[EuroPython] EPC as an EuroPython Association SIG

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 19:01:14 +0200

Denis Fr=E8re wrote:
[problems with setting up an association]
> Conclusion : democracy is a difficult exercise. We'll have to find a
> real *consensus* for having a good start. I guess we aren't done with
> it before some time, but in the end, I'm glad our announce led to the
> discussion.

Hopefully we're working towards such a consensus. Already we are
doing tremendously much better at communicating and consensus building
than last week, so we're making good progress.

Anything transparent, even a dictatorship, is better
than a situation where nobody really knows where responsibility is. I've =
wished that weren't the case, but I noticed that in situations where
responsibility is unclear saying "just get along and use your common sens=
unfortunately was not enough, and people *asked* for clearer rules.
Now I seem to be one of those people asking it myself. I'm a disgrace
among anarchists. :)

Mind I'm not proposing a dictatorship. A foundation with clear
rules on how to become a member and how people become decisionmakers
(with final decisions on who is on the board to the membership, and
other things like conference location as well) is flexible and
transparent enough though. If later on changes are necessary the
mechanisms are there.

