[EuroPython] EP 2004 decision rather quickly?
Martijn Faassen
Thu, 3 Jul 2003 23:59:26 +0200
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Just a comment, but I thought we're deciding rather *rapidly* on EuroPython
> 2004...
My mail archive is not entirely complete, so I had to look through the
web archives to even find Denis's announcement, made last night.
(perhaps it hasn't arrived here yet? weird) Anyway, I just wanted to
express my displeasure in stronger wording.
Anyway, *who* made the decision to hold EP 2004 in Charleroi again next
year? I just see an announcement by Denis (and "Tom and the whole team")
on the mailing list. Apparently members of the europython mailing list
or the irc channel do not seem to be included in this team. Track chairs
do not appear to be even consulted, and what happened to those who offered
alternate locations?
I'm upset by this proceeding, this is *seriously* bad
communication, completely unilateral a thoroughly inauspicious start.
I recall that in 2002 we had a discussion about the new location; moving
to another place or stay in Charleroi. The decision was made then to
stay in Charleroi for another year, to bootstrap the conference, but
that the year *after* we'd consider alternate locations. And then
instead of actually talking about other locations, this is just handed
to us less than a week after the conference actually *ends*?
Geez people! It's nice that you are volunteering but what were you thinking?
I hope this premature announcement can be retracted and some actual
discussion can take place first.
This really really sucks.