[EuroPython] EuroPython decision process
Martijn Faassen
Wed, 9 Jul 2003 19:30:43 +0200
Tom Deprez wrote:
> > The finances of EuroPython are currently dramatically untransparent.
> > :)
> If you want information on that, ask Denis about it, since I never did or
> will do any finances, so I can't give it to you.
> I'm sure Denis will be able to give everybody a clean overview of the
> balance of the conference.
I suppose it might be better than than I thought as it would be in the
books of the P3B. Still as transparancy should be clearer than
'Mail Denis'. I guess the statutes of P3B are online somewhere in
Anyway, the current state is what it is, and P3B of course carried
a lot of the risk too, so fair's fair. I just hope we can move
to a clearer system where any member of the EuroPython organization can have
an overview if he or she so desires.