[EuroPython] Tracks issue (Todo 1)

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sun, 02 Mar 2003 13:41:25 +0100

Tom Deprez wrote:
> <snip>
>>Please add
>>1 a) setup the talk submission form (I've asked for this before, but
>>      so far nothing happened -- how are track chairmen supposed to
>>      organize the tracks without this tool ?)
> This is already *done*. Joachim posted this a few weeks ago. Looks like
> you missed that mail.

I saw a post about the beta and commented on it, but I must
have missed the posting about the final version going online
on the www.europython.org site. Clicking on the Talks link
there doesn't give any hint where to submit new talks (ideally
the tracks description should have such links for all mentioned
tracks). It is also not very useful IMHO to have the Talks
link display a list of 2002 talks.

Other nits:

* the press release link still points to a release dated 2002

* most other links say "no decisions have been made..."

* the hotel reservation pages still mention EPC2002 - have there
   been talks with the hotels about offering reductions similar
   to the ones we had last year ?

* the FAQ mentions a proceddings CD -- AFAIK there never was
   such a CD for the EPC 2002 event; also what ever became
   of the audio taping we did last year ?

* the FAQ should be updated to say "speakers won't have to register
   for the conference, but there is a small fee for catering"

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                       114 days left