[EuroPython] Who is "the community" & voting

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Sat, 19 Jul 2003 01:39:53 +0200

Magnus Lyck=E5 wrote:
> At 00:34 2003-07-17 +0200, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> >  * if someone visited a EuroPython conference less than N years
> >    ago, this person is a member/gets a vote. This means that all visi=
> >    are members.

> It's fine with me that paying the conference fee will mean
> that membership in the EPC society will be for free the next
> year, and that EPC visitors are *invited* to become members,
> but I think it's important that no person or organisation
> becomes a member without actively stating that they want that.

Makes sense, sounds fine to me.

> I think that is important both for the EPC society and for the
> members. No person should feel that "these guys claim that they
> represent me, and I didn't say I wanted that". Also, the society
> should not have members that just ended up members by default,
> but don't really care about the community.

Agreed. Good points.

