[EuroPython] Local organizers ?

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:39:48 +0100

Hi Denis,

thanks for getting back on this !

> If we go for a schema as it has been discussed (a business day followed
> by two hackers days), I think 300 EUR with business day and 200 EUR
> without would be a fair price. Plus a 50 EUR penalty for late
> registration and 50 EUR more for paying on place : we would like to
> encourage early registration to have some budget for pre-payments, and
> cash or checks is just trouble, risk and loss of time. 


I'd also suggest *not* to go for SWIFT payments again. They have
caused so much trouble last year... perhaps we should start
with the credit-card registration really early this time ?!

> For the speakers, we would be pleased to give free entrance again, but
> we would just ask for a small fee for catering (eg. 50 EUR).


> Low prices for students, the same as last year.


> For the boothes, I would say 200 EUR for community members and 1000 EUR
> for booths as ASDU (we were rather cheap last year).

You do need a good definition of "community members" then, e.g.
O'Reilly is certainly a community member as well, but I'd not give
them a booth for EUR 1000.

> Discussion's welcome. If you have some good ideas, I would be pleased
> to hear from you.

See my other mail on "Budget": trying to get projectors for free
would also help a lot.

> And while I'm writing, yes indeed, Paul, our IRC meetings should start
> again. I would be partisan of 18:00-19:00 CET : just after office hours
> and before being too hungry.

Same day as last year ? (that was Monday as I recall)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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Python UK 2003, Oxford:                                     41 days left
EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                       125 days left