[EuroPython] Re: EuroPython decision process

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 19:15:26 +0200

Tim Couper wrote:
> I wonder, though, whether the propogation of Python
> would be better/just as well served at this time by
> focussing on & encouraging national/regional groups.
> Our experience with the UK group is most encouraging.
> It seems to me, for example, that there would be more
> French participation in the python community (in the
> sense of nembers attending conferences) if there was a
> python France conference. 

In fact such a thing existed/exists associated with the Free Software
meeting in, Bourdeoux, I think. There was an event in 2001 and
I think also in 2002, though the latter competed with EuroPython.
Perhaps it's not exactly the same thing, as it was more international
in focus than just France. (note that the competition with EuroPython 
was friendly; I talked to Marc Poinot in advance).

In Germany there's DZUG which has organized several events.
Not Python but Zope, but hey, we're in the same community. :)

> However national/regional conferences aren't as large
> as continental, and it does require there to be a
> critical mass of interested players. Sounds to me like
> there is such a critical mass in Sweden, so how about
> a python Scandanavia conference?

This is all well and good, but we shouldn't dilute EuroPython
itself. Both you and Andy have suggested this, but to me it sounds 

Well, why don't you go off and organize your own thing and leave us
alone? It would be great too, a local event!

They're *not* proposing hold a scandinavean event, they've proposed
to organize EuroPython. Let's think about that. I'm sure they
will also organize a local event if they're so minded.

Mind, I'm sure that wasn't your and Andy's intent, and I agree
local events are very useful, and perhaps eventually we can
do something like that under the EuroPython flag as well, but
right now the EuroPython flag needs to find a solid base for its

