[EuroPython] [Michael Hudson <mwh@python.net>] Re: [pypy-sprint] Pics +
Lightning Talks
Michael Hudson
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:42:32 +0100
Let's try an email address that exists, shall we?
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X-From-Line: nobody Mon Jun 30 09:48:11 2003
To: Henrion Benjamin <bh@udev.org>
Cc: europython@europython.org
Subject: Re: [pypy-sprint] Pics + Lightning Talks
From: Michael Hudson <mwh@python.net>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 09:48:11 +0100
In-Reply-To: <20030629121448.GA29051@localhost> (Henrion Benjamin's message
of "Sun, 29 Jun 2003 14:14:48 +0200")
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Henrion Benjamin <bh@udev.org> writes:
> Hello,
> Some pics of the sprint Pypy+Zope3:
> http://bh.udev.org/filez/photos/EuroPython2003/
> BurningHell Lightning Talk:
> http://bh.udev.org/filez/projects/BurningHell/
> http://bh.udev.org/filez/projects/BurningHell/burninghell.kpr
> Is it possible to update the EP2003 with the list of the lightning
> talks? How to post presentations?
I expect this will need to be coordinated by Moshe or Anna, and I
think they are both travelling for the next week or so. Of course, if
someone has the list of presentations as they actually happened, I
could probably do it.
It's a measure of how much I love Python that I moved to VA, where
if things don't work out Guido will buy a plantation and put us to
work harvesting peanuts instead. -- Tim Peters, comp.lang.python
41. Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but
withstand progress.
-- Alan Perlis, http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/perlis-alan/quotes.html