and-bag?
>      We could give the bag on another place, so we reduce the time needed to
> make the bag. Finding the registered person and giving the batch can
> probably only be made quicker by using a PC with a database and printing the
> batch directly, so the searching is automatically and you don't need to find
> the batch... But this implies of course the creation of this all.

Do you mean s/batch/badge/g ?

Nicolas Chauvat

http://www.logilab.com - "Mais où est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)