[EuroPython] thoughts
Magnus Lyckå
Wed, 16 Jul 2003 15:43:13 +0200
At 11:38 2003-07-16 +0100, Michael Hudson wrote:
>I have a feeling this talk of legal structures and decision procedures
>may somewhat be missing the point.
>The "EPC community", as I see it, has one (1) decision to make:
> Whether to hold the next EuroPython conference in Gothenbourg or
> Charleroi.
This is certainly the one issue that can't wait...
>I also would stronly like the question mentioned above to be answered
>not by some kind of vote, but by consensus. I don't want the would-be
>local organizers who don't end up hosting the con to feel they've
>"lost", for all sorts of reasons.
I agree completely!
>And finally, while I can see pros and cons of both the proposed
>locations, my own thoughts come out near as dammit to even. So that's
>not much of a discussion starter :-) What do others think? (Please
>place honesty over even-handedness...)
Perhaps we should discuss more about what we want a
really good EuroPython conference to be like. What
qualities are important? In particular, what qualities
that have to do with the location are important?
The costs?
Getting there and moving around?
The location--entertainment, sights, weather etc?
The conference facilities:
* Rooms (comfort, climate, acoustics etc)
* Internet connections?
* more?
Sprint facilities?
I'm sure there are other questions I'm sure people care about...
If we are more concrete about what we want, it might be easier
to figure out how well the different alternatives will work.
Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyckå), magnus@thinkware.se
Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language