[EuroPython] EuroPython Website

Tom Deprez tom@aragne.com
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 16:02:55 +0100


Well, looks like several people like the plone approach... I'm not that a
favorite, but if most people are willing, so be it...  We first have to know
if we get 2 zope instances...

Let's vote:

Who wants to make of EuroPython another Plone site?


>> I just viewed the www.plone.org with Netscape 4, and your right it's
>> functional and readable, but it looks ugly.

What about IE 4.0, Opera, KDE Browser ?

> Quite possible. The solution would then be to adapt the NS4 skin to
> make it look nicer for our europython website.

... well, then it has to be done with someone used to work with CSS.

> In any case, we would have to rewrite skins to make europython look
> like europython and not like the standard plone site.
> But porting the current layout/colors to a plone skin should not be
> too hard. I would bet on one day of work, less with the help of
> people who've done it before.

Also for people who aren't used with Plone? Will it then also be less than
one day?
PS. One day = probably longer for most of us, since it has to be done in
free time :-)

PS. I still don't know why people are now all jumping on plone. For me, it's
just another Zope product, which is a great product, but also brings some
incompatibilities with normal Zope products forth (which is not that great
and makes me afraid to go too much away from the Zope core). But hey, that's
another discussion :-)