[EuroPython] Report 2002 - proposal 2003 - 2004

Denis Frère denis@aragne.com
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 04:50:44 +0100

Hi folks,

It's awfully late again, I should be in bed, but I guess I owe you some
news from Charleroi.

EPC 2002 was a great fair, but it was also exhausting. From time to time
I doubted on the possibility to have EPC 2003 in Charleroi again. Well,
it's not really such a pain in itself, but it's not my only activity.

You already know how EPC 2002 was if you were with us in Charleroi last
June. Perhaps you don't know another part of the report yet : we earned
about nothing (we even covered lot of small expenses from our own 
pocket) and it was really time consuming. The final accounting is not
yet quite closed : some of you still have to pay (part of) their bill.
>From our side, I hope we now have paid everyone. And there are some
euros left on the bank account, but really not much.

I'm pretty sure we can do a better job next time. Even if I let you
discuss when and how without saying much, EuroPython 2003 is now again
in the top 10 of my todo list. This week-end, Nicolas Pettiaux and I
went to France together : I was driving and he was typing while we both
were discussing the subject. We didn't discussed the program, we focused
on the sponsoring and finding logistical support. Since we were rather
short on money last time, we must find some better sponsors for the next
edition, we also need a better press coverage, etc.

One of my first actual action will be to ask when the venue will be
available. I will also ask when Guido can free himself (because I guess
you all want him to be with us in 2003). This is the most effective way
to fix a date.

For the rest, I would like to propose something : the one who wants to
organize the EPC 2004 should work very tightly with us on the 2003
edition so that the relay will be soft. We already have a candidate, but
other volunteers should speak as soon as possible.

>From now on, be sure I follow the posts on the list again, so please, go
on with the brainstorming. :-)


P3B    : Club Python(-Zope) Belge --------- http://www.p3b.org
OS3B   : Club Open-Software(-Linux) Carolo  http://www.os3b.org 
Aragne : Python-Zope Solutions & Formations http://www.aragne.com