[EuroPython] EEIG

Magnus Lyckå magnus@thinkware.se
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 23:17:35 +0200

Andrew Smart suggested that EuroPython should be formed
as a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG).

The best reference I found for what that is is:

It is my understanding, that the EEIG is intended more for
temporary, commercial joint ventures between compnaies in
different EU countries. It's my understanding that it would
*not* suit us for EuroPython.

My main concern is this:

   "As a counterweight to the contractual freedom which is at
   the basis of the EEIG and the fact that members are not
   required to provide a minimum amount of capital, each member
   of the EEIG has unlimited joint and several liability for
    its debts."

This means that if the next EuroPython ends with a big debt that
the new EuroPython organisation can't pay, its creditors can
approach *any* member of the EuroPython organisation, and demand
that he/she/it pays the whole debt. That might be you...or me...

I don't really want to be a member of such an organisation. (Shrug!)
Not that I think that the EuroPython organizers would do a bad job,
but I'm not willing to bet my family's economy on it. I think we
must have an organisation that is an *independent* legal entity,
that can have profits, debts and taxes of its own.

I'm curious to hear more about the "International Non Profit
Association" that Denis mentioned. Perhaps that will be a better

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language