[EuroPython] EuroPython website

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario@ita.chalmers.se
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 23:55:50 +0200

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Deprez" <tom@aragne.com>

> Not yet.
> Nicolas has started on something.
> For the rest I'm planning to mimic the design.
> What I really would like is that the site can be used for all years to
> come.

ok, I am working on that.

> Nicolas, is there a reason why you used 2004 as an id ?
> Would it be possible to make one root plone and give the objects (eg
> news, talks, sessions ...) a property of year?

uh... it seems I just (accidentally actually) changed the ID from 2004 to
