[EuroPython] EuroPython Website

Tom Deprez tom@aragne.com
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 17:20:12 +0100

Hi all,

Ok, it took quiet some time to find free time for working on the EuroPython
website. But it's getting urgent and I found some spare time.

As told, I already made a backup of 2002. I now imported it back under the
folder '2002', so it can rest there forever. (perhaps some modifications are
needed, but we can look at those later)

I decided not to change the layout or move to Plone, etc.  It would probably
take too much time from me, which I don't have at the moment and I think the
site still looks nice (my opinion). Perhaps later we make the switch.

Meanwhile I contacted Amaze.nl and they are still willing to be the provider
for EPC 2003.

Further I contacted Joachim Smitz (Aixtraware) who made the online
registration and talk database, last year. He rewrote his product completely
and will make the transition this week (first the zope instance has to be
upgraded to a newer version).
Further he is also going to make a call for paper form, which allows you to
enter a paper online. The paper will be stored in the new talks database and
will automatically receive the status 'suggested'

If this is finished all the track champions can start working on getting
people's papers.

Further, does someone has an idea of the owner of 'www.europython.org'?
Were some people working on it to get it for EuroPython? I experience some
slowness of the site, which I hope we can resolve soon.

So, in short : the europython website people are back in the running. Are
the others ready?
