[EuroPython] Tracks issue (Todo 1)
Paul Everitt
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 15:37:35 +0100
It's certainly time to get some progress made on conference planning. =20=
I made a small change to the track information to add Heimo Laukkanen=20
to the Zope track.
To resurrect some momentum, I'm going to pick a very short number of=20
very simple tasks, and then get them completed. I think we suffering=20
from the "so much to do, where do we start" problem.
Thus, I'll send personal emails to track chairs.
On Saturday, Mar 1, 2003, at 14:14 Europe/Paris, Tom Deprez wrote:
> Hi,
> Mmm, looks very silent, I think we need to get some people start=20
> working
> :-) and further it's good to put my mind to something else for the
> moment.
> Okay, if we want people, we need to be able to show them what we can
> offer to them, so I think we need start finding people who are willing
> to give a talk. Before that, we need to find the people who want to be
> Track Chairman. The sooner we can do this, the better.
> Todo list concerning Talks:
> ---------------------------
> 1) Finding Chairman
> 2) Devide tracks per day and room (chairman can start already with
> finding people): Making Slots
> 3) Fill up the track-slots with talks
> TODO 1: Finding Chairman
> -----------------------------
> Let's figure this out first. Here are the tracks for EP2003 and the
> people willing to be chairman. Tell me if this is correct or not
> correct. PS: *No answer* is automatically removal and possibly also =
> removal of the track if we don't find a person willing to be chairman.
> Proposed Tracks:
> ------------------
> Can also be seen at http://www.europython.org/sessions/descriptions
> Python Applications Track (?)
> Python Frameworks Track (Martijn Faassen)
> Python Language Track (Michael Hudson, Martijn Faassen)
> Python in Business Track (Tim Couper, Marc-Andre Lemburg)
> Python in Science & Industry Track (Nicolas Chauvat)
> Python/Zope in Public Administrations (Nicolas Pettiaux)
> Zope Track (Paul Everitt)
> What I ask from the members of this list:
> A) Look for your name, track and tell me if this is correct.
> B) Who wants to be chairman of: Python Applications Track; BoF's;
> Lightning Talks
> Thanks for your co=F6peration,
> Regards,
> Tom
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