[EuroPython] Version 0.0.1 of CFP announcement
M.-A. Lemburg
Sat, 08 Mar 2003 14:46:35 +0100
Some nits...
Paul Everitt wrote:
> ...along with some open questions at the end.
> --Paul
> Call for Participation, EuroPython Conference 2003
> The EuroPython Conference 2003 (EPC2003) returns to Belgium this June,
> and the conference organizers are opening registration for
> presentation and tutorial proposals.
> Last year's EPC2003 was the first-ever community-organized Python
EPC2003 -> conference
> event. Based on the rave reviews, we expect this year to be even more
> successful, and we're not just talking about the Chimay.
> We are looking for participation in the following conference tracks:
> Python Frameworks, Python Language, Python in Business, Python in
> Science and Industry, Python and Zope in Public Administrations, and
> Zope. Track descriptions are available at
> http://www.europython.org/sessions/descriptions.
> You can propose a 30 minute talk, a 45 minute talk, or a 2 hour
> tutorial. To propose a tutorial, please visit the Talk Submission
> page at http://www.europython.org/Talks/callFor.
Again, I'd rather have just one type of slot: 45 minutes with
an option to span two slots for longer talks.
> Please remember that tutorials and presentations from marketing or
> sales staff will not be accepted.
I think that's for the track chairmen to decide, right ?!
> For more information about the conference, please visit the conference
> website at http://www.europython.org/. If you have any questions,
> please contact XXXX.
...the track chairmen:
> Also, if you would like to help us make v2 of
v2 -> EPC2003
> the EuroPython conference a great success, please volunteer! You can
> join us on the EuroPython mailing list at
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/europython.
> About EuroPython Conference 2003
> EuroPython Conference 2003 is the premiere venue for meeting Python
> and Zope developers from Europe and beyond. As the first
> community-organized Python and Zope conference, EPC 2003 delivers
EPC 2003 -> the EuroPython Conference
(EPC2003 is the second such event)
> the atmosphere and information developers want. The conference will
> be held June 25-27, 2003 in Charleroi, Belgium. Information is
> available at the EuroPython website at http://www.europython.org/.
> Notes
> o The HTML version will have hyperlinks to track descriptions, what
> for the email version? Reference numbers, nothing?
Inline the links as well as the email addresses. Most
email readers know how to turn these into working links.
> o Do we need to mention speaker benefits (which we haven't
> finalized) ?
AFAIR, speakers get free entry, but have to pay for catering.
Travel and accomodation expenses are not refunded, not do they
get any compensation.
> o Who can people contact for non-public questions (the XXXX) ?
The Executive Committee, just like last year, except that
you don't seem to have finalized who that will be yet.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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Python UK 2003, Oxford: 24 days left
EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium: 108 days left