[EuroPython] EPC2003: program + length + public + fees
Magnus Lycka
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 23:53:51 +0100
At 15:05 2002-11-19 +0100, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
>My fear is
>that most companies using Python have customers that don't care what is
>used as long as it works (which is, I perfectly realize it, an argument
>*against* having a "business day").
Probably. If they are buying a complete product...
What I'm very curious about is if we could attract some organizations
that develop software; be they banks, industries, government agencies
or consulting companies that reason like this:
"Hm, maybe we should use Python for our development, but where and how
do we get all the resources we might need? Training? Mentors? Support
on modules we would use, experts that could help us or sub-contractors
that could provide parts of the systems we deliver?"
I've certainly seen a lot of organizations that would have a lot to gain
from thinking like this. There is a great interest in open source now,
both in government and in industry, and Python is after all one of the
leading open source development environments.
Surely, there must be many people in decision making positions who are
wondering how they can produce software faster and at a lower cost,
without paying huge amounts of money on licences etc. Perhaps one or
two could be made to see the light? Although on the other hand, most
people in those positions probably won't see anything that isn't backed
by a multi million dollar marketing campaign... :(
Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65
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