From dario at  Thu Apr  1 01:53:54 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Thu Apr  1 01:54:05 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Problems with the Virutal hosting setup of the site
In-Reply-To: <00ea01c41742$5fbc68c0$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tom Deprez wrote:

>>the EPC2002 and 2003 refer to fodlers that do not exist in the root of
>>the site.
> They DO or at least did exist (lastly checked on monday)...
> These folders are needed because they are the old europython websites
> and should stay..

I can't see them when I am in the root of the site

>>The same goes for many images that refer to an /images folder not
>>present in the root of This makes it hard to
>>manage images, etc.
>>Second, I am moving all the images from the root of
>>to /conferences/epc2004/sponsors/logos/. This keeps things neat and
>>tidy and keeps the root non-cluttered.
> DON'T move this.... I've let them inside because the epc2002 and epc2003
> use them....

There *has got* to be a better way of managing this. This is *not* a 
viable way to go for the future.

If we wish to keep the old sites around, we shall have to fix that 
URL-paths in them.

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Thu Apr  1 02:03:54 2004
From: dario at (=?UTF-8?B?RGFyaW8gTG9wZXotS8Okc3Rlbg==?=)
Date: Thu Apr  1 02:04:08 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] website
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <00eb01c41742$624d73e0$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
Message-ID: <>

Ivo van der Wijk wrote:

> Tom Deprez wrote:
>> Don't know what the case is, but the website seems to be down.
> The instance was running but not responding. If you have shellaccess, 
> you can zopectl restart it (which I have done now)

I have looked at it and the machine has a load of around 2.5 - 3.5 at 9 
am this morning.

The europy processes seem to consume quite a lot of CPU power.

Did something happen during this last week (ie. upgraded products, etc?)


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Thu Apr  1 02:42:19 2004
From: dario at (=?UTF-8?B?RGFyaW8gTG9wZXotS8Okc3Rlbg==?=)
Date: Thu Apr  1 02:42:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] More on website problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <00eb01c41742$624d73e0$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>	<>
Message-ID: <>


the following is a list of website problems that exist:

ReST needs a python package:

"""Unable to import reST content driver, this is most likely to do
     missing the docutils python package. Get a CVS checkout from"""

the site hang this morning was beacuse 3 threads where hung on a mac PPC 
client in, among others the form_join page... I suspect (based on a gut 
feeling) that there might be soem error on the formvalidation that is 
triggered here... but I don't really know.

Running with only one thread is no problem, UNLESS the 3 other threads 
are not busy consuming CPU time, which was the case right now.


If you go to restart the server, please save the contents of the 
ControlPanel/Debug info page first.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From tom at  Thu Apr  1 04:08:10 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Thu Apr  1 04:06:48 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Problems with the Virutal hosting setup of the
References: <>
Message-ID: <004a01c417c8$dd1649e0$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> Tom Deprez wrote:
>>> the EPC2002 and 2003 refer to fodlers that do not exist in the root
>>> of the site.
>> They DO or at least did exist (lastly checked on monday)...
>> These folders are needed because they are the old europython websites
>> and should stay..
> I can't see them when I am in the root of the
> site

Correct.  And that is strange... but if you type in (or leave the manage away), you will get

>>> The same goes for many images that refer to an /images folder not
>>> present in the root of This makes it hard to
>>> manage images, etc.
>>> Second, I am moving all the images from the root of
>>> to /conferences/epc2004/sponsors/logos/. This keeps things neat and
>>> tidy and keeps the root non-cluttered.
>> DON'T move this.... I've let them inside because the epc2002 and
>> epc2003 use them....
> There *has got* to be a better way of managing this. This is *not* a
> viable way to go for the future.
> If we wish to keep the old sites around, we shall have to fix that
> URL-paths in them.

It is not for the old sites.... it is for the 'front' epc2002 and
epc2003 pages in the plone site.
I've let them use the image root-folder, since they:

- are the same for all conferences (ie if chalmers sponsors next year
again, the image is the same)
- can be use by all folders
- only use space once.

I don't see the point of doubling,trippling these images... and putting
such a folder in every epc plone folder.
Why does 1 folder in the root clutters the root folder?
If you don't want to have it in the root, then place it in the plone
root folder.

I changed this technique for the old instances. ie they now both have
their own image folder, which was never the case before, but it makes it
more easy if somebody wanted to remove them, but I still benefit of
having one folder of shared images for all conferences)


From lac at  Thu Apr  1 21:12:02 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Apr  1 21:12:07 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] From Pycon -- Richard Jones has conference software
Message-ID: <>

Too late for us now, but worth remembering for next year.  And
worth saving here, so that more of us can remember this.


------- Forwarded Message

From: Richard Jones <>
Organization: Common Ground Publishing

Hi all,

I'm the lead developer for Common Ground (some of you might know me from OSS
projects like PyPI and Roundup). My day job is developing online conference
management software to support the conferences that we run at Common Ground.

The software handles the conference website, registration, paper proposals
collaboration in writing papers, double-blind refereeing (we run academic
conferences) and publication workflows. It also aids generation of the
program grid (auto generation for simple [read: non-academic :)] conferences)
and a booklet.

We're currently developing the Next Generation of the software which we'll
have up and running for our next round of conferences in a month. At that
time, we'll have the software available on our demo site
( for playing with.

Let me know if you're interested. I talked to my boss, and there's a good
chance of some sort of sponsorship deal.

Pycon-organizers mailing list

------- End of Forwarded Message

From mal at  Fri Apr  2 04:04:33 2004
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri Apr  2 04:04:44 2004
Subject: [EuroPython]
Message-ID: <>

Just thought I'd drop you a line: It seems that some announcements
regarding EuroPython are using to reference
the site. However, that URL only gives a 404. I'd suggest to
install a redirect to

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 02 2004)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
Python UK 2004, Oxford, UK                                  13 days left
EuroPython 2004, G?teborg, Sweden                           65 days left

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From mal at  Fri Apr  2 04:11:47 2004
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri Apr  2 04:12:04 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Bank account numbers of Europython
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> Name of the account holder:  Europython Society
> Address:              c/o AB Strakt
>                       Norra ?gatan 10
>                       SE-416 64 G?teborg
>                       Sweden
> Name of the Bank:     SWEDBANK  (a.k.a. F?reningssparbanken)
> Address:              Box 6046
>                       400 60 G?teborg
>                       Sweden
> BIC (SWIFT) code:     SWEDESS
> Bank Clearing Number: 8105-9 
> Account Number:       037 676 534-3  (non-Swedish residents)
>                       983 415 181-4  (Swedish residents)

You should also ask your bank for the IBAN (international
bank account number) of the account. This is usually
a combination of the above information. It is needed for a
successful EuroGiro or SWIFT transfer.

> I don't know what our fee for receiving foreign payments is. I should have 
> that information in a day or two.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 02 2004)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
Python UK 2004, Oxford, UK                                  13 days left
EuroPython 2004, G?teborg, Sweden                           65 days left

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From michel.debar at  Fri Apr  2 06:19:08 2004
From: michel.debar at (Michel Debar)
Date: Fri Apr  2 06:19:22 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] a) Web site very slow this friday early afternoon b)
Message-ID: <>

Around 13:15 gmt+1 this friday, the web site answered very slowly.

About registration : I look forward to see the registration open. It is becoming to be a problem, for making sure that one may register, then book flights and a hotel.

Good luck,

Michel DEBAR  -  Directeur Technique
FUNDP University computing service (SIU)
21, rue Grandgagnage 
B-5000 Namur

t?l.     +32 (81) 72 50 16          T?l. secr?tariat  +32 (81) 72 50 07          fax.     +32 (81) 72 50 23
-------------- next part --------------
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From jacob at  Sat Apr  3 17:35:54 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Sat Apr  3 17:36:06 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Getting sponsor links on the website
Message-ID: <>

We have a sponsor who is paying for having links from the Europython website.

He wants plain links, with no images.

One set on the introductory page (2 links) and another set on all the other 
pages of the site.

I have promised that the links on the introductory page will remain until 
December 2004.

The advert he wants on the main apge is:

 <a href="">Cofman sommerhusudlejning</a><br>
  <a href="">Ferienh?user D?nemark</a>

And on the content pages:
  <a href="">Cofman Holiday Homes</a><br>
  <a href="">Stugor</a> - <a 

I have also promised not to take other sponsorships from summerhouse rental 

Can somebody set this up in the page templates, or give me instructions for 
how to do it? We need to get this done quickly, for the deal to be valid (and 
the sponsorship is for 1200 Euro, so not a pittance).

I would suggest adding the links down in the part where the Plone mark is 


From MYJBQQFJFEWV at  Sun Apr  4 05:57:16 2004
From: MYJBQQFJFEWV at (Natasha London)
Date: Sun Apr  4 07:27:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] I can't survive on just a paycheck
Message-ID: <>

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From GRKXRSTL at  Sun Apr  4 12:11:00 2004
From: GRKXRSTL at (Elma Grayson)
Date: Sun Apr  4 11:10:56 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: what is this?
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From jacob at  Mon Apr  5 08:30:06 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Apr  5 08:30:12 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Meeting tonight
Message-ID: <>

18.00 CET on freenode #europython

Only one item on the agenda: Finishing the registration process.

All hands needed.


From faassen at  Mon Apr  5 12:46:54 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr  5 12:40:29 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] registration procedure feedback
Message-ID: <>


A list of old (last week's, posted on wiki page) and new issues I found 
with the registration procedure.

We need to make sure the links to this registration 
page and that you can see this link (blinking in red or whatever) 
*without* having to scroll down.

The blue 'info' box saying "New person registered" at the top is *very* 
odd when I'm only starting to register. I understand this has to do with 
the object oriented way this is all working, but as a stupid user it's 
only confusing to me and looks just plain *wrong*.

It asks for address data. Is this a company address, personal address.
Is this required? Those were my immediate questions as a no-nothing
person. The page needs to say something about what this address I need
to fill in. It turns out this is the *billing* address. Let's say 
something about this. Or let's not ask it but let wordpay handle it by 
itself later, then it's clear automatically. If I'm registering as a 
member of some company I need to *know* this should be my billing 
address, not my private address, and vice versa.

I can fill in some info on a tshirt, but I have no idea what the tshirt 
is if I'm a dumb user. Why would I want a tshirt? And, being Dutch, I'd 
like to know *how much* is the tshirt? The only way I could deduce this 
later by substracting at the billing info, this is bad. It should be 
specified it adds n to the total charge.

what fee (if anything?) do track chairs pay? If I'm registering as a 
track chair, what do I fill in? Hm, I see even speakers can't fill in 
anything anymore; I assume it was decided to go through some other 
procedure for these individuals. This needs to be clear at the start of 
the registration process, so speakers don't *accidentally* register; 
some were used to do this previous year, for instance.

Important: if you want to enter any further information like

     * specify your food preference
     * register for a sprint
     * edit your registration data

join the site as a member. Click on join now, a new membership will be 
created for you the password will be: 79571 You only join this 
conference site, nothing more or less. So please join now, or follow the 
link in the email with the registration-info we sent to you."

This needs editing, and should be something along these lines:


If you want to enter any further information like:

   * your food preference

   * register for a sprint

   * edit your registration data

then please <link>join the site as a member</link>. Note that is just 
site membership, nothing more.

Your username for this account will be: foo

And your password for this account will be: 89888

The email with registration information that was sent to you will 
include site membership registration as well.

The email sent needs to be similarly updated.



From mwh at  Mon Apr  5 12:47:54 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr  5 12:47:58 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] registration procedure feedback
In-Reply-To: <> (Martijn Faassen's message of
	"Mon, 05 Apr 2004 18:46:54 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen <> writes:

> Hello,
> A list of old (last week's, posted on wiki page) and new issues I
> found with the registration procedure.
> We need to make sure the links to this registration
> page and that you can see this link (blinking in red or whatever)
> *without* having to scroll down.

We're not going to link to it until it's ready.

> The blue 'info' box saying "New person registered" at the top is
> *very* odd when I'm only starting to register. I understand this has
> to do with the object oriented way this is all working, but as a
> stupid user it's only confusing to me and looks just plain *wrong*.

Am on this.

> It asks for address data. Is this a company address, personal address.
> Is this required? 

Not any more.

> I can fill in some info on a tshirt, but I have no idea wahat the
> tshirt is if I'm a dumb user. Why would I want a tshirt? And, being
> Dutch, I'd like to know *how much* is the tshirt? The only way I could
> deduce this later by substracting at the billing info, this is bad. It
> should be specified it adds n to the total charge.

I think this is better now?  We should put a link in to a picture of
the T-shirt design if we have one.

> what fee (if anything?) do track chairs pay? If I'm registering as a
> track chair, what do I fill in?

This still seems to be an issue.

> "
> Important: if you want to enter any further information like
>      * specify your food preference
>      * register for a sprint
>      * edit your registration data
> join the site as a member. Click on join now, a new membership will be
> created for you the password will be: 79571 You only join this
> conference site, nothing more or less. So please join now, or follow
> the link in the email with the registration-info we sent to you."
> This needs editing, and should be something along these lines:
> """
> Important
> If you want to enter any further information like:
>    * your food preference
>    * register for a sprint
>    * edit your registration data
> then please <link>join the site as a member</link>. Note that is just
> site membership, nothing more.
> Your username for this account will be: foo
> And your password for this account will be: 89888
> The email with registration information that was sent to you will
> include site membership registration as well.
> """
> The email sent needs to be similarly updated.

This should be easy.


    -Dr. Olin Shivers,
     Ph.D., Cranberry-Melon School of Cucumber Science
                                           -- seen in comp.lang.scheme

From faassen at  Mon Apr  5 12:57:28 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr  5 12:50:54 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] tshirt thing, ignore
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

In my mail I dredged up some older stuff about tshirt prices without 
seeing that it was since corrected. I still think the tshirt stuff 
should be more explicit, to avoid the question 'tshirt? Um, I have a 
tshirt'. Something like 'do you want a conference tshirt'?

I think the other points in my mail are still up to date though.



From faassen at  Mon Apr  5 13:01:34 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr  5 12:54:57 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] showstopper
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

I think it is a showstopper if the current procedure allows someone who 
wants to give a talk to accidentally register for the full price.

Apparently there is some hidden procedure where someone who is already a 
speaker has this option if they registered with the site already, but 
this is not explicit enough.

At the very last the sequence should say something in the beginning:

Warning: if you plan to give a talk at EuroPython, you can register with 
a lower price. Here is how.

And of course these applicants don't want to miss out on early birds 
registration either so this is pretty tricky.

We do not want people registering for the full price only to find out 
later we need to reimburse them money.



From faassen at  Mon Apr  5 14:06:29 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr  5 13:59:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] registration procedure feedback
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Martijn Faassen <> writes:

>>A list of old (last week's, posted on wiki page) and new issues I
>>found with the registration procedure.
>>We need to make sure the links to this registration
>>page and that you can see this link (blinking in red or whatever)
>>*without* having to scroll down.
> We're not going to link to it until it's ready.

Yup, I fully understand this. It's just a reminder.

>>The email sent needs to be similarly updated. 
> This should be easy.

I heard the email was updated, but I'm not sure about the web page part yet.



From jacob at  Tue Apr  6 00:16:19 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Apr  6 00:16:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working
Message-ID: <>

I think I have managed to make the registration process into something that is 
underastandable and easy to follow.

However, there are checks that need to be made and some polish to be added:

Please make the following test runs and report each one to the europython 
mailing list (so that each person picks something untested):

Swift, conference, no accomodation
Swift, no conference, accomodation
Swift, conference, accomodation
Credit card, conference, no accomodation
Credit card, no conference, accomodation
Credit card, conference, accomodation

No xxx means that you shouldn't select the button that goes to the page. Take 
extra care to check that the totals that you get to pay are correct. Vary 
T-shirt and no T-shirt between the orders. Try booking more than one bed.

Things that need polishing:

- The forms need to get text added.

- The confirmation texts need polishing.

- The "book room" tab needs to be removed. It is no longer needed.

- All the test entries have to be removed

- If you don't book a room, it will show up with a number of defaults and 0 
nights. This could be done more elegantly. I don't know how though.

- There is no counting of booked beds. We either have to keep tab manually or 
implement counting.

Exhaustedly yours


PS. I hate Zope, Plone and Archetypes. It is all very unPythonic.

From lac at  Tue Apr  6 00:36:58 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Tue Apr  6 00:37:20 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working 
In-Reply-To: Message from Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?= <> 
	of "Tue, 06 Apr 2004 06:16:19 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

registration begins at


In a message of Tue, 06 Apr 2004 06:16:19 +0200, Jacob Hall?n writes:
>I think I have managed to make the registration process into something th
>at is 
>underastandable and easy to follow.
>However, there are checks that need to be made and some polish to be adde
>Please make the following test runs and report each one to the europython
>mailing list (so that each person picks something untested):
>Swift, conference, no accomodation
>Swift, no conference, accomodation
>Swift, conference, accomodation
>Credit card, conference, no accomodation
>Credit card, no conference, accomodation
>Credit card, conference, accomodation
>No xxx means that you shouldn't select the button that goes to the page. 
>extra care to check that the totals that you get to pay are correct. Vary
>T-shirt and no T-shirt between the orders. Try booking more than one bed.
>Things that need polishing:
>- The forms need to get text added.
>- The confirmation texts need polishing.
>- The "book room" tab needs to be removed. It is no longer needed.
>- All the test entries have to be removed
>- If you don't book a room, it will show up with a number of defaults and
> 0 
>nights. This could be done more elegantly. I don't know how though.
>- There is no counting of booked beds. We either have to keep tab manuall
>y or 
>implement counting.
>Exhaustedly yours
>PS. I hate Zope, Plone and Archetypes. It is all very unPythonic.
>EuroPython mailing list

From cristian.lucchesi at  Tue Apr  6 04:44:56 2004
From: cristian.lucchesi at (Cristian Lucchesi)
Date: Tue Apr  6 04:45:09 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] problems with joining the website
Message-ID: <>

we'd like to submit a paper for the EuroPython Conference, but we had
problems in joining the site through the join_form interface.

The request was sent but the joining don't occur and we received an
Apache error page after several minutes.

Could you please tell us how can we submit our paper?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards, 
Cristian Lucchesi

From mwh at  Tue Apr  6 04:58:16 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Apr  6 04:58:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] problems with joining the website
In-Reply-To: <> (Cristian
	Lucchesi's message of "Tue, 06 Apr 2004 10:44:56 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Cristian Lucchesi <> writes:

> Hi, 
> we'd like to submit a paper for the EuroPython Conference, but we had
> problems in joining the site through the join_form interface.
> The request was sent but the joining don't occur and we received an
> Apache error page after several minutes.

Hmm.  We've been having some performance problems with the site that
we don't really understand, but I just managed to join the site.  Try

> Could you please tell us how can we submit our paper?

If all else fails, try emailing the chair(s) of the track you want to
submit a talk to...


  It is time-consuming to produce high-quality software. However,
  that should not alone be a reason to give up the high standards
  of Python development.              -- Martin von Loewis, python-dev

From mwh at  Tue Apr  6 09:51:40 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Apr  6 09:51:44 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Jacob_Hall=E9n's_message_of?= "Tue, 6 Apr 2004 06:16:19
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n <> writes:

> I think I have managed to make the registration process into something that is 
> underastandable and easy to follow.

I think you may be being overly harsh on what was done before, but,
yes.  I'm impressed!

> However, there are checks that need to be made and some polish to be added:
> Please make the following test runs and report each one to the europython 
> mailing list (so that each person picks something untested):
> Swift, conference, no accomodation
> Swift, no conference, accomodation
> Swift, conference, accomodation
> Credit card, conference, no accomodation
> Credit card, no conference, accomodation
> Credit card, conference, accomodation
> No xxx means that you shouldn't select the button that goes to the page. Take 
> extra care to check that the totals that you get to pay are correct. Vary 
> T-shirt and no T-shirt between the orders. Try booking more than one bed.

I've checked a few of these, all with credit card payments.  I haven't
done the sums carefully to check that I'm being billed the correct
amount, sorry.

There were bugs in the defaults that bit you when you clicked finish
without clicking on 'book accomodation'.  I think I've fixed these.

Unless I'm being blind, the confirmation email doesn't tell you what
accomodation you've booked.  It does tell you what you've paid for

There's a bug in the page you get after succeeding at paying with

(I can probably fix this given a few moments and a bit of grepping).

It might be nice (tm) if there was a "no accomodation" option on the
accomodation page.  Currently there's a slight (and false) sense of
irrevocability about reaching this page.  Or we could just add text
that says "put a zero in this box if you don't want our accomodation".

I would be nice (tm) but possibly deeply fiddly to have the finish
button appear on the personal info page iff you've already filled out
one of the other pages.  Actually, this is probably not that hard in

> Things that need polishing:
> - The forms need to get text added.

Yup.  I think bea & I are getting on to this.

> - The confirmation texts need polishing.


> - The "book room" tab needs to be removed. It is no longer needed.

Working on it...

> - All the test entries have to be removed

Yes!  Should be easy in the ZMI, though.

> - If you don't book a room, it will show up with a number of defaults and 0 
> nights. This could be done more elegantly. I don't know how though.

Finding it hard to care...

> - There is no counting of booked beds. We either have to keep tab
> manually or implement counting.

Oh well.

getting-there-ly y'rs,

  Whaaat? That is the most retarded thing I have seen since, oh,
  yesterday                             -- Kaz Kylheku, comp.lang.lisp

From mwh at  Tue Apr  6 11:27:34 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Apr  6 11:27:41 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working
In-Reply-To: <> (Michael Hudson's message
	of "Tue, 06 Apr 2004 14:51:40 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Status at 1630 BST:

Michael Hudson <> writes:

> Unless I'm being blind, the confirmation email doesn't tell you what
> accomodation you've booked.  It does tell you what you've paid for
> accomodation.

Still needs doing.

> There's a bug in the page you get after succeeding at paying with
> worldpay:
> (I can probably fix this given a few moments and a bit of grepping).

Have fixed this.

> It might be nice (tm) if there was a "no accomodation" option on the
> accomodation page.  Currently there's a slight (and false) sense of
> irrevocability about reaching this page.  Or we could just add text
> that says "put a zero in this box if you don't want our accomodation".
> I would be nice (tm) but possibly deeply fiddly to have the finish
> button appear on the personal info page iff you've already filled out
> one of the other pages.  Actually, this is probably not that hard in
> ZPT-speak.

Can't be bothered with either of these right now.

>> Things that need polishing:
>> - The forms need to get text added.
> Yup.  I think bea & I are getting on to this.

Still pending.

>> - The confirmation texts need polishing.
> Yup.

I think something's happened here.

>> - The "book room" tab needs to be removed. It is no longer needed.
> Working on it...

It's gone!

>> - All the test entries have to be removed
> Yes!  Should be easy in the ZMI, though.

They're gone!  New ones are still piling up, of course.

>> - If you don't book a room, it will show up with a number of defaults and 0 
>> nights. This could be done more elegantly. I don't know how though.
> Finding it hard to care...

Still true.

>> - There is no counting of booked beds. We either have to keep tab
>> manually or implement counting.

shapr reckons this is probably fairly easy.

There's a problem with your setting for Country disappearing if any
fields fail to validate.  We're on this...


  ZAPHOD:  You know what I'm thinking?
    FORD:  No.
  ZAPHOD:  Neither do I.  Frightening isn't it?
                   -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 11

From faassen at  Tue Apr  6 15:22:27 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr  6 15:15:43 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I think I have managed to make the registration process into something that is 
> underastandable and easy to follow.

> Credit card, conference, accomodation

is the one I just tried, with 2 beds and a tshirt.

> No xxx means that you shouldn't select the button that goes to the page. Take 
> extra care to check that the totals that you get to pay are correct.

It's hard to verify this as there's no cost per room/bed specified as 
far as I can determine...

In a way it's a bit peculiar I can use the same process to *only* book 
one conference registration, but arbitrary amounts of beds. :)

 > Vary
> T-shirt and no T-shirt between the orders. Try booking more than one bed.
> Things that need polishing:
> - The forms need to get text added.

Definitely, I'd get uncertain and may not proceed on the accomodation 
page in particular. Rooms? Beds? What if I want one bed in a two bed 
room? What do I do then? Things like that.

The food preferences box is also completely mysterious to me. :)

> - The confirmation texts need polishing.

Please see the text I wrote in my message yesterday. I think it's 
slightly out of date, but it's way better than what it is currently. 
Seriously, try to read this:

If you want to change anything about your registration please join the 
site as a member. Click on join now, a new membership will be created 
for you the password will be: 12546 This only means you join this 
conference site, nothing more. So please join now, or follow the link in 
the email with the registration-info we sent to you.

The first join now is not a link (but bold) and the other is a link.

> PS. I hate Zope, Plone and Archetypes. It is all very unPythonic.

As someone who makes his living doing Zope stuff and has had experience 
with Zope (though not Plone and Archetypes), I can sympathize. :)



From faassen at  Tue Apr  6 15:24:33 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr  6 15:17:48 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

I'm curious; do we have any clue why the website is so slow? I don't 
think the usage pattern of our little plone site currently is such that 
it should create such slowness. No matter how good or bad the 
scalability of our particular code is... Are other apps running on this 
machine making it this bad?

Who do we talk to that can find out more about this slowness?



From faassen at  Tue Apr  6 15:34:08 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr  6 15:27:22 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I think I have managed to make the registration process into something that is 
> underastandable and easy to follow.

> Please make the following test runs and report each one to the europython 
> mailing list (so that each person picks something untested):

A bit odd about the method of payment selection is that it is on the 
first page, instead of on the page where I actually go out want pay. 
You'd think it makes more sense asking for this information when I'm 
about to pay.

> Swift, conference, no accomodation

I've picked this one this time. No tshirt, no nothing, no frills. Seems 
to work. I'm worried thought the information on how I do the transfer is 
tucked somewhere rather in the middle of the text. This is the 
information I'm most interested in when I pick SWIFT.

What happens if I go back and change the registration to 0? I can do 
this after joining the site and logging in. But I've already paid. Won't 
our database be very confusing if we allow people to change after the 
fact how much they paid?

Even worse, after paying and not selecting accomodation, I can suddenly 
reserve a couple of beds for myself for free.. (4 beds in a 2 bed room, 



From jacob at  Tue Apr  6 15:44:23 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Apr  6 15:44:28 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On tisdag 6 april 2004 21.24, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm curious; do we have any clue why the website is so slow? I don't
> think the usage pattern of our little plone site currently is such that
> it should create such slowness. No matter how good or bad the
> scalability of our particular code is... Are other apps running on this
> machine making it this bad?
> Who do we talk to that can find out more about this slowness?

I agree that the site is painfully slow. Running top shows that there are 2-3 
python2.1 processes belonging to us that eat approx 100% of the CPU cycles on 
the machine, keeping it at load averages of over 3 almost all of the time.

Something is badly wrong in our setup.


From tom at  Tue Apr  6 17:24:36 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Tue Apr  6 17:23:01 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00aa01c41c1d$9288ba80$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm curious; do we have any clue why the website is so slow? I don't
> think the usage pattern of our little plone site currently is such
> that it should create such slowness. No matter how good or bad the
> scalability of our particular code is... Are other apps running on
> this machine making it this bad?

I don't think it are other apps running on the machine. I think the
cause has to be somewhere on our site...

> Who do we talk to that can find out more about this slowness?

If it was a problem of other applications, we could ask Amaze to have a
But since I'm almost sure this slowness is cause by us, we can't ask
Amaze and have to look ourselves. I don't know where to look, my Plone
experience is too low (and I don't have the time to improve it)


From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Tue Apr  6 17:57:43 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Tue Apr  6 17:57:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 09:44:23PM +0200, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> > Who do we talk to that can find out more about this slowness?
> I agree that the site is painfully slow. 

Try replacing the navigation box with something static and see if it helps.
Chances are it will.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From tom at  Tue Apr  6 18:07:32 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Tue Apr  6 18:06:58 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] slowness
Message-ID: <00e501c41c23$b4742480$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Something definitely has to be done on the slowness of the site...

I find the following things very weird:

1. The root seems to be a CMF Site now (instead of a regular ZMI root)
2. The root doesn't show all folders (while they exist!) eg
Control_Panel, 2002, 2003

Is it possible that something goes wrong with a redirect and is causing
this slow response?
Did somebody changed something in the redirection to the plone site or
added a product (for redirecting) to the ZMI root which can cause this


From tom at  Tue Apr  6 18:36:02 2004
From: tom at (Tom)
Date: Tue Apr  6 18:34:30 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration almost working
References: <>
Message-ID: <00f401c41c27$8e704080$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

> Please make the following test runs and report each one to the
> europython mailing list (so that each person picks something
> untested):

Okay I tested these:

> Swift, conference, no accomodation

At the end you get the message (at confirmation) and then the site
crashed (I guess):

The item you requested does not exist on this server or cannot be
Please double check the web address or use the search function on this
page to find what you are looking for.
If you know you have the correct web address but are encountering an
error, please send a mail to the administrator of this site.
Thank you.
404 Not Found

I guess something is wrong with the link:

But I do get the mail. (However, it does speak about 3 nights instead of
0 and a 2bed-room type)
Is the text concerning time tabels still up-to-date? (last topic)

Haven't been able to check further, the site seems to get down regulary
I'll to check the others tomorrow

> Swift, no conference, accomodation
> Swift, conference, accomodation


> If you don't book a room, it will show up with a number of defaults
and 0 nights. This could be done more elegantly. I don't know how

Mmm, you get the message that you booked for two room bed, number of
nights 3 and 0 numbers of beds, this is indeed confusing


From tom at  Tue Apr  6 18:39:22 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Tue Apr  6 18:37:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] slowness
References: <00e501c41c23$b4742480$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
Message-ID: <00fc01c41c28$04121520$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Ignore this, this is caused by the vhm.

> Something definitely has to be done on the slowness of the site...
> I find the following things very weird:
> 1. The root seems to be a CMF Site now (instead of a regular ZMI root)
> 2. The root doesn't show all folders (while they exist!) eg
> Control_Panel, 2002, 2003
> Is it possible that something goes wrong with a redirect and is
> causing this slow response?
> Did somebody changed something in the redirection to the plone site or
> added a product (for redirecting) to the ZMI root which can cause this
> problem?
> Regards,
> Tom.
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From jacob at  Tue Apr  6 21:32:08 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Apr  6 21:32:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] More progress on registration
Message-ID: <>

1. Registration, with emails and all seems to work pretty well.
Martijn is of course right, that we should remove the possibility of 
backtracking once you have been in the payment procedure.

2. I have made a test on how to add text to each of the registration forms.

You (can) do it for all the 3 forms in one single file:


You put a conditional in, saying which form the text should be on.

I'm out of time before my flight to California, so I'd be grateful if people 
filled in all the necessary information, so that our bookers won't be lost.

3. Things are really painfully slow now. We need to consult the best 
Zope/Plone/Archetype people to get our problems fixed. We are beyond what 
even the most patient people will stand. If the slowness is connected to the 
Navigation box, just make it go away. It isn't really needed.


From mwh at  Wed Apr  7 04:51:56 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed Apr  7 04:52:02 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
In-Reply-To: <00aa01c41c1d$9288ba80$897ba8c0@skullsplitter> (Tom Deprez's
	message of "Tue, 6 Apr 2004 23:24:36 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Tom Deprez" <> writes:

> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm curious; do we have any clue why the website is so slow? I don't
>> think the usage pattern of our little plone site currently is such
>> that it should create such slowness. No matter how good or bad the
>> scalability of our particular code is... Are other apps running on
>> this machine making it this bad?
> I don't think it are other apps running on the machine. I think the
> cause has to be somewhere on our site...

No, there are.  Look at the output of 'ps aux'.  However, I think the
slowness is our fault.

>> Who do we talk to that can find out more about this slowness?
> If it was a problem of other applications, we could ask Amaze to have a
> look.

I'm surprised the people running the other applications aren't howling
at amaze, tbh.

> But since I'm almost sure this slowness is cause by us, we can't ask
> Amaze and have to look ourselves. I don't know where to look, my Plone
> experience is too low (and I don't have the time to improve it)

I'm out of my depth, too.  I will notice that things are much better
for a few hours after each restart.  It's possible that the caching
Dario implemented has gone insane -- does anyone know how to turn that
off?  Worth a try, at least.


  "Also, does the simple algorithm you used in Cyclops have a name?"
  "Not officially, but it answers to "hey, dumb-ass!"
                       -- Neil Schemenauer and Tim Peters, 23 Feb 2001

From benno.luthiger at  Wed Apr  7 08:06:54 2004
From: benno.luthiger at (Benno Luthiger)
Date: Wed Apr  7 08:06:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Message-ID: <000001c41c98$d1d265d0$1e238481@openlu>


I've tried to join to the EuroPython Conference. However, the join form
( seems not to work. I've
tried both with Mozilla and IE.

Benno Luthiger


Benno Luthiger
WEP J 11
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
CH-8092 Zurich

Tel: +41 1 632 57 65

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Wed Apr  7 08:19:10 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Wed Apr  7 08:19:13 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
In-Reply-To: <000001c41c98$d1d265d0$1e238481@openlu>
References: <000001c41c98$d1d265d0$1e238481@openlu>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 02:06:54PM +0200, Benno Luthiger wrote:
> Hello
> I've tried to join to the EuroPython Conference. However, the join form
> ( seems not to work. I've
> tried both with Mozilla and IE.

To help us fix the problem quickly, please copy/paste the error you got and
give more details about your actions that led to a crash.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Wed Apr  7 08:48:39 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Wed Apr  7 08:48:44 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
Message-ID: <>

----- Forwarded message from Benno Luthiger <> -----

From: Benno Luthiger <>
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2910.0)
To: 'Nicolas Chauvat' <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:31:25 +0200
Subject: RE: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem

Dear Nicolas

Unfortunately, I dont get an error at all. It's just that the form starts to
send its data and doesn't stop anymore after I've clicked the 'Register'
button. I dont get any feedback.


----- End forwarded message -----

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From mwh at  Wed Apr  7 09:00:37 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed Apr  7 09:00:42 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
In-Reply-To: <000001c41c98$d1d265d0$1e238481@openlu> (Benno Luthiger's
	message of "Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:06:54 +0200")
References: <000001c41c98$d1d265d0$1e238481@openlu>
Message-ID: <>

"Benno Luthiger" <> writes:

> Hello
> I've tried to join to the EuroPython Conference. However, the join form
> ( seems not to work. I've
> tried both with Mozilla and IE.

Ah ha!  Your email address has a period in it; there was a bug that
caused an infinite loop in this case.

I presume this fixes the performance issues we've been seeing, too:
every time someone tried to register with a local part of an email
address that wasn't a valid plone username, we'd have lost a thread to
100% CPU land.


  ROOSTA:  Ever since you arrived on this planet last night you've
           been going round telling people that you're Zaphod
           Beeblebrox, but that they're not to tell anyone else.
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 7

From benno.luthiger at  Wed Apr  7 09:14:29 2004
From: benno.luthiger at (Benno Luthiger)
Date: Wed Apr  7 09:14:36 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000201c41ca2$434c4c90$1e238481@openlu>

Thanks for fixing the bug. I was able to join now.

Benno Luthiger

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Hudson []
> Sent: Mittwoch, 7. April 2004 15:01
> To:
> Cc: Benno Luthiger
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
> "Benno Luthiger" <> writes:
> > Hello
> >
> > I've tried to join to the EuroPython Conference. However, 
> the join form
> > ( seems not 
> to work. I've
> > tried both with Mozilla and IE.
> Ah ha!  Your email address has a period in it; there was a bug that
> caused an infinite loop in this case.
> I presume this fixes the performance issues we've been seeing, too:
> every time someone tried to register with a local part of an email
> address that wasn't a valid plone username, we'd have lost a thread to
> 100% CPU land.
> Cheers,
> mwh
> -- 
>   ROOSTA:  Ever since you arrived on this planet last night you've
>            been going round telling people that you're Zaphod
>            Beeblebrox, but that they're not to tell anyone else.
>                     -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, 
> Episode 7

From mwh at  Wed Apr  7 09:17:53 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Wed Apr  7 09:17:56 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
In-Reply-To: <000201c41ca2$434c4c90$1e238481@openlu> (Benno Luthiger's
	message of "Wed, 7 Apr 2004 15:14:29 +0200")
References: <000201c41ca2$434c4c90$1e238481@openlu>
Message-ID: <>

"Benno Luthiger" <> writes:

> Thanks for fixing the bug. I was able to join now.

Thanks for reporting it!  I was starting to despair of finding the
performance problem...


  ARTHUR:  But which is probably incapable of drinking the coffee.
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 6

From faassen at  Wed Apr  7 10:30:54 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Wed Apr  7 10:24:05 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <000201c41ca2$434c4c90$1e238481@openlu>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> "Benno Luthiger" <> writes:
>>Thanks for fixing the bug. I was able to join now.
> Thanks for reporting it!  I was starting to despair of finding the
> performance problem...

Great work! The performance seems quite decent now.



From tom at  Wed Apr  7 13:38:29 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Wed Apr  7 13:48:34 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython Join-Form: Problem
References: <000001c41c98$d1d265d0$1e238481@openlu>
Message-ID: <007301c41cc8$c748f220$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> "Benno Luthiger" <> writes:
>> Hello
>> I've tried to join to the EuroPython Conference. However, the join
>> form ( seems not to
>> work. I've tried both with Mozilla and IE.
> Ah ha!  Your email address has a period in it; there was a bug that
> caused an infinite loop in this case.
> I presume this fixes the performance issues we've been seeing, too:
> every time someone tried to register with a local part of an email
> address that wasn't a valid plone username, we'd have lost a thread to
> 100% CPU land.

funny... this is great news!

Thanks for finding it out


From tom at  Wed Apr  7 13:40:12 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Wed Apr  7 13:48:38 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
References: <><00aa01c41c1d$9288ba80$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
Message-ID: <007401c41cc8$ca822420$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

>> I don't think it are other apps running on the machine. I think the
>> cause has to be somewhere on our site...
> No, there are.  Look at the output of 'ps aux'.  However, I think the
> slowness is our fault.

Sorry, I meant: I don't think the cause is comming from one of the other
apps running on the machine.

But this is old news now,


From lac at  Wed Apr  7 14:30:17 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Wed Apr  7 14:30:21 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] press releases announcing europython
Message-ID: <>

I cannot find any.
and  don't have them.  where have they gone?


From bea at  Thu Apr  8 05:15:11 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Thu Apr  8 05:13:48 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] press releases announcing europython
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081415710.2963.23.camel@ogg>

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 20:30, Laura Creighton wrote:
> I cannot find any.
> and  don't have them.  where have they gone?

This link refers to the 2002 conference. ZWiki is not installed there
(anymore?) and I have no idea why the 2002 site does not have the
product. The files are all there, don't worry about that. No content is

If anyone has time to install Zwiki before this afternoon, I'd be
delighted. We will do it later today if no one has picked up the slack
before that.



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From tom at  Thu Apr  8 14:49:06 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Thu Apr  8 14:47:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] press releases announcing europython
References: <>
Message-ID: <006c01c41d9a$2daf78a0$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Mmm, ZWIKI (0-15-0) is installed (at 2003-02-18 09:03 ) on that

this link should work:

and there you can find the initialpressrelease


Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 20:30, Laura Creighton wrote:
>> I cannot find any.
>> and  don't have them.  where have they gone?
> This link refers to the 2002 conference. ZWiki is not installed there
> (anymore?) and I have no idea why the 2002 site does not have the
> product. The files are all there, don't worry about that. No content
> is
> lost.
> If anyone has time to install Zwiki before this afternoon, I'd be
> delighted. We will do it later today if no one has picked up the slack
> before that.
> Cheers
> bea

From ivo at  Fri Apr  9 08:08:31 2004
From: ivo at (Ivo van der Wijk)
Date: Fri Apr  9 08:08:41 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] why is the website so slow?
In-Reply-To: <007401c41cc8$ca822420$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
References: <><00aa01c41c1d$9288ba80$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Tom Deprez wrote:
>>>I don't think it are other apps running on the machine. I think the
>>>cause has to be somewhere on our site...
>>No, there are.  Look at the output of 'ps aux'.  However, I think the
>>slowness is our fault.
> Sorry, I meant: I don't think the cause is comming from one of the other
> apps running on the machine.
> But this is old news now,

Hi All

Back from egypt, ready to serve you again :)

I assume you have tried the standard Plone optimization tricks:

- larger ZODB cache
- No debug mode (seems to be default OFF)
- caching (RamCachemanager) - perhaps even just the front page..

Could speedpack be an option here? (I don't know right away if it requires psyco 
installed, and if it works with Plone < 2.0)

The instance now runs with 4 threads which should be sufficient.



Drs. I.R. van der Wijk                                      -=-
Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 12                     Amaze Internet Services V.O.F.
1017 RC Amsterdam, NL                                       -=-
T +31-20-4688336         F +31-20-4688337       Zope/Plone/Content Management
W    E           Open Source Solutions
W E                 Consultancy

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Fri Apr  9 11:20:19 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Fri Apr  9 11:20:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
Message-ID: <>

Hi Folks,

I decided today to check the pending talks of the science track and I have
a few comments that I hope will be helpful.

1/ I got annoyed by a bad redirection : my_talk/view would not show
the talk, but because of acquisition, show the track. I fixed
that in portal_types/PloneConferenceTalk --> Actions by modifying
the action attribute of the first View block. I think both View blocks
and both Edit blocks could be unified, btw, so that we end up with



View (*)

*: security issue...

2/ Naming glitch. What's called Session in the navigation menu is called
Track in other places. Same problem for URLs. I'd suggest we rename 
Session to Tracks and epc2004/info to epc2004/tracks.

3/ lots of files from portal_skins/ploneconference/ are already customized
in portal_skins/custom. Cleaning that up some day will be useful :-)

4/ since managing talks wasn't easy enough to my taste, i modified
ploco_track_view (in custom) so that the "All others talks" list would
show the status of each talk and the e-mail address of its author.

That's it for now. Hope the web workers will forgive me for not asking for
permission before modifying things, but I thought it would be easier this
way. Since I knew how to fix it, complaining and advising rather than doing
seemed like a loss of time... (note that I refrained from renaming 
info/session to track since that would impact the existing URL space).

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From postmaster at  Fri Apr  9 12:07:26 2004
From: postmaster at (
Date: Fri Apr  9 12:07:30 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL
Message-ID: <>

                           V I R U S  A L E R T

Our viruschecker found the


virus(es) in your email to the following recipient(s):


Please check your system for viruses, or ask your system administrator
to do so.

For your reference, here are the headers from your email:

------------------------- BEGIN HEADERS -----------------------------
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ([])
	by (8.12.9/8.12.9av) with SMTP id i39G7FXv094658
	for <>; Fri, 9 Apr 2004 19:07:15 +0300 (EEST)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: *****SPAM***** hello
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 19:07:10 +0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------=_4076CA38.3F8E88DA"
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-------------------------- END HEADERS ------------------------------

From bea at  Fri Apr  9 13:26:52 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Fri Apr  9 13:24:58 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>

On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 17:20, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:

> That's it for now. Hope the web workers will forgive me for not asking for
> permission before modifying things, but I thought it would be easier this
> way. Since I knew how to fix it, complaining and advising rather than doing
> seemed like a loss of time... (note that I refrained from renaming 
> info/session to track since that would impact the existing URL space).

Forgive you for fixing what you saw needed fixing? You must be kidding.
Quite the opposite: now that the show is on the road, it is indeed time
to clean up a bit, and as the little webwerkers are still rubbing their
tired necks from the job, you are most welcome to join in.

I went to my track and yes indeed, the talks are appearing more happily
in the track chair view. I had noticed that some were in hiding and that
you had to hunt them with the cursor ;) Now that the registration and
accommodation are rolling, it will be nice to pick up some of these
loose threads, and it's nice to see you've begun already.

Good show! Thanks for dropping by :)



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From jacob at  Fri Apr  9 20:18:33 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Fri Apr  9 20:18:42 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython Update: Registration open
Message-ID: <>

Europython Update

- Registration is now open. We apologise for the delay, but we have
had some technical problems.

- Due to this, we have decided to keep the submission of abstracts
for the refereed track open for one more day. Last submission time is
now on Sunday 11 April at 23.59 CET.

- We have a limited number of beds available in very affordable
accomodation near the conference venue. Book early before it runs out.

- We are still receiving submissions for regular talks and tutorials.
Closing date is 15 April.

- There is now a wiki at the Europython website for sprint organising. 
Start planning!

About the conference

EuroPython 2004 will be held 7-9 June in G?teborg, Sweden.

The EuroPython conference will have tracks for Science, Business,
Education, Applications, Frameworks, Zope and the Python language
itself. Lightning talks, Open Space and BOF sessions are also planned.
There will be tutorials as well, both for newcomers to Python and
Python users interested in special subjects. In the days before and
after the conference, programming sprints will be arranged.

Important dates

Refereed paper proposals: until 11 April.
Submission of talks: 1 March - 15 April.
Early Bird registration: 9 April - 1 May.
Accomodation booking: 9 April - 1 May (or until space runs out)

More information at

From jacob at  Fri Apr  9 20:30:16 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Fri Apr  9 20:30:21 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Announcement needs moderating
Message-ID: <>

My email to awauts moderation. Can someone with 
privileges please let it through? If possible, can I get permanent rights to 


From magnus at  Sat Apr 10 00:14:34 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sat Apr 10 00:13:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython Update: Registration open
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:18 2004-04-10 +0200, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
>- Due to this, we have decided to keep the submission of abstracts
>for the refereed track open for one more day. Last submission time is
>now on Sunday 11 April at 23.59 CET. still says "Deadline is now 7 April 2004."

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From bea at  Sat Apr 10 02:56:53 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Sat Apr 10 02:54:55 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython Update: Registration open
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081580213.22329.1.camel@ogg>

On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 06:14, Magnus Lyck? wrote:
> At 02:18 2004-04-10 +0200, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> >- Due to this, we have decided to keep the submission of abstracts
> >for the refereed track open for one more day. Last submission time is
> >now on Sunday 11 April at 23.59 CET.
> still says "Deadline is now 7 April 2004."

Has been changed now. I wasn't awake when Jacob announced it at 2.18
this morning :)

Let me know if I missed the date somewhere else.



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From ghum at  Sat Apr 10 03:15:04 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Sat Apr 10 03:15:19 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
Message-ID: <024501c41ecb$8cebe240$642aa8c0@tog2>


I registerd for Europython conference attendance. 
I had username GHUM registered for plone, and after registering & paying i got ghum1 ... additionally.

Is this intentionally or a bug?

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From bea at  Sat Apr 10 03:38:02 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Sat Apr 10 03:36:05 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
In-Reply-To: <024501c41ecb$8cebe240$642aa8c0@tog2>
References: <024501c41ecb$8cebe240$642aa8c0@tog2>
Message-ID: <1081582682.22338.14.camel@ogg>

On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 09:15, Harald Armin Massa wrote:
> Hello,
> I registerd for Europython conference attendance. 
> I had username GHUM registered for plone, and after registering &
> paying i got ghum1 ... additionally.
> Is this intentionally or a bug?

I assume that you registered while you were unauthenticated?

The intention/assumption is that you log in as "you" i.e the person who
already registered on the site at an earlier stage, and therefore you
would already be "ghum" when the registration happens. The case you
describe (new uid and pw) applies to the majority of persons, who
register for the conference "from the outside".

If you _were_ logged in as you and still got a new id, then it is most
probably a bug. Can you let us know if you were already logged in at the
time of registration?

As indicated on the registration page, all payments are independent from
one another and the same will happen if you come back as anonymous at a
later stage to register and pay for something else than the first time,
e.g. more t-shirts or more beds, after you had already registered

We'll check it after the Easter holidays. Thanks for your comment, and
thanks for registering!

Happy Easter


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From dguillaume at  Sat Apr 10 03:51:25 2004
From: dguillaume at (Didier Guillaume (dguillaume))
Date: Sat Apr 10 03:51:38 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] RE : Europython Update:  SPRINT ????
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000001c41ed0$9f93a220$0301a8c0@ACITIN2>


I went for first time at Europython last year. So I am very motivated to
come once again. Congratulations to the team for the organization and
the attempts to be very affordable.

I am no more a  niewbe in python i suppose. I don't have yet a very long
experience. I am looking at about all approachs of python programming.

My questions are about sprints.

Can i assist as spectator or as active participator to sprints ?
I am interested to learn more about python. 
Are there conditions to participate , ... ?

Can you tell me if this is possible, about the dates and the subjects.

I need that for the planning, registration dates and for my fly ticket.

Didier Guillaume

From ghum at  Sat Apr 10 03:52:24 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Sat Apr 10 03:52:30 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
References: <024501c41ecb$8cebe240$642aa8c0@tog2>
Message-ID: <045501c41ed0$c3489040$642aa8c0@tog2>

> I assume that you registered while you were unauthenticated?

That should not. I really digged up my password and logged in. I did not
check if I still was logged in when I entered my registration information,
but my steps where:

- I logged in
- I clicked on registration
- I entered my data
- I entered my payment - information
- I waited to get sent back to the europython-page
- I was provided with ghum1 and a new password.

Especially: the only reference to GHUM is my username within plone. So
"ghum1" must be created somehow out of ghum?

Let's dig for easter eggs,


From bea at  Sat Apr 10 03:58:08 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Sat Apr 10 03:56:09 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
In-Reply-To: <045501c41ed0$c3489040$642aa8c0@tog2>
References: <024501c41ecb$8cebe240$642aa8c0@tog2>
	<1081582682.22338.14.camel@ogg> <045501c41ed0$c3489040$642aa8c0@tog2>
Message-ID: <1081583887.22338.26.camel@ogg>

On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 09:52, Harald Armin Massa wrote:
> > I assume that you registered while you were unauthenticated?
> That should not. I really digged up my password and logged in. I did not
> check if I still was logged in when I entered my registration information,
> but my steps where:
> - I logged in
> - I clicked on registration


Thanks for the details. Seems like you are indeed turned into a new
person when you register then, which should not be the case. It will be
dealt with after Easter. Thanks for pointing it out!

Back to painting Easter eggs


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From ghum at  Sat Apr 10 04:16:42 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Sat Apr 10 04:16:54 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Do speakers of lightning talks qualify for speaker
	discount on fee?
Message-ID: <065e01c41ed4$287f06d0$642aa8c0@tog2>

My stomach says no. But I can find no word on the pages :))

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From lac at  Sat Apr 10 05:07:01 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sat Apr 10 05:07:20 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] RE : Europython Update: SPRINT ???? 
In-Reply-To: Message from "Didier Guillaume \(dguillaume\)" <>
	of "Sat,
	10 Apr 2004 09:51:25 +0200." <000001c41ed0$9f93a220$0301a8c0@ACITIN2> 
References: <000001c41ed0$9f93a220$0301a8c0@ACITIN2> 
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sat, 10 Apr 2004 09:51:25 +0200, "Didier Guillaume \(dguillaume\)" w
>I went for first time at Europython last year. So I am very motivated to
>come once again. Congratulations to the team for the organization and
>the attempts to be very affordable.
>I am no more a  niewbe in python i suppose. I don't have yet a very long
>experience. I am looking at about all approachs of python programming.

sounds good.

>My questions are about sprints.
>Can i assist as spectator or as active participator to sprints ?
>I am interested to learn more about python. 
>Are there conditions to participate , ... ?

yes, you need a laptop.  that's all. :-)

>Can you tell me if this is possible, about the dates and the subjects.
>I need that for the planning, registration dates and for my fly ticket.

well, from a conference point of view, if you want to sprint before EP,
then arrive the 3rd of june, and if you want to sprint after then
leave sunday the 13th of june.  doing both is also possible.
>Didier Guillaume

For your courage, you are now nominated thecontact person for
what I am calling 'the learning python sprint'.  Very cool, welcome aboard.
We need to get you a sprint coach.  For this topic, the problem will
be that we have too many volunteers -- I already know that Alex Martelli
wants to do this, but he also wants to hack in the pypy sprint, so ...
at any rate, this will not be a problem.

Ok, now we get to self-organise.  I cannot find the wiki page for
sprints, but we should have one someplace.  we now need more people
who are interested in this sprint, and some goals of what you want to
accomplish.  Then we just go off and do this.  It's fun.

Ok Didier, what do you want to do?


From lac at  Sat Apr 10 05:13:31 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sat Apr 10 05:13:45 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Do speakers of lightning talks qualify for speaker
	discount on fee? 
In-Reply-To: Message from "Harald Armin Massa" <> of "Sat,
	10 Apr 2004 10:16:42 +0200." <065e01c41ed4$287f06d0$642aa8c0@tog2> 
References: <065e01c41ed4$287f06d0$642aa8c0@tog2> 
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sat, 10 Apr 2004 10:16:42 +0200, "Harald Armin Massa" writes:

>My stomach says no. But I can find no word on the pages :))

your stomach is in fine shape.  I suppose we had better mention it.


From bea at  Sat Apr 10 05:23:55 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Sat Apr 10 05:21:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Do speakers of lightning talks qualify for
	speaker discount on fee?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <065e01c41ed4$287f06d0$642aa8c0@tog2>
Message-ID: <1081589033.22338.39.camel@ogg>

On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 11:13, Laura Creighton wrote:
> In a message of Sat, 10 Apr 2004 10:16:42 +0200, "Harald Armin Massa" writes:
> >My stomach says no. But I can find no word on the pages :))
> >
> >
> your stomach is in fine shape.  I suppose we had better mention it.

I added a note where the speaker fee is mentioned. Please let us know if
you think it should be added somewhere else, in case we missed some
place. Thanks for the hint!

"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From mwh at  Sat Apr 10 05:52:30 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Sat Apr 10 05:52:33 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Announcement needs moderating
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Jacob_Hall=E9n's_message_of?= "Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:30:16
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n <> writes:

> My email to awauts moderation. Can
> someone with privileges please let it through? If possible, can I
> get permanent rights to post?

Done, certainly, and done, I think.


  If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran.
  If you give someone Lisp, he has any language he pleases.
    -- Guy L. Steele Jr, quoted by David Rush in comp.lang.scheme.scsh

From mwh at  Sat Apr 10 05:54:41 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Sat Apr 10 05:54:45 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registratrion: doubling of usernames
In-Reply-To: <045501c41ed0$c3489040$642aa8c0@tog2> (Harald Armin Massa's
	message of "Sat, 10 Apr 2004 09:52:24 +0200")
References: <024501c41ecb$8cebe240$642aa8c0@tog2>
	<1081582682.22338.14.camel@ogg> <045501c41ed0$c3489040$642aa8c0@tog2>
Message-ID: <>

"Harald Armin Massa" <> writes:

>> I assume that you registered while you were unauthenticated?
> That should not. I really digged up my password and logged in. I did not
> check if I still was logged in when I entered my registration information,
> but my steps where:
> - I logged in
> - I clicked on registration
> - I entered my data
> - I entered my payment - information
> - I waited to get sent back to the europython-page
> - I was provided with ghum1 and a new password.

Erk.  I'm fairly sure that you must have become logged out somehow.
Either that, or there is a bug somewhere.

> Especially: the only reference to GHUM is my username within plone. So
> "ghum1" must be created somehow out of ghum?

It's made out of your email address...


  Exam invigilation - it doesn't come much harder than that, esp if
  the book you're reading turns out to be worse than expected.
                                  -- Dirk Bruere, sci.physics.research

From mal at  Sat Apr 10 07:27:06 2004
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat Apr 10 07:27:11 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Update: Registration open
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> Europython Update
> =================
> - Registration is now open. We apologise for the delay, but we have
> had some technical problems.
> - We are still receiving submissions for regular talks and tutorials.
> Closing date is 15 April.

Is there a closing date for when the submitted talks will
get accepted or rejected ?

I'm asking because I'd like to take advantage of the
early-bird registration in case none of my submitted
talks get accepted.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 10 2004)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
Python UK 2004, Oxford, UK                                   5 days left
EuroPython 2004, G?teborg, Sweden                           57 days left

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From lac at  Sat Apr 10 08:04:58 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sat Apr 10 08:05:11 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Update: Registration open 
In-Reply-To: Message from "M.-A. Lemburg" <> 
	of "Sat, 10 Apr 2004 13:27:06 +0200." <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sat, 10 Apr 2004 13:27:06 +0200, "M.-A. Lemburg" writes:
>Jacob Hall=E9n wrote:
>> Europython Update
>> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
>> - Registration is now open. We apologise for the delay, but we have
>> had some technical problems.
>> - We are still receiving submissions for regular talks and tutorials.
>> Closing date is 15 April.
>Is there a closing date for when the submitted talks will
>get accepted or rejected ?
>I'm asking because I'd like to take advantage of the
>early-bird registration in case none of my submitted
>talks get accepted.
>Marc-Andre Lemburg

hah!  smart man.

current plan is to give the early bird rate for _all_ people who
submit talks, even if we end up rejecting them.  So you are
golden, regardless Marc-Andr?. :-)

the rest of you can start sending us penis-enlargement mails
in order to get the cheap rate. 


From mal at  Sat Apr 10 13:50:33 2004
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat Apr 10 13:50:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Update: Registration open
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Laura Creighton wrote:
>>Is there a closing date for when the submitted talks will
>>get accepted or rejected ?
>>I'm asking because I'd like to take advantage of the
>>early-bird registration in case none of my submitted
>>talks get accepted.
> hah!  smart man.
> current plan is to give the early bird rate for _all_ people who
> submit talks, even if we end up rejecting them.

Great move.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 10 2004)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
Python UK 2004, Oxford, UK                                   5 days left
EuroPython 2004, G?teborg, Sweden                           57 days left

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Sat Apr 10 18:26:44 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Sat Apr 10 18:26:52 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
In-Reply-To: <1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>
References: <> <1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 07:26:52PM +0200, Beatrice Fontaine wrote:

> Good show! Thanks for dropping by :)

Since you keep encouraging me to poke around, I'll continue :-)

Things I'd like to change about the URL layout but have not since 
I'm afraid to deeply break stuff :

- rename epc2004 to 2004
- rename 2004/info to 2004/tracks
- move 2004/tracks/talks/* to 2004/tracks/*
- move 2004/tracks/people to 2004/people

- move /conferences/* to /* or set up apache to redirect from to

If all these changes are done, we'll end up with       ---> europython conference and society   ---> europython conference 2004
                           redirects to ---> zope track at europython 2004

If I can get access to apache's configuration file, I'm ready to implement
this myself (including the temporary redirection that will smooth the

hmmmm.... after toying around with the "PloneConference Content" elements
a bit, it looks like that wouldn't be that easy to implement. Since we have
PloneConference Conference <--> epc2004/info
PloneConference TalksFolder <--> epc2004/info/talks
PloneConferenceTrack <--> epc2004/info/talks/zope
which means we can not currently remove a level without breaking things.

But if we want a nicer URL space, we can always use apache redirection
until the day we find some time to make a new version of the PloneConference
Product (which would try to put less constraints on the site structure,
maybe by relaxing the dependency on the catalog named ploco_catalog).

Oh, and concerning the old sites, it appears that 2003 is broken. It looks 
like the talks database is missing.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From bea at  Sun Apr 11 03:46:46 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Sun Apr 11 03:44:40 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>  <>
Message-ID: <1081669606.4363.17.camel@ogg>

On Sun, 2004-04-11 at 00:26, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 07:26:52PM +0200, Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> > Good show! Thanks for dropping by :)
> Since you keep encouraging me to poke around, I'll continue :-)

Yeehaaw, an Easter volunteer. I agree, continuing to work on the site on
Easter Sunday is the only thing a self-respecting conference participant
should do (other than painting eggs, of course...)

> Things I'd like to change about the URL layout but have not since 
> I'm afraid to deeply break stuff :


> hmmmm.... after toying around with the "PloneConference Content" elements
> a bit, it looks like that wouldn't be that easy to implement. Since we have
> PloneConference Conference <--> epc2004/info
> PloneConference TalksFolder <--> epc2004/info/talks
> PloneConferenceTrack <--> epc2004/info/talks/zope
> which means we can not currently remove a level without breaking things.

You're right, of course. The drill-down is really ugly. It happened as
an attempt to keep the past and current conferences at the same level
and with the same structure, and still making the current conference
most visible. Then PloneConference was installed. Too much drilling,

> But if we want a nicer URL space, we can always use apache redirection
> until the day we find some time to make a new version of the PloneConference
> Product (which would try to put less constraints on the site structure,
> maybe by relaxing the dependency on the catalog named ploco_catalog).

Do you have sufficient access to the server to do a redirection and are
you willing to do it? Ivo announced on the list that he has returned
from Egypt, so he may be all relaxed and tanned and willing to jump in.

> Oh, and concerning the old sites, it appears that 2003 is broken. It looks 
> like the talks database is missing.

Tom is the one who moved the talks, I think. It is strange that the 2002
talks should be there, but not 2003. I don't know how, where from and
whereto they had to be moved, but I was pretty certain they were all

Happy Easter!


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From huima at  Mon Apr 12 05:52:30 2004
From: huima at (Heimo Laukkanen)
Date: Mon Apr 12 05:54:21 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or just
	for some tracks?
Message-ID: <>

Hi ya all,

first of all apologies that I haven't been active orginiser - while others  
have done great work on the website and IRL. Site looks like a big  
improvement from the last year.

However looking at the talk database on the Zope track I noticed that  
there was only two submissions. This reminds me of the last year, when I  
had to use my personal emailing and Paul's charms to get people to write  
on certain subjects and ask them to first of all suggest ideas to people  
and then get them to be interested about doing talk about that subject.

I will do that again now - and work with Paul Everitt to squeeze some  
magic out of his vast networks. However this means that Zope track would  
need to accept talks a little bit longer, since it will also take some  
time for people to respond... And I will be traveling in California for  
the next two weeks so I will not have interaction time with people that  

How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is  
extending submission time something that would be good for the whole  
conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up the  


From mwh at  Mon Apr 12 05:56:59 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr 12 05:57:02 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
	just for some tracks?
In-Reply-To: <> (Heimo Laukkanen's message of
	"Mon, 12 Apr 2004 12:52:30 +0300")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Heimo Laukkanen" <> writes:

> How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is
> extending submission time something that would be good for the whole
> conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up
> the  troops?

I think we should extend the deadline by a bit.  I need to do some
talk provoking, but haven't got around to it thanks last week to
hacking on registration, this weekend to family business and wont next
week thanks to PythonUK...

PS: if there's a #europython meeting tonight, I won't be at it...

  A.D. 1517: Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the church door and
             is promptly moderated down to (-1, Flamebait).
                                        (although I've seen it before)

From tom at  Mon Apr 12 06:07:37 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Mon Apr 12 06:07:44 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
References: <> <1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <007d01c42076$3fcc4d40$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

> Oh, and concerning the old sites, it appears that 2003 is broken. It
> like the talks database is missing.

Well, since Joachim changed the talk database, the 2003 and 2002 talk
pages should be adjusted so that they link to the new database product.


From tom at  Mon Apr 12 06:16:05 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Mon Apr 12 06:14:21 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
References: <><1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>
	<> <1081669606.4363.17.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <008501c42077$2b1db220$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

> Tom is the one who moved the talks, I think. It is strange that the
> talks should be there, but not 2003. I don't know how, where from and
> whereto they had to be moved, but I was pretty certain they were all
> there.

PS. I haven't moved the talks. We switched zope instances.  :-)

It's norma that the 2002 talks are there. The new site is build on the
same zope instance on which 2002 was created.
2003 was build on another instance with a new database and a convertion
of all the 2002 talks.

Now, 2004 has a complete new version of the database (but as Joachim
told, with all the previous talks in it).
So, we should convert the code in the 2002/2003 folders to the new talk
database (I need to IRC with Joachim about that)

Website 2004 has in its root also still the old 2002 talk database. So
the talks of 2002 are comming from there.
When the conversion is done, this old 'talk' folder can be removed from
the root.


From bea at  Mon Apr 12 09:30:50 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 12 09:28:38 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
	just for some tracks?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081776650.4360.282.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 11:52, Heimo Laukkanen wrote:
> Hi ya all,
> first of all apologies that I haven't been active orginiser - while others  
> have done great work on the website and IRL. Site looks like a big  
> improvement from the last year.

Thank you. Nice Easter greeting :)

> However looking at the talk database on the Zope track I noticed that  
> there was only two submissions. This reminds me of the last year, when I  
> had to use my personal emailing and Paul's charms to get people to write  
> on certain subjects and ask them to first of all suggest ideas to people  
> and then get them to be interested about doing talk about that subject.
> I will do that again now - and work with Paul Everitt to squeeze some  
> magic out of his vast networks. However this means that Zope track would  
> need to accept talks a little bit longer, since it will also take some  
> time for people to respond... And I will be traveling in California for  
> the next two weeks so I will not have interaction time with people that  
> much.
> How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is  
> extending submission time something that would be good for the whole  
> conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up the  
> troops?

I am responsible for the social skills track and I have three proposals,
up to now. I think that having an extended paper submission cuts both
ways, since many people wait to read the detailed programme to register
for the conference, quite understandably. IMHO, depending on your own
vision for the track, I think you should deal with this aspect the way
you best see fit. However, since we were 8 days late with the talk
database and then 8 days late with the participant registration, I guess
it is only fair to allow another 8 days for talk submissions where the
track chair feels it is required :)

I have one submission on free software and one on selling open source.
Following the nightmare that is going on in Brussels at the moment, I am
of more than half a mind to push the patent law aspect as part of the
social skills track, and these two would fit in extremely well, as far
as I am concerned. I think all of us could do with several large buckets
of awareness in this respect, especially the entrepreneurs amongst us
who don't have the benefit of a legal department. The issue is sort of
stuck between the business aspect and the social aspect, because it will
entail a lot of awareness raising and advocacy on top of discussing the
legal aspects as such. Currently, there is one proposal for a panel
discussion on this for the business track and, as expected, we will need
to make sure to intelligently split between the business track and the
social track - we may have to shove presentations back and forth between
those as a consequence, I suppose.

At least one half will be on social skills per se, for which there is
one cool submission and I offered myself as the magician's assistant for
it, and it will be more of the type tutorial/interactive training
session, as it has to be if we want it to be useful. So this part will
most probably take half a day, all in all.

More and the track will explode, I guess, unless we want to run it two



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Mon Apr 12 09:33:14 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 12 09:31:01 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
	just for some tracks?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081776792.4360.286.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 11:56, Michael Hudson wrote:
> "Heimo Laukkanen" <> writes:
> > How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is
> > extending submission time something that would be good for the whole
> > conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up
> > the  troops?
> I think we should extend the deadline by a bit.  I need to do some
> talk provoking, but haven't got around to it thanks last week to
> hacking on registration, this weekend to family business and wont next
> week thanks to PythonUK...
> Cheers,
> mwh
> PS: if there's a #europython meeting tonight, I won't be at it...

It's Easter, for God's sake :)


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Mon Apr 12 09:35:58 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 12 09:33:45 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
In-Reply-To: <008501c42077$2b1db220$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
References: <>
	<1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg> <>
Message-ID: <1081776957.4360.290.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 12:16, Tom Deprez wrote:
> > Tom is the one who moved the talks, I think. It is strange that the
> 2002
> > talks should be there, but not 2003. I don't know how, where from and
> > whereto they had to be moved, but I was pretty certain they were all
> > there.
> PS. I haven't moved the talks. We switched zope instances.  :-)

So we moved the sun, huh? That is sort of bad news if you are trying to
find your way :D (especially for me, who have no sense of direction).

Anyhow, someone seems to have done some more triangulating, because the
talks are there, as far as I can judge :)



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.
B?atrice Fontaine
Fabriksgatan 7 - SE- 96131 Boden
Tel + 46 921 150 45 - GSM + 46 70 640 2773
E-mail : - URL:

From john at  Mon Apr 12 10:48:29 2004
From: john at (John Pinner)
Date: Mon Apr 12 10:50:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
	just for some tracks?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> "Heimo Laukkanen" <> writes:
>>How does the program look like for other tracks at the moment? Is
>>extending submission time something that would be good for the whole
>>conference - or are we the only ones that need more time to wake up
>>the  troops?
> I think we should extend the deadline by a bit.  I need to do some
> talk provoking, but haven't got around to it thanks last week to
> hacking on registration, this weekend to family business and wont next
> week thanks to PythonUK...

Which may be a good opportunity to pressgang people...

I think we should extend the deadline to Monday 26th April (gives a 
further weekend for people to submut), and to avoid confusion this 
should be the same for all tracks.



intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (

From tom at  Mon Apr 12 10:59:11 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Mon Apr 12 10:57:44 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] accepting talks and other smallish issues
References: <><1081531610.13146.52.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <00ab01c4209e$c0b9cc20$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 12:16, Tom Deprez wrote:
> > Tom is the one who moved the talks, I think. It is strange that the
> 2002
> > talks should be there, but not 2003. I don't know how, where from
> > whereto they had to be moved, but I was pretty certain they were all
> > there.
> PS. I haven't moved the talks. We switched zope instances.  :-)

So we moved the sun, huh? That is sort of bad news if you are trying to
find your way :D (especially for me, who have no sense of direction).

Anyhow, someone seems to have done some more triangulating, because the
talks are there, as far as I can judge :)

Euhm, yes... have you read the rest of the mail? The talks are there (in
the new talks database)... they were migrated. The only thing that has
to be changed is the code to the database in the 2003 (and 2002) ZPT
pages, because the talks database is completely different...

The 2002 talks are there, because the 'old' talk database is still
available this zope instance, so the 2002 pages don't 'appear' to be
broken (which is there because we're using the old 2002 zope
instance...). The 2003 talks aren't there, because they are now only
available in the new talks database (but for that we've to change the


From ghum at  Mon Apr 12 11:01:43 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Mon Apr 12 11:01:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending Talk Submission time
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

If I have any hand to raise...

> I think we should extend the deadline to Monday 26th April (gives a 
> further weekend for people to submut), and to avoid confusion this 
> should be the same for all tracks.

I am +1 for this suggestion of  John Pinner

-------------- next part --------------
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From john at  Mon Apr 12 11:12:46 2004
From: john at (John Pinner)
Date: Mon Apr 12 11:14:22 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
Message-ID: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>

Hello All,

I have been using the website 'in anger' (no, I'm not _really_ cross).
It all looks very good. I'll have to find out about this Plone stuff one

I have some comments:

1. Registration.

I am logged in as me, john, then I register. At the end of registration
I am given a new login id, john1. Why do I need a new id ?

2. Talk Submission.

There is no provision to enter a speaker's name. I was entering details
of talks for other people, and would have liked to be able to enter
their names.

What is the purpose of the 'long description' ? M-AL has used it to
enter his bio. There is apparently no other means to enter a bio.

3. Viewing Talks.

How am I _supposed_ to look at talks ? Here is what I have actually been

I go to submit a talk. Then without filling in the form I select 'Switch
to contents view'. Then I get a view of all the track's talks listed,
with an empty talk, say 'john04' (the one I started raising). It looks
like a number of other people have been doing this as well.

If I get a contents view of the tracks (not the talks) I get options to
cut, rename, delete whole tracks. I have not tested if they work!

If I select 'Contents view' while submitting a talk in the Python
Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
authorised to do this.

If I do the same thing in my own track, the Business Track, I don't get
these options. I'd like them, but I guess I'm not authorised to do this
yet. So why can I play with mwh's talks?


John Pinner.
Clockwork Software Systems         'Systems to stand the test of time'
Bridge House, 17a Maybrook Road
Sutton Coldfield, B76 1AL. UK
Tel: +44 121 313 3850.  Fax: +44 121 313 3860

intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (

From john at  Mon Apr 12 11:34:39 2004
From: john at (John Pinner)
Date: Mon Apr 12 11:36:19 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython - Idea for a Talk
Message-ID: <1081784079.30802.5.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>

Just an idea.

I'd really like to know a bit about the capabilities, strengths,
weaknesses of Zope. An outline of what it does and how it works. I do
not work in this area, but I'd like to have some appreciation. Who
knows, I might get interested.

I know that quite a few other people feel the same way.

If I go to Zope talks, they always assume that the audience know about
it already, and talk over the heads over us ignorant ones.

How about a talk aimed at ignorami like me ?


John Pinner.
Clockwork Software Systems         'Systems to stand the test of time'
Bridge House, 17a Maybrook Road
Sutton Coldfield, B76 1AL. UK
Tel: +44 121 313 3850.  Fax: +44 121 313 3860

intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (

From mwh at  Mon Apr 12 11:40:39 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr 12 11:40:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
In-Reply-To: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom> (John Pinner's
	message of "12 Apr 2004 16:12:46 +0100")
References: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
Message-ID: <>

John Pinner <> writes:

> Hello All,
> I have been using the website 'in anger' (no, I'm not _really_ cross).
> It all looks very good. I'll have to find out about this Plone stuff one
> day.

Me too :-)

> I have some comments:
> 1. Registration.
> I am logged in as me, john, then I register. At the end of registration
> I am given a new login id, john1. Why do I need a new id ?

Because, it seems, I messed up.  You're not *supposed* to get a new
login if you register when logged in.  I did test this, but it seems
to have happened to you and Harald, so I must have missed something
(or maybe there's some subtle way of un-logging in).

If someone who knows what they're doing wants to look at the code
(please do!), it's in in the ... worldpay_callback method.

> 2. Talk Submission.
> There is no provision to enter a speaker's name. I was entering details
> of talks for other people, and would have liked to be able to enter
> their names.

I believe there is.. isn't there a 'author' choice in the list of
fieldsets at the top of the entry form?

> What is the purpose of the 'long description' ? M-AL has used it to
> enter his bio. There is apparently no other means to enter a bio.

Pass.  This area is full of plans that never got implemented, AFAICT.

> 3. Viewing Talks.
> How am I _supposed_ to look at talks ? Here is what I have actually been
> doing:
> I go to submit a talk. Then without filling in the form I select 'Switch
> to contents view'. Then I get a view of all the track's talks listed,
> with an empty talk, say 'john04' (the one I started raising). It looks
> like a number of other people have been doing this as well.

One of the 'features' it seems of Plone (or our misunderstanding of
it) is that an object is created, then has it details filled in.  So
if someone clicks on'sumbit a talk for this track' and then wnaders
off or closes the browser window, you get a pretty featureless talk.

> If I get a contents view of the tracks (not the talks) I get options to
> cut, rename, delete whole tracks. I have not tested if they work!


If you're a manager you should see a list of 'new' talks in the track

> If I select 'Contents view' while submitting a talk in the Python
> Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
> which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
> authorised to do this.

What authorisations do you have?

> If I do the same thing in my own track, the Business Track, I don't get
> these options. I'd like them, but I guess I'm not authorised to do this
> yet. So why can I play with mwh's talks?

Well, I don't know... Zope's securitly model can be used to acheive
anything it seems, including confusing me a great deal.


  A witty saying proves nothing.                           -- Voltaire

From john at  Mon Apr 12 11:58:28 2004
From: john at (John Pinner)
Date: Mon Apr 12 12:00:14 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> John Pinner <> writes:

>>1. Registration.
>>I am logged in as me, john, then I register. At the end of registration
>>I am given a new login id, john1. Why do I need a new id ?
> Because, it seems, I messed up.  You're not *supposed* to get a new
> login if you register when logged in.  I did test this, but it seems
> to have happened to you and Harald, so I must have missed something
> (or maybe there's some subtle way of un-logging in).
> If someone who knows what they're doing wants to look at the code
> (please do!), it's in in the ... worldpay_callback method.

let's me out!

>>2. Talk Submission.
>>There is no provision to enter a speaker's name. I was entering details
>>of talks for other people, and would have liked to be able to enter
>>their names.
> I believe there is.. isn't there a 'author' choice in the list of
> fieldsets at the top of the entry form?

Can't see anything like that.

>>What is the purpose of the 'long description' ? M-AL has used it to
>>enter his bio. There is apparently no other means to enter a bio.
> Pass.  This area is full of plans that never got implemented, AFAICT.
>>3. Viewing Talks.
>>How am I _supposed_ to look at talks ? Here is what I have actually been
>>I go to submit a talk. Then without filling in the form I select 'Switch
>>to contents view'. Then I get a view of all the track's talks listed,
>>with an empty talk, say 'john04' (the one I started raising). It looks
>>like a number of other people have been doing this as well.
> One of the 'features' it seems of Plone (or our misunderstanding of
> it) is that an object is created, then has it details filled in.  So
> if someone clicks on'sumbit a talk for this track' and then wnaders
> off or closes the browser window, you get a pretty featureless talk.
>>If I get a contents view of the tracks (not the talks) I get options to
>>cut, rename, delete whole tracks. I have not tested if they work!
> :-)
> If you're a manager you should see a list of 'new' talks in the track
> view.

I don't think I am.

>>If I select 'Contents view' while submitting a talk in the Python
>>Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
>>which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
>>authorised to do this.
> What authorisations do you have?

AFAIK, none. This was a user id I got when I registered (as a user, not 
for the conference) last week. I haven't requested any priviliges for it.

>>If I do the same thing in my own track, the Business Track, I don't get
>>these options. I'd like them, but I guess I'm not authorised to do this
>>yet. So why can I play with mwh's talks?
> Well, I don't know... Zope's securitly model can be used to acheive
> anything it seems, including confusing me a great deal.

Explains all!



intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (

From mwh at  Mon Apr 12 12:06:56 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr 12 12:06:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
In-Reply-To: <> (John Pinner's message of
	"Mon, 12 Apr 2004 16:58:28 +0100")
References: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

John Pinner <> writes:

> Michael Hudson wrote:
>> John Pinner <> writes:
>>>Language track, I am given the same options (Cut, Rename, Delete etc)
>>>which I can apply to any of the talks, although I should not be
>>>authorised to do this.
>> What authorisations do you have?
> AFAIK, none. This was a user id I got when I registered (as a user,
> not for the conference) last week. I haven't requested any priviliges
> for it.

There's probably a way of giving you exactly the perimssions you need
to be a track chair, but I can't be bothered to work things out that
accurately.  You're now a site manager.  Please don't break anything


  This makes it possible to pass complex object hierarchies to
  a C coder who thinks computer science has made no worthwhile
  advancements since the invention of the pointer.
                                       -- Gordon McMillan, 30 Jul 1998

From jacob at  Mon Apr 12 13:50:56 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Apr 12 13:51:02 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
Message-ID: <>

I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET, in the 
usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.

The focus of the meeting should be to make a procedure for accepting talks and 
building a schedule. We should also evaluate the results of the last few days 
of registration, and do any necessary modifications.

I'd be grateful if someone made a tally of all room reservations and all 
preregistrations before the meeting. I would also be happy if I got an 
instruction about where to look for these things.


From jacob at  Mon Apr 12 14:19:51 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Apr 12 14:19:55 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
Message-ID: <>

I wrote an instructional text for speakers. The intention is that we should a) 
have the track chairs send it to all the speakers and b) publish it on the 
website for public consumption.
Feedback appreciated.



We are very happy and grateful that you have decided to give a talk at
Europython. When you get to the conference, there will be quite a few
people who are ready to spend their time listening to what you have to
say. You should use their time well by giving a clear and easy to
understand presentation of your topic.

By the following piece of advice, we hope that we can help you avoid
the biggest pitfalls. Even if you have a lot of experinece giving talks,
there may be one or two hints here that may be useful for you. Please
take the few minutes it takes to read these hints.


- Start by saying the most interesting things you have to say
Make a very brief introduction of yourself. Skip long introductions
to your topic. If you need to lay foundation, do so as briefly as possible,
before getting to the most interesting parts.

Sort your topic by how interesting and useful each thing is. Do them in
falling order of interest. This way, if you have underestimated your time,
the pieces falling off the end will not matter all that much. You will still
have said the most interesting things.

- Don't try to say everything. Give information about where to learn more.
You want to give people an incentive to learn more and enough information
to get started. 

There is no way in the world you can cover a toolkit or a whole new
compiler in a 30 minute talk, so don't try. Say the best things you
have to say and then stop.

- Make your materials available before the conference
Some people will actually read it before your talk, making them able to
pose interesting questions and follow what you say better. Usually
it is the people who are most interested in your topic, and thus the
people who are most interesting for you, who will download your paper
or your slides.


If you build a talk with slides, there are a number of things to remember
in order to make your slides properly support your presentation.

- Colours are important
For best readability, text should be in black or a strong colour.
Dark blue, red, purple, dark grey or brown are good choices.
Bacgrounds, chart bars and other surfaces should be white or a light
pastel. Light yellow, baby blue, light pink and light green and very
light grey are good choices. 

- Fonts, sizes, amount of words
Use fonts at 14 points or larger for things you want your audience to
actively read.
Never ever use a font smaller than 12 points! Not even the people in the
front row will be able to read your slide.

Use a simple clear font. Use the normal face of the font for most text.
Use bold and bold italics or emphasis. Use italics for passages of text
that don't belong in the context.

You can use one font for headings, one for inline text and one for code,
but avoid having more fonts than that. The same font for headings and
inline text is usually quite sufficient.

Keep the amount of words low enough that people will have time to read
the slide and listen to what you have to say before you move to the
net slide. Drop unnecessary words.

- Code
Python code is nice to display on slides, because it promotes understanding.
Remove all unnecessary parts from your examples. Highlight the parts that
are crucial to understand by making them bold. Use a monospace font.

- Pictures, diagrams, information density, chart junk
Pictures, diagrams, flow graphs; even UML diagrams are usually much
better than your typical Powerpoint presentations for bringing your
message across. They take more time to make, but remember that every
minute wasted in your presentation has to be multiplied by the number
of people present.

Don't try to embellish your diagrams. The simplest possible is what
is easiest to understand. Avoid 3D effects, shadows and other elements
that do not carry information.

There is nothing wrong with presenting a slide with very high information
density, as long as it is easy to understand and people get enough time
to view it.
- Avoid clutter and toys
Animated transitions between slides take attention away from your
presentation. Avoid them like the plague.

Text that shows up line by line as you go through the slide force
people to read the side at your pace and not at their own pace. They
will resent you for it, so don't fall in this trap.

Witty sayings, cute pictures and other things just clutter up your
slides and take attention away from what you are saying. If you want
to be funny, make a hole in your talk, when you are funny, then get on
with the important stuff.


Preparations on site before your talk are a rather simple but VERY
important step.

- Find out where the room for your talk is well before the talk.

- Check to make sure you know where the necessary appliances are.
    * Where do I plug in the video port of my computer?
    * Where can I get power for my machine?
    * If I need a network connection, where do I get that? Am I set up to
      connect to it?
    * If I need a whiteboard/blackboard, where are the markers/crayons?

- If you need to plug your computer to a video projector, test that it
actually has the right resolution.

All these steps should be taken well before hand; preferably the day
or evening before your talk. We will provide special test sessions,
where you can get help in making sure that your setup works.


- Don't repeat your slides. This makes for a very boring talk.
A good talk has a mix of the following techniques:
    * Point out the most important parts on each slide.
    * Say what the slide says in a different way. 
    * Elaborate outside of what the slide contains. 
    * Explain your code examples.
    * Have a couple of questions for the audience. This makes for good
      variation in the talk.

- Talk to the people at the back of the room
If you talk too quietly, a lot of people will miss important parts of your
talk, or even lose interest and walk away. We will generally not have
microphones and loudspeakers. The aucoustics of the conference rooms
are very good, but you need to speak in a loud voice.

People wo have a hard time doing this can often get better results by
changing their posture. You need to stand up straight, with your shoulders
slightly drawn back, and your chin slighty higher than normal (look at the
people at the back of the room when speaking, not at your notes or your

Ask someone to help you regulate the volume of your voice. Do a soundcheck
before the session, or have someone at the back of the room signal if you
are too quiet, too loud or just right.

(You still need to do the same if you have a microphone, it's just harder
since there are more factors involved.)
- Try to make your session interactive
By engaging more parts of your participants brains than the information
storage, your talk will have a much higher impact. There are many ways
of activating your audience. Try to find at least one.

- Make enough time for questions
People come to the conference to have exchanges with other people. If
they were just coming to hear your talk, you could make a video at
home and distribute it over the internet. It would save a lot of time
and expense for everyone involved. So make sure your audience can have
an exchange with you.

Just before opening for questions, it can be useful to repeat the most
important points of yourtalk. It makes a nice end to it.

- Repeat peoples questions
If you are not absolutely certain that evereyone has heard a question
from the floor, repeat it, or include enough context in your answer
that everyone can follow. (This is much harder than it seems. You will
not be good at it to start with, but people will appreciate the

From huima at  Mon Apr 12 14:24:31 2004
From: huima at (Heimo Laukkanen)
Date: Mon Apr 12 14:26:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
	just for some tracks?
In-Reply-To: <1081776650.4360.282.camel@ogg>
References: <> <1081776650.4360.282.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 15:30:50 +0200, Beatrice Fontaine <>  

> I am responsible for the social skills track and I have three proposals,
> up to now. I think that having an extended paper submission cuts both
> ways, since many people wait to read the detailed programme to register
> for the conference, quite understandably. IMHO, depending on your own
> vision for the track, I think you should deal with this aspect the way
> you best see fit. However, since we were 8 days late with the talk
> database and then 8 days late with the participant registration, I guess
> it is only fair to allow another 8 days for talk submissions where the
> track chair feels it is required :)

I think atleast for Zope Track will need extended submission time. We need  
to make also noise about the conference, even though final program is not  
yet there. That will also help to activate members of the community, since  
after all they are also the people who will do the presentations.


From ghum at  Mon Apr 12 14:46:55 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Mon Apr 12 14:47:01 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


simply great!! I especially liked the sentences about the slides, to not 
take animations and "unnneccessary stuff" on the slides!!

I have an additional "cheap trick" to avoid cluttered presentations:

Just imagine you will do your presentation WITHOUT electricity.

(That helps avoiding the most stupid Powerpoint tricks)

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From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Apr 12 14:48:34 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Apr 12 14:48:42 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Extending talk submission time - for the whole or
	just for some tracks?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 03:48:29PM +0100, John Pinner wrote:

> I think we should extend the deadline to Monday 26th April (gives a 
> further weekend for people to submut), and to avoid confusion this 
> should be the same for all tracks.


I only have three talks so far in the science track (I had 12 last year).
I mailed various lists this week-end and expect to harvest (no less :-)
talks within the upcoming two weeks.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Apr 12 14:53:08 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Apr 12 14:53:12 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
Message-ID: <>

> There's probably a way of giving you exactly the perimssions you need
> to be a track chair, but I can't be bothered to work things out that
> accurately.  You're now a site manager.  Please don't break anything
> :-)

Local Roles looking for you are, young jedi...

Grant manager priviledges on his track folder to every track chairman.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Apr 12 15:01:55 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Apr 12 15:01:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 08:19:51PM +0200, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I wrote an instructional text for speakers. The intention is that we should a) 
> have the track chairs send it to all the speakers and b) publish it on the 
> website for public consumption.
> Feedback appreciated.

+1. Let's post this on the website.

> [about putting slides on the website *before* the conference]

true. true. true.

People coming to the conference tend to be interested in many topics and
several tracks run in parallel. When you have conflicting agenda, it's much
better to be able to read the slides in advance and make a choice with more
information than the title only.

Moreover, when you attend a talk that you read about, you're in a much
better position to ask interesting questions or grok things faster. 
Overall, it's much better for the speaker and the others in the attendance.

> Preparations on site before your talk are a rather simple but VERY
> ...
> All these steps should be taken well before hand; preferably the day
> or evening before your talk. We will provide special test sessions,
> where you can get help in making sure that your setup works.

For the science track, I'm used to have all the presentations on my laptop
to reduce switching time and risks. Loosing ten minutes when switching
speakers because a laptop won't output properly to the beamer (but it
worked 30 minutes ago) is always a pain and it gets attendees to go
out for a walk and miss the talk.
Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From bea at  Mon Apr 12 15:54:54 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 12 15:52:40 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081799693.4360.298.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 19:50, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET, in the 
> usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.

Good for me.

> The focus of the meeting should be to make a procedure for accepting talks and 
> building a schedule. We should also evaluate the results of the last few days 
> of registration, and do any necessary modifications.

You can have that from me.

> I'd be grateful if someone made a tally of all room reservations and all 
> preregistrations before the meeting. I would also be happy if I got an 
> instruction about where to look for these things.

You can have that from me too. They can be looked at in the registration
folder for each participant inside the "people" folder for people with
manager rights, but there is no automatic listing (yet), so currently it
will be a table where I am keeping track of what comes in.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Mon Apr 12 15:58:32 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 12 15:56:19 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081799910.4363.301.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 20:19, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I wrote an instructional text for speakers. The intention is that we should a) 
> have the track chairs send it to all the speakers and b) publish it on the 
> website for public consumption.
> Feedback appreciated.

We can put it on the site tomorrow night after (possible) changes have
been made. Busy Easter!


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Mon Apr 12 16:02:38 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 12 16:00:24 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
In-Reply-To: <1081799910.4363.301.camel@ogg>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081800158.4360.306.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 21:58, Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 20:19, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> > I wrote an instructional text for speakers. The intention is that we should a) 
> > have the track chairs send it to all the speakers and b) publish it on the 
> > website for public consumption.
> > Feedback appreciated.
> We can put it on the site tomorrow night after (possible) changes have
> been made. Busy Easter!

I meant during the meeting tomorrow evening.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From mwh at  Mon Apr 12 16:18:30 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr 12 16:18:36 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EPC 2004 Website
In-Reply-To: <> (Nicolas Chauvat's message
	of "Mon, 12 Apr 2004 20:53:08 +0200")
References: <1081782765.30613.22.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

"Nicolas Chauvat" <> writes:

>> There's probably a way of giving you exactly the perimssions you need
>> to be a track chair, but I can't be bothered to work things out that
>> accurately.  You're now a site manager.  Please don't break anything
>> :-)
> Local Roles looking for you are, young jedi...
> Grant manager priviledges on his track folder to every track chairman.

Well, yeah I could do that, but I find for open source projects
granting people you trust more priviledges than they ask for can have
beneficial effects (I got checkin priviledges to Python to maintain a
PEP that I was writing and ended up being release manager for Python
2.2.1 six months later :-)

I thenk there may even be a TrackChair role on the
site... yep, and Speaker.  So many ideas, so little time...

(I was being a *little* facetious with the 'couldn't be bothered'


  I sense much distrust in you.  Distrust leads to cynicism, cynicism
  leads to bitterness, bitterness leads to the Awareness Of True
  Reality which is referred to by those-who-lack-enlightenment as
  "paranoia".  I approve.    -- David P. Murphy, alt.sysadmin.recovery

From mwh at  Mon Apr 12 16:21:16 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr 12 16:21:19 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Jacob_Hall=E9n's_message_of?= "Mon, 12 Apr 2004 19:50:56
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n <> writes:

> I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET, in the 
> usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.

Might be there.  Might not.

> The focus of the meeting should be to make a procedure for accepting
> talks and building a schedule.

You really need to get the attention of the track chairs for this.  A
good few of them have made noise in the last few days, so maybe you
already have... at least three of us are going to be at PythonUK next
week, too.

> We should also evaluate the results of the last few days of
> registration, and do any necessary modifications.

> I'd be grateful if someone made a tally of all room reservations and all 
> preregistrations before the meeting. I would also be happy if I got an 
> instruction about where to look for these things.

Can do that at the meeting, if I'm there, or Bea can.  We should
probably write a few little pythonscripts to help.


  LINTILLA:  You could take some evening classes.
    ARTHUR:  What, here?
  LINTILLA:  Yes, I've got a bottle of them.  Little pink ones.
                   -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 12

From mwh at  Mon Apr 12 16:25:39 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Apr 12 16:25:41 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] What I did for Easter
In-Reply-To: <1081800158.4360.306.camel@ogg> (Beatrice Fontaine's message of
	"Mon, 12 Apr 2004 22:02:38 +0200")
References: <>
	<1081799910.4363.301.camel@ogg> <1081800158.4360.306.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <>

Beatrice Fontaine <> writes:

> On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 21:58, Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
>> On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 20:19, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
>> > I wrote an instructional text for speakers. The intention is that we should a) 
>> > have the track chairs send it to all the speakers and b) publish it on the 
>> > website for public consumption.
>> > Feedback appreciated.
>> We can put it on the site tomorrow night after (possible) changes have
>> been made. Busy Easter!
> I meant during the meeting tomorrow evening.

It's a touch annoying that I *still* haven't found out how to add
Plone content in reST (though I think I've worked out that it's not


  SCSI is not magic. There are fundamental technical reasons why it
  is necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and
  then.                                                  -- John Woods

From paul at  Tue Apr 13 04:14:33 2004
From: paul at (Paul Everitt)
Date: Tue Apr 13 04:15:10 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython - Idea for a Talk
In-Reply-To: <1081784079.30802.5.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
References: <1081784079.30802.5.camel@pike.clocksoft.dom>
Message-ID: <>

Hi John.  Do you want Zope from a developer's perspective, or higher 
level, decision-maker stuff?


On Apr 12, 2004, at 4:34 PM, John Pinner wrote:

> Just an idea.
> I'd really like to know a bit about the capabilities, strengths,
> weaknesses of Zope. An outline of what it does and how it works. I do
> not work in this area, but I'd like to have some appreciation. Who
> knows, I might get interested.
> I know that quite a few other people feel the same way.
> If I go to Zope talks, they always assume that the audience know about
> it already, and talk over the heads over us ignorant ones.
> How about a talk aimed at ignorami like me ?
> Regards,
> John
> -- 
> John Pinner.
> Clockwork Software Systems         'Systems to stand the test of time'
> Bridge House, 17a Maybrook Road
> Sutton Coldfield, B76 1AL. UK
> Tel: +44 121 313 3850.  Fax: +44 121 313 3860
> intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From john at  Tue Apr 13 04:11:41 2004
From: john at (John Pinner)
Date: Tue Apr 13 05:17:14 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET, in the 
> usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.

Sorry, it's unlikely that I'll be there. I'm travelling to Oxford for 
Py-UK, depends on time of arrival and if net access is possible...

> The focus of the meeting should be to make a procedure for accepting talks and 
> building a schedule. We should also evaluate the results of the last few days 
> of registration, and do any necessary modifications.

I've already suggested a submissions extension to 26th April...



intY has scanned this email for all known viruses (

From bea at  Tue Apr 13 05:20:55 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Apr 13 05:18:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081848054.4363.314.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 19:50, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET, in the 
> usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.

Will there be more people around for the meeting at 18.00 CET? Currently
is is a definite Jacob H., a definite Bea F. and a not-entirely-definite
Michael H.
As the latter mentioned: track chairs are especially wanted - so let us
know if you can be there tonight.

> The focus of the meeting should be to make a procedure for accepting talks and 
> building a schedule. We should also evaluate the results of the last few days 
> of registration, and do any necessary modifications.

We should also formalise the extension of talk acceptance. I suggested 1
week after the normal deadline (22 April), but several people seemed to
prefer a 2 week extension (29 April). Existing talk submissions are
visible on the talks page if you are logged in as manager.

> I'd be grateful if someone made a tally of all room reservations and all 
> preregistrations before the meeting. I would also be happy if I got an 
> instruction about where to look for these things.

I have built the structure and I will send it to you before the meeting.
I am hoping for more registrations today, since Easter is over. So I'll
hold on to it for a few more hours.



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Tue Apr 13 05:23:45 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Apr 13 05:21:27 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
In-Reply-To: <1081848054.4363.314.camel@ogg>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081848225.4363.318.camel@ogg>

On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 11:20, Beatrice Fontaine wrote:

> We should also formalise the extension of talk acceptance. I suggested 1
> week after the normal deadline (22 April), but several people seemed to
> prefer a 2 week extension (29 April). Existing talk submissions are
> visible on the talks page if you are logged in as manager.


correction, that should have been April 26th, hence 1.5 weeks, not 2
weeks extension.
"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From rev_anna_r at  Tue Apr 13 05:28:13 2004
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Tue Apr 13 05:28:19 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] Next meeting
Message-ID: <>

--- Anna Ravenscroft <> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 02:25:45 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Anna Ravenscroft <>
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] Next meeting
> To:
> --- Beatrice Fontaine <> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 19:50, Jacob Hallén wrote:
> > > I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00
> CET,
> > in the 
> > > usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.
> > 
> > Will there be more people around for the meeting at 18.00 CET?
> > Currently
> > is is a definite Jacob H., a definite Bea F. and a
> > not-entirely-definite
> > Michael H.
> > As the latter mentioned: track chairs are especially wanted - so
> let
> > us
> > know if you can be there tonight.
> depends on how the flu is treating me... i will try to be there. but
> if
> i'm not, it's cuz i'm in bed again... 
> oh - and i agree with extending talks. and feel free to fit lightning
> talks in whereever they fit well - last year, i think they were
> afternoon of the last day? i would suggest that they not be scheduled
> against other tracks as much as we can avoid... just because you
> never
> know what folks are gonna talk about. 
> and, nice work Jacob. i'll try to proof the speaker tips you wrote,
> and
> send a copy before the meeting, if i can... but, they're quite good. 
> okay - i'm falling over again.
> Anna
> --
> I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to
> arrange,
> my bride to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. I'm swamped!

From faassen at  Tue Apr 13 10:21:20 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 13 10:13:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
In-Reply-To: <1081848054.4363.314.camel@ogg>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 19:50, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
>>I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET, in the 
>>usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.
> Will there be more people around for the meeting at 18.00 CET? Currently
> is is a definite Jacob H., a definite Bea F. and a not-entirely-definite
> Michael H.

> As the latter mentioned: track chairs are especially wanted - so let us
> know if you can be there tonight.

I'll be around.

I agree track chair presence is important. I think we need to have some 
discussions about talk submission deadlines..



From aleaxit at  Tue Apr 13 13:33:58 2004
From: aleaxit at (Alex Martelli)
Date: Tue Apr 13 14:11:03 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] refereed papers track
Message-ID: <>

Hi there, as per Jacob's email I've just joined the site -- my userid 
is aleaxit.  I need local administration privileges for the refereed 
paper track, since, together with Armin Rigo, I'm supposed to be its 

Pls let me know, thanks.


From bea at  Tue Apr 13 15:22:15 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Apr 13 15:19:56 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] refereed papers track
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1081884133.23701.1.camel@ogg>

On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 19:33, Alex Martelli wrote:
> Hi there, as per Jacob's email I've just joined the site -- my userid 
> is aleaxit.  I need local administration privileges for the refereed 
> paper track, since, together with Armin Rigo, I'm supposed to be its 
> referee.
> Pls let me know, thanks.

Hello Alex!

The rights have been granted. You now have manager access. A powerful

Please yell if you need anything.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From jacob at  Wed Apr 14 11:44:28 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Wed Apr 14 11:44:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython update
Message-ID: <>

Europython news update

- Due to our earlier delays, we have decided to push the deadline for
submitting talks until the 26th of April. While we have a nice set of
proposals in several tracks, there are some that neeed a boost. Submit
your talk today!

- Early Bird registration is open, as is registration for cheap accomodation.
Deadline for both of these is 1 May 2004. This deadline will not move.

- Our keynote speakers will be Guido van Rossum and Mark Shuttleworth.
If you don't know who Mark Shuttleworth is, find out at
If you don't know who Guido van Rossum is, you really need to come to
Europython to find out.

About Europython

Europython is a community Python and Zope conference that is now in
its third year. It will be held in G?teborg, Sweden from 7 June 2004
until 9 June 2004. There will be many tracks, tutorials, sprints, good
food, good weather and lots of fun. G?teborg offers lots of fun things
to do, so it is a good opportunity to bring your family.

Find out more at

From jacob at  Wed Apr 14 13:34:35 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Wed Apr 14 13:34:39 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Email addressto Moshe Zadka wanted
Message-ID: <>

Can someone please tell me a known working email address to Moshe. The ones I 
have do not work.


From tom at  Wed Apr 14 13:30:12 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Wed Apr 14 13:36:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next meeting
References: <>
Message-ID: <003701c42247$4b2d7830$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-04-12 at 19:50, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
>> I would like to hold a meeting Tuesday 13 April 2004 at 18.00 CET,
>> in the usual freenode IRC, #europython channel.
> Will there be more people around for the meeting at 18.00 CET?
> Currently
> is is a definite Jacob H., a definite Bea F. and a
> not-entirely-definite Michael H.
> As the latter mentioned: track chairs are especially wanted - so let
> us
> know if you can be there tonight.

Sorry, I never can on tuesday and besides I just read all these mails,
so couldn't respond earlier.

Further, I won't be responsive for the next two weeks as I leave on
vacation. I will also disable the mail, since I get too
much spam on it and don't want to have a full box with only
spam/virusses when I arrive back. For urgent things (although I don't
think you need me, since you all are doing a great job on your own),
some people know how they can reach me


From jacob at  Thu Apr 15 01:27:02 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Thu Apr 15 01:27:07 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Current status of talks
Message-ID: <>

Counting in 30 minute slots, we currently fill about 40 slots.

In total, we have 144 slots. Some of these have been promised to Organising 
Sponsors and some may go to paying sponsors. I calculate that what s 
available is about 120 slots. This means that we fill one third right now, 
which is a bit on the thin side.

I hope everyone will pitch in with finding prospective speakers, or doing 
talks themselves.


From mwh at  Thu Apr 15 06:35:47 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu Apr 15 06:35:51 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Current status of talks
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Jacob_Hall=E9n's_message_of?= "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 07:27:02
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n <> writes:

> Counting in 30 minute slots, we currently fill about 40 slots.
> In total, we have 144 slots. Some of these have been promised to Organising 
> Sponsors and some may go to paying sponsors. I calculate that what s 
> available is about 120 slots. This means that we fill one third right now, 
> which is a bit on the thin side.
> I hope everyone will pitch in with finding prospective speakers, or doing 
> talks themselves.

I humbly request you relax a bit: I think this is always going to
happen.  It certainly was like this last year, and we ended up
fighting for schedule space.

Not that I shouldn't be out recruiting speakers here at PythonUK...


  On the other hand, the following areas are subject to boycott
  in reaction to the rampant impurity of design or execution, as
  determined after a period of study, in no particular order:

From lac at  Thu Apr 15 06:37:46 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Apr 15 06:37:51 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] payment problem
Message-ID: <>

I'm busy in the USA, with limited net access and many
responsibilities, cannot help with this.  Can somebody
help this man out, and check and see that the IBAN number
is good?


------- Forwarded Message

Delivery-Date: Wed Apr 14 15:50:39 2004
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 15:50:31 +0200
From: Andreas Jung <>
Reply-To: Andreas Jung <>
Subject: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration  (fwd)


I registered for EP and tried to pay the fee my money transfer but Deutsche 
does not accept your IBAN/BIC. How can I pay now by credit card?


- ------------ Forwarded Message ------------
Date: Mittwoch, 14. April 2004 15:36 Uhr +0200
Subject: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration

Dear Mr. Andreas Jung

Registration information EuroPython 2004

Thank you for your registration, your registration ID is P04105153458.
We hope you'll enjoy EuroPython 2004 and look forward to meeting you. Below
you'll find your registration and some important information. Please read
it  carefully and contact us immediately if you find a mistake. If you have
questions regarding registration issues, please contact Laura Creighton


- --

- ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

------- End of Forwarded Message

From bea at  Thu Apr 15 07:11:03 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Thu Apr 15 07:08:33 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] payment problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1082027462.775.351.camel@ogg>

On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 12:37, Laura Creighton wrote:
> I'm busy in the USA, with limited net access and many
> responsibilities, cannot help with this.  Can somebody
> help this man out, and check and see that the IBAN number
> is good?

I got the correct bank office address and telephone nr from the central
telephone exchange of f?reningsxxx. I called but no one picked up,
probably lunch. I need to go to a meeting now. I will call again later
and ask them what IBAN they handed out. If there is an error, I'll fix
it in the registration. Andreas was the only one with SWIFT, to date.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From lac at  Thu Apr 15 07:22:03 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Apr 15 07:22:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] payment problem 
In-Reply-To: Message from Beatrice Fontaine <> 
	of "Thu, 15 Apr 2004 13:11:03 +0200." <1082027462.775.351.camel@ogg> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Thu, 15 Apr 2004 13:11:03 +0200, Beatrice Fontaine writes:
>On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 12:37, Laura Creighton wrote:
>> I'm busy in the USA, with limited net access and many
>> responsibilities, cannot help with this.  Can somebody
>> help this man out, and check and see that the IBAN number
>> is good?
>I got the correct bank office address and telephone nr from the central
>telephone exchange of f?reningsxxx. I called but no one picked up,
>probably lunch. I need to go to a meeting now. I will call again later
>and ask them what IBAN they handed out. If there is an error, I'll fix
>it in the registration. Andreas was the only one with SWIFT, to date.
>"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

Also check if there isn't a 'use this number inside of Sweden,
use this number outside of Sweden' problem.

Thanks very much for doing this.


From petra at  Thu Apr 15 08:45:14 2004
From: petra at (Petra van den Elsen)
Date: Thu Apr 15 08:48:42 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] some questions about europython sponsor package
Message-ID: <>


I have the following questions concerning our Organising
Sponsor package:

1. Ad in conference Program.
   - what is the deadline to deliver the ad
   - what is the size of the ad?
   - is the program (and the ad) in color?
   - what is the format you want the ad in? Pdf?
2. Streamer
   - are there any size restrictions to the streamer in
     the entrance?

Petra van den Elsen
Petra van den Elsen, MD, PhD
Head of Marketing
AB Strakt                  tel direct: +31-610.93.63.85
Norra ?gatan 10            tel office: +46-31-749.08.80
416 64 G?teborg            fax:        +46-31-749.08.81
Sweden                     email:

From bea at  Thu Apr 15 11:33:22 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Thu Apr 15 11:30:54 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Current status of talks
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1082043201.630.1135.camel@ogg>

On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 12:35, Michael Hudson wrote:
> Jacob Hall?n <> writes:
> > Counting in 30 minute slots, we currently fill about 40 slots.

An interesting point: 1) Nicholas has already accepted 2 that are now
visible to anonymous visitors, and someone just asked on the channel
if/where one could see the talks already submitted. May it serve as
encouragement to accept the safe presentations immediately? I am happy
to do that with the ones in my track since they should be used all
three, no matter how many more come. If the need arises, we can still
split off the interactive part of the social skills session and turn
that part into a tutorial... should there be another 4-5 new submissions
between now and the 26th, that is.

What do you think? Accept talks now and make them visible? It is the
15th, deadline 1, after all.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From faassen at  Thu Apr 15 11:46:27 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Thu Apr 15 11:38:34 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Current status of talks
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> Counting in 30 minute slots, we currently fill about 40 slots.
> In total, we have 144 slots.  Some of these have been promised to Organising
> Sponsors and some may go to paying sponsors. I calculate that what s 
> available is about 120 slots. This means that we fill one third right now, 
> which is a bit on the thin side.

Some will also go to BoFs and lightning talks. These can run in 
parallel, but we haven't in previous years let them run in parallel with 
anything else, except the gigantic 3 day Zope track.

I don't know how many slots that is, but it should be the afternoon of 
the last day. Does this affect your calculations?



From magnus at  Thu Apr 15 12:58:19 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Apr 15 12:59:11 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtFdXJvUHl0aG9uXSBwYXltZW50IHByb2JsZW0=?=
Message-ID: <>

According to the bank's IBAN calculation form at
and Jacob's mail
I concluded that:

BIC/SWIFT address for the bank: SWEDSESS
IBAN account number: SE7680000810590376765343

The web form validates that the bank account number
Clearing Number: 8105-9 / Account Number: 037 676 534-3
is valid.

I didn't find any IBAN account number on the web site (but I havn't
registered myself yet, since I haven't decided whether I'll have time
to prepare any talk or not...)

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr?n: Laura Creighton <>
Skickat: 2004-04-15  12:37:46
?mne: [EuroPython] payment problem

> I'm busy in the USA, with limited net access and many
> responsibilities, cannot help with this.  Can somebody
> help this man out, and check and see that the IBAN number
> is good?
> Laura
> ------- Forwarded Message
> Return-Path:
> Delivery-Date: Wed Apr 14 15:50:39 2004
> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 15:50:31 +0200
> From: Andreas Jung <>
> Reply-To: Andreas Jung <>
> To:
> Subject: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration  (fwd)
> Hello,
> I registered for EP and tried to pay the fee my money transfer but Deutsche 
> Bank
> does not accept your IBAN/BIC. How can I pay now by credit card?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> - ------------ Forwarded Message ------------
> Date: Mittwoch, 14. April 2004 15:36 Uhr +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
> Dear Mr. Andreas Jung
> Registration information EuroPython 2004
> ========================================
> Thank you for your registration, your registration ID is P04105153458.
> We hope you'll enjoy EuroPython 2004 and look forward to meeting you. Below
> you'll find your registration and some important information. Please read
> it  carefully and contact us immediately if you find a mistake. If you have
> questions regarding registration issues, please contact Laura Creighton
> ...
> - --
> - ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From bea at  Thu Apr 15 14:50:27 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Thu Apr 15 14:47:56 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] payment problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1082055027.630.1149.camel@ogg>

On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 18:58, Magnus Lycka wrote:
> According to the bank's IBAN calculation form at
> and Jacob's mail 
> I concluded that:
> BIC/SWIFT address for the bank: SWEDSESS
> IBAN account number: 

> SE7680000810590376765343

SE57 8000 0810 5903 7676 5343 

is what it says in the registration confirmation if you opt for SWIFT.

SE76 instead of SE57 thus. 

Thanks very much for the info! I never even looked if they have one. I
will be paranoid and call the branch tomorrow morning early (came back
too late from the meeting today) to make absolutely sure though. I will
report back what they have to say.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From Longoria at  Thu Apr 15 12:29:10 2004
From: Longoria at (Hull buckhorn)
Date: Thu Apr 15 16:42:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Natural Manhood Enlargement Pills y6bgxlMk
In-Reply-To: <1420794374887.jdoEyo@Europython>
References: <1420794374887.jdoEyo@Europython>
Message-ID: <1420794374887.jdoEyo@Europython>

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From Salgado at  Fri Apr 16 03:59:32 2004
From: Salgado at (Rodriguez dihedral)
Date: Fri Apr 16 04:15:10 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Prescript.ion Drug.s - Fre.e Cons.ultation AVdov4cncp
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From bea at  Fri Apr 16 04:24:01 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Fri Apr 16 04:21:29 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] IBAN Number
Message-ID: <1082103841.775.1205.camel@ogg>

Good Morning!

I talked to the bank in G?teborg and they confirmed Magnus' information.

The IBAN number is SE76 8000 0810 5903 7676 5343

meaning SE76 instead of SE57.

Has been corrected in the registration. Thanks for checking, Magnus!


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From postmaster at  Fri Apr 16 15:20:33 2004
From: postmaster at (
Date: Fri Apr 16 15:20:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL
Message-ID: <>

                           V I R U S  A L E R T

Our viruschecker found the


virus(es) in your email to the following recipient(s):


Please check your system for viruses, or ask your system administrator
to do so.

For your reference, here are the headers from your email:

------------------------- BEGIN HEADERS -----------------------------
Return-Path: <>
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	by (8.12.9/8.12.9av) with SMTP id i3GJKOXv021754
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Subject: *****SPAM***** warning
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From pwioimujrq at  Sun Apr 18 01:01:59 2004
From: pwioimujrq at (Randolph Hood)
Date: Sun Apr 18 00:45:05 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Fwd: you must see
Message-ID: <>

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From magnus at  Sun Apr 18 06:02:58 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sun Apr 18 05:59:54 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Book sales at EPC?
Message-ID: <>

Are there any plans for book sales at EPC in G?teborg?

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From lac at  Sun Apr 18 07:50:04 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sun Apr 18 07:50:09 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Book sales at EPC? 
In-Reply-To: Message from Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=
	<> of "Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:02:58 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

Sounds like a good idea. Are you volunteering to organise this?


In a message of Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:02:58 +0200, Magnus Lyck? writes:
>Are there any plans for book sales at EPC in G?teborg?
>Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
>Thinkware AB, Sweden,
>I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 
>EuroPython mailing list

From jeremiannika at  Sun Apr 18 15:04:23 2004
From: jeremiannika at (Jeremiah Foster)
Date: Sun Apr 18 15:04:26 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Book sales at EPC?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Perhaps I can bring some books from the States when I come over, they 
are cheaper here.

Let me know if you think this is a good idea.


Laura Creighton wrote:

>Sounds like a good idea. Are you volunteering to organise this?
>In a message of Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:02:58 +0200, Magnus Lyck? writes:
>>Are there any plans for book sales at EPC in G?teborg?
>>Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
>>Thinkware AB, Sweden,
>>I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 
>>EuroPython mailing list
>EuroPython mailing list

From ghum at  Mon Apr 19 02:58:48 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Mon Apr 19 02:58:32 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] links inside
Message-ID: <>

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From ghum at  Mon Apr 19 03:02:25 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Mon Apr 19 03:02:08 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] more broken links !!! URGENT!!!!
Message-ID: <>

I just tried another way to submit an additional talk to europython...

and from

the link to "Talk submissions page"

goes also to "404"

-------------- next part --------------
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From bea at  Mon Apr 19 03:52:21 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 19 03:47:41 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] links inside
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1082361141.2329.14.camel@localhost>

Hello Harald et al.

You are absolutely correct about broken links. Registration is very
temporarily unavailable while a few things are being fixed. Things will
be back to normal soon. Sorry for the inconvenience!



Beatrice Fontaine <>

From Danny.Bloemendaal at  Mon Apr 19 04:17:10 2004
From: Danny.Bloemendaal at (Danny Bloemendaal)
Date: Mon Apr 19 04:17:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] 404 on registration
Message-ID: <>

Hi folks,

I was trying to access the registration page on but I get
a 404 on

Better fix that ;-)

By the way, I was wondering if you guys didn't forget to ask for a
registrant's irc nick name so that it can be printed on the badges. Oh
yeah, and don't forget to make the badges larger than last year and
printed double-sided. People had a hard time to read them because of the
fine print and because many times the badges were backwards.

Keep up the good work.

Danny Bloemendaal.

-------------- next part --------------
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From bea at  Mon Apr 19 04:29:37 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 19 04:24:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] 404 on registration
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1082363377.2329.29.camel@localhost>

On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 10:17, Danny Bloemendaal wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I was trying to access the registration page on but I
> get a 404 on
> Better fix that ;-)

We are in the middle of it :) There is a mention of it on the index page
, and I hope we'll be able to take it out again a.s.a.p. Sorry about

> By the way, I was wondering if you guys didn't forget to ask for a
> registrant's irc nick name so that it can be printed on the badges. Oh
> yeah, and don't forget to make the badges larger than last year and
> printed double-sided. People had a hard time to read them because of
> the fine print and because many times the badges were backwards.
> Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the suggestions as well as for the kudos ;)



Beatrice Fontaine <>

From bea at  Mon Apr 19 04:35:17 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 19 04:30:49 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] registration back on
Message-ID: <1082363717.2329.32.camel@localhost>

Hi all

Sorry for the short obstruction of submission. The registration is back

Thanks for the speedy reports.



Beatrice Fontaine <>

From paul at  Mon Apr 19 05:20:01 2004
From: paul at (Paul Everitt)
Date: Mon Apr 19 07:05:07 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Can't make tomorrow's IRC chat
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Howdy all.  I hoped to make tomorrow evening's IRC appointment, but 
I'll be on a plane!  If there is something later in the week, I can 
make it.


From rev_anna_r at  Mon Apr 19 09:08:10 2004
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Mon Apr 19 09:08:14 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] Can't make tomorrow's IRC chat
Message-ID: <>

> --- Paul Everitt <> wrote:
> > 
> > Howdy all.  I hoped to make tomorrow evening's IRC appointment, but
> > I'll be on a plane!  If there is something later in the week, I can
> > make it
> Is there a meeting tonight? If so, what time and, more crucial: what
> is
> the agenda?
> And is there still a wiki somewhere that these things are being
> listed?
> And if so, where is it - since I lost my bookmarks when my HD
> crashed,
> I'm still trying to find things....
> Thanks for your (pl) help.
> Anna

From bea at  Mon Apr 19 10:26:31 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 19 10:23:36 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Meeting on #europython - 2004-04-20 - 1800 CET
Message-ID: <1082384790.30965.34.camel@ogg>

Hi all

The next meeting is taking place tomorrow, Tuesday 2004-04-20, 18.00
CET, instead of the usual Monday evening.

I put together the issues that are known to me on

Feel free to add items you think need discussing.



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bh at  Mon Apr 19 16:57:15 2004
From: bh at (Henrion Benjamin)
Date: Mon Apr 19 16:57:29 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Pyano: a CPAN for Python?
Message-ID: <20040419205715.GA10912@localhost>

Maybe this could be a subject to a Sprint coding party before Europython
or whatever when it happens.

I just want to see it happening, please comment the wiki:

I'm not a all a Perl guy, so if you're a Perl guy, please comment
through this page.


Benjamin Henrion <>
<<< Push the Parliament democracy against Commission-Council Terrorism >>>
<<<   Promoting Abuses of the Patent System is Jurridical Terrorism    >>>
<<<                                     >>>

From ghum at  Tue Apr 20 04:46:42 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Tue Apr 20 04:46:29 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] not enough tracks [on webpage!!]
Message-ID: <>

    Hello... once again I went to  to submit another 
talk proposal.

And, within

there is only Python Language, Python Frameworks and Lightning Talks

What has happened to Social Skills, Python in Science, Python in 
Business, ....????

-------------- next part --------------
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From js at  Tue Apr 20 05:26:48 2004
From: js at (Joachim Schmitz)
Date: Tue Apr 20 05:26:53 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] not enough tracks [on webpage!!]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

somehow the catalog got confused, after reindexing, the Tracks are all 
there now, in the public-view.

thanks for mentioning it.

Harald Armin Massa said the following on 04/20/04 10:46:
>    Hello... once again I went to  to submit another 
> talk proposal.
> And, within
> there is only Python Language, Python Frameworks and Lightning Talks
> What has happened to Social Skills, Python in Science, Python in 
> Business, ....????
> Harald
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

Mit freundlichen Gr??en                                Joachim Schmitz
AixtraWare eK ..Joachim Schmitz ..t: +49-2464-8851
H?sgenstr. 33a .....d-52457 Aldenhoven .............f: +49-2464-905163

From ghum at  Tue Apr 20 05:34:59 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Tue Apr 20 05:34:46 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] not enough tracks [on webpage!!]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Joachim Schmitz schrieb:

> somehow the catalog got confused, after reindexing, the Tracks are all 
> there now, in the public-view.

Thanks for your quick responce. Is there any way to "go back to editing" 
an allready submitted talk?

I submitted a talk to social science and would like to "improve some 
layouts" ... is it possible, and how?

-------------- next part --------------
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From faassen at  Tue Apr 20 13:12:55 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 20 13:12:49 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Track status
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

This is a summary of the track status from the website (snapshot), so we 
can track how we're doing. I also added a current-best-estimate about 
how much space (in 90 minute blocks of talks) we think we'll need:

Zope track:

6 talks submitted
likely 4 or more, up to 12 even (need input from track chair)

3 talks submitted
3 blocks

Social skills:
3 talks submitted
4 blocks

11 talks submitted (of which some already accepted)
4 blocks (but need input from track chair)

Refereed papers:
7 talks submitted
4 blocks

Python language:
4 talks submitted
3 blocks

Python frameworks:
6 talk submitted (and more more coming up almost certainly)
3 blocks

No talks yet submitted (but some coming up)
2-3 blocks

Business track:
8 talks submitted (some of which already accepted)
4 blocks

Applications track:
1 talk submitted (but more coming up)

We estimate about 30-40 blocks needed

With 4 parallel tracks, one afternoon no talks due to lightning + BoFs, 
we have about 40 blocks available. We are fairly flexible and can fairly 
easily expand.



From pedronis at  Tue Apr 20 15:09:42 2004
From: pedronis at (Samuele Pedroni)
Date: Tue Apr 20 15:04:27 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] re-checked with OSAF (Chandler makers) about their
 possible partecipation
Message-ID: <>


on IRC (#pypy), we were wondering me and Michael whether OSAF had been 
contacted again about coming to Europython and talk about Chandler. I 
recall there were some preliminary contacts at PyCon through Laura and Jacob.

Maybe some contacts were already ongoing, anyway I took the liberty to 
re-check, so that no opportunity is going missed.

Here's the conversion we had on their irc channel #chandler on (they have an irc culture), so that we are all on the 
same page. Briefly: they are considering it and now are aware of the 

[sprout is Ted Leung of OSAF]

<pedronis> sprout, ducky: hi
<sprout> hi pedronis
<pedronis> sprout: have you (OSAF) been contacted to present something at 
europython, do you want could send someone
<pedronis> 7-9 June in Gothenburg Sweden
<sprout> pedronis: yes, we're discussing it but no decisions have been made 
<pedronis> ok, just on your side, or have you an ongoing contact with the 
<sprout> i discussed the possibility w/ Laura Creighton @ pycon, but not 
since then.
<pedronis> ah, I'm just checking, because I was discussing with one of 
them, and he didn't knew
<pedronis> if you had been contacted
<ducky> returns to her desk and waves at pedronis
<pedronis> sprout: yes, I read on your blog that you met with Laura, Jacob 
and Armin
<pedronis> sprout: talk submission ends on 26
<pedronis> I expect that things can be arranged in Chandler case also after 
<sprout> thx for the date reminder. I'll try to get more info / closure on 
this in the next few days.
<pedronis> yes, that would be nice, because anyway schedule setting should 
be done
<pedronis> sprout: the most general way to contact the organizers is
<pedronis> or you may want to drop into #europython on freenode
<sprout> ok, cool

From Jillian165 at  Tue Apr 20 18:15:48 2004
From: Jillian165 at (Marlene Mcknight)
Date: Wed Apr 21 03:05:35 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Impress with your new Rolex
Message-ID: <>

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From faassen at  Wed Apr 21 06:23:27 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Wed Apr 21 06:23:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Track status
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey again,

I just noticed I made a mistake in counting some talks double -- 
accepted talks show up again below, and I counted some twice. This 
adjusts the total submissions downwards by 7 talks.

Martijn Faassen wrote:

> Science:
> 11 talks submitted (of which some already accepted)

That's actually 6 talks (5 accepted).

> Business track:
> 8 talks submitted (some of which already accepted)
> 4 blocks

6 talks (2 accepted already)



From kim.viljanen at  Wed Apr 21 15:03:06 2004
From: kim.viljanen at (Kim Viljanen)
Date: Wed Apr 21 15:03:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404212030420.22808-100000@primus>


Just visited the Europython page for the G?teborg conference. Some
suggestions I came up with:

It would be nice to see some topics and information about the program
before deciding to join the conference. Also the names of the organizing
commmittee members would be interesting to know.

Kim Viljanen | gsm: 040-5414654
Harmaja Software Oy - joustavaa ohjelmistoalan palvelua

From dialton3 at  Wed Apr 21 15:37:44 2004
From: dialton3 at (Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone)
Date: Wed Apr 21 15:34:35 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] New talk Proposal
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,
    Recently I've written an article for an Italian online e-zine about 
Twisted and the factory pattern.

I've been told that it's really well written and that it would be really 
great to have a slide version presented at EuroPython.

Since it's just a conversion from article to slides it shouldn't take 
long (I can finish before 26 April if I start today).
But I would like to have some advices or suggestions.

It should be a 30 minute talk and during the presentation I will write a 
little file searching server with twisted.

I don't have a notebook, I hope this is not an issue.

So... what else... Just tell me if it's a welcomed talk :)

Perhaps Alex Martelli can review the article at

It has already been reviewed by Michele Simionato (who works with me on 
that e-zine togheter with the founder Carmine).

Regards, Valentino

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Linux User #310274, Gentoo Proud User
Home Page:

From jacob at  Thu Apr 22 00:55:24 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Thu Apr 22 00:55:30 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Schedule for sending out reminders
Message-ID: <>

This is a reminder for Martijn. For all you others, it is to remind you to 
remind Martijn when he forgets.


24 April
Two days left of talk submissions.

26 April
Talk submissions end today. Early bird soon to end.

30 April
Last chance for early bird registration.

Places to post:
daily python url
linux thingie that Martijn knows the details of

In addition, the 30 April announcement should be mailed to the addresses of 
old Europython attendees. I will send program and address list directly to 
Martijn in a separate mail (posting such things to a publiclist would be 

From stuart at  Thu Apr 22 00:58:45 2004
From: stuart at (Stuart Bishop)
Date: Thu Apr 22 00:59:24 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] =?iso-8859-1?q?=27Net_access_at_the_conference_and_?=
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1


Can someone let me know the details of what Internet access,
if any, will be available at the conference and at SGS Veckobost?der?
Both myself and my wife need to let people know how incommunicado we
will be.

Free wireless at the hotel would be ideal if it can be arranged.
Anyone with a powerful antenna live nearby? ;)

- --  
Stuart Bishop <>
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


From jacob at  Thu Apr 22 02:08:44 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Thu Apr 22 02:08:49 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] 'Net access at the conference and at SGS
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On torsdag 22 april 2004 06.58, Stuart Bishop wrote:
> Hi.
> Can someone let me know the details of what Internet access,
> if any, will be available at the conference and at SGS Veckobost?der?
> Both myself and my wife need to let people know how incommunicado we
> will be.
> Free wireless at the hotel would be ideal if it can be arranged.
> Anyone with a powerful antenna live nearby? ;)

We will have network access at the conference. Both WiFi and wired ethernet. 
We have no reasonable way of providing access at SGS Veckobost?der. However, 
it is smack in the middle of a big area of student residences. The chances 
that you can bum off somebody's unprotected node are pretty high.

Jacob Hall?n

From mwh at  Thu Apr 22 05:50:26 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu Apr 22 05:50:35 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404212030420.22808-100000@primus> (Kim
	Viljanen's message of "Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:03:06 +0300 (EEST)")
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404212030420.22808-100000@primus>
Message-ID: <>

Kim Viljanen <> writes:

> Hi,
> Just visited the Europython page for the G?teborg conference. Some
> suggestions I came up with:
> It would be nice to see some topics and information about the program
> before deciding to join the conference.

Well, you can see the list of tracks at

You can't see the program because we don't know what it is yet!
Indeed, you can still submit talk applications for another few days.

Nevertheless, some of the track chairs have accepted some talks, which
you can see if you go to the 'more info' page for each track.

> Also the names of the organizing commmittee members would be
> interesting to know.

Well, the name 'organizing commitee' suggests a formality that isn't
really present.  You can see the list of track chairs on the page I
mentioned above.  The board of the EuroPython Society is listed
somewhere under

There are also the local organizers such as Dario Lopez-Kasten and
Jacob Hallen (please excuse the lack of diacriticals) and an assorted
bunch of people who help with the website.

Some people are members of more than one of these groups, of course.

Why do you ask?


    FORD:  Just put the fish in your ear, come on, it's only a
           little one.
  ARTHUR:  Uuuuuuuuggh!
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 1

From kim.viljanen at  Thu Apr 22 06:28:52 2004
From: kim.viljanen at (Kim Viljanen)
Date: Thu Apr 22 06:28:56 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404221311280.14819-100000@primus>

> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 10:50:26 +0100
> From: Michael Hudson <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
>> Kim Viljanen <> writes:
>> It would be nice to see some topics and information about the program
>> before deciding to join the conference.
> Well, you can see the list of tracks at

Ok, this had some more information. Thank you! (I just tried to find
information using the tab "Talks". Perhaps a link from the Talks-tab to
the Talks track page could be added?)

> Nevertheless, some of the track chairs have accepted some talks, which
> you can see if you go to the 'more info' page for each track.

Great! :)

>> Also the names of the organizing commmittee members would be
>> interesting to know.
> Well, the name 'organizing commitee' suggests a formality that isn't
> really present.  You can see the list of track chairs on the page I
> mentioned above.  The board of the EuroPython Society is listed
> somewhere under
> There are also the local organizers such as Dario Lopez-Kasten and
> Jacob Hallen (please excuse the lack of diacriticals) and an assorted
> bunch of people who help with the website.
> Some people are members of more than one of these groups, of course.
> Why do you ask?

I was just interested in knowing a little more about the conference before
deciding to join it. I think it is nice to know who is responsible for
what. Conferences that I have previously participated (such as the WWW, has had a quite informative and easy to navigate web
site where all relevant information (such as the program, descriptions
of the trackes etc) has been easy to find (in my opinnion).

I think the europython-website is good, but it could be even better by
emphasizing the the most important things (the things that helps the
visitors to decide whether to join the conference or not) to lazy web page
readers like me. :)

No intensions to irritate you or something, but just wanted to give you
some valuable (?) feedback. :)

Kim | gsm: 040-5414654
Harmaja Software Oy - joustavaa ohjelmistoalan palvelua

From mwh at  Thu Apr 22 06:46:13 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu Apr 22 06:46:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] europython conference site - some suggestions
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404221311280.14819-100000@primus> (Kim
	Viljanen's message of "Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:28:52 +0300 (EEST)")
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404221311280.14819-100000@primus>
Message-ID: <>

Kim Viljanen <> writes:

>>> Kim Viljanen <> writes:
>>> It would be nice to see some topics and information about the program
>>> before deciding to join the conference.
>> Well, you can see the list of tracks at
> Ok, this had some more information. Thank you! (I just tried to find
> information using the tab "Talks". Perhaps a link from the Talks-tab to
> the Talks track page could be added?)

Isn't there one already?  I would have to agree that the site's
navigation could use work...

>>> Also the names of the organizing commmittee members would be
>>> interesting to know.
>> Well, the name 'organizing commitee' suggests a formality that isn't
>> really present.  You can see the list of track chairs on the page I
>> mentioned above.  The board of the EuroPython Society is listed
>> somewhere under
>> There are also the local organizers such as Dario Lopez-Kasten and
>> Jacob Hallen (please excuse the lack of diacriticals) and an assorted
>> bunch of people who help with the website.
>> Some people are members of more than one of these groups, of course.
>> Why do you ask?
> I was just interested in knowing a little more about the conference before
> deciding to join it. I think it is nice to know who is responsible for
> what. Conferences that I have previously participated (such as the WWW,
> has had a quite informative and easy to navigate web
> site where all relevant information (such as the program, descriptions
> of the trackes etc) has been easy to find (in my opinnion).

Well, (a) you would hope the www conference would have a good website
:-) (b) unless I'm misreading something that conference was on the
order of 5 times more expensive than EuroPython.  We're all doing this
in our spare time, etc.

> I think the europython-website is good, but it could be even better by
> emphasizing the the most important things (the things that helps the
> visitors to decide whether to join the conference or not) to lazy web page
> readers like me. :)

Want to help with it? <wink>

> No intensions to irritate you or something, but just wanted to give you
> some valuable (?) feedback. :)

No, it's all good, but we're longer on feedback than time and skills
to act on it...


  Not only does the English Language borrow words from other
  languages, it sometimes chases them down dark alleys, hits
  them over the head, and goes through their pockets.   -- Eddy Peters

From mache at  Thu Apr 22 07:20:53 2004
From: mache at (Niels Mache, struktur AG)
Date: Thu Apr 22 07:20:35 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

we like to sponsor the Europython conference as "Sponsor".
How can we transfer the sponoring fee to you? What information do you require from us?
logos, links, etc.?

Warm regards,
Niels Mache

> Sponsor - 500 Euro
> This gives you:
>     * Your name/link on the website
>     * An ad in the conference program
>     * A streamer in each conference room

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards

Niels Mache, Dipl. Inf.

Chief Executive Officer
struktur AG             Fon.:  +49 (0)711 896656 53
Junghansstr. 5          Fax.:  +49 (0)711 896656 10
D-70469 Stuttgart       eMail:                    solutions for
Germany                 Web:            digital business

icoya Information Management

From mache at  Thu Apr 22 07:28:05 2004
From: mache at (Niels Mache, struktur AG)
Date: Thu Apr 22 07:27:49 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Jacob,

 > 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
 > Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.
 > 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
 > to pay for such a tutorial?
- Workflow / Zope / Plone
- Python Performance Tuning

 > 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
 > Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June

 > 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?
No (unfortunately)

 > 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

From jeroen at  Thu Apr 22 08:11:25 2004
From: jeroen at (Jeroen Vloothuis)
Date: Thu Apr 22 08:11:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
Message-ID: <>

Dear Sir/Madam,
Some of the employees at our company want to visit the Zope track this 
year. We were wondering if we are eligible for a discount on the 
entrance fee if we would capture the whole track during the event and 
publish this as streaming video on our systems. Our company has all the 
required equipment and facilities which we can take with us. Depending 
on the quality of the internet connectivity we could even provide a 
live stream.
	Jeroen Vloothuis

Noterik Multimedia BV
Polderweg 102
Postbus 92122
1090 AC Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20-592 99 66
Fax: +31 (0)20-468 84 05
-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: not available
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From magnus at  Thu Apr 22 09:48:31 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:49:13 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtFdXJvUHl0aG9uXSBldXJvcHl0aG9uIGNvbmZlcmVuY2Ugc2l0ZSAtIHNvbWUgc3VnZ2VzdGlvbnM=?=
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
> Well, you can see the list of tracks at
> You can't see the program because we don't know what it is yet!
> Indeed, you can still submit talk applications for another few days.
> Nevertheless, some of the track chairs have accepted some talks, which
> you can see if you go to the 'more info' page for each track.

If you want to have a peek at the not yet approved talks,
you can do the following:

1. Click on the search tab on the top of the EuroPython web page.

2. Uncheck all item types except "Plone Conference Talk"

3. Press search.

There are some entries in the result list which are just noise,
and obviously, there is no guarantee that a talk which hasn't
been approaved will be held, but you will still get a better
impression of what the conference will contain. I exepect that
there will be many more talks than these though. People still
have the coming weekend to decide what to talk about at EPC,
and I suspect that a few latecomers will be approved as well...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From lac at  Thu Apr 22 11:20:09 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Apr 22 11:20:32 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Swedish places we might make EuroPython ads
Message-ID: <>

forwarded here from another much higher volume list, so I don't
lose it, and so if I share the work it will be accessible to all
who want to help.  Some of these places are regular morning papers,
so not suitable for us, I think.  This is the software patent
press release list, for when we want to make statments about
that, but still of use for EuroPython.


------- Forwarded Message

From: Anders =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lindb=E4ck?= <>
To: Christian =?iso-8859-1?Q?Engstr=F6m?= <>
Subject: Re: Pressrelease

Christian Engstr?m yttrade Thu, Apr 22, 2004 at 04:05:01AM +0200:


H?r ?r en lista p? bra adresser att skicka pressreleasen till:

> Adresslistor:
> Morgontidningsredaktioner:
> "Dagens Industri" <>,
> "Ekonomiredaktionen, DN" <>,
> "Ekonomiredaktionen, GP" <>,
> "Expressen" <>,
> "N?ringslivsredaktionen, SvD" <>,
> "Red. Jan Lindroth, Aff?rsv?rlden" <>,
> "Redaktionschef H?kan Ogelid, Computer Sweden" <>, 
> "Redaktionschef Niklas Silow, Aftonbladet" <>
> ?vriga:
> "" <>,
> "Gnuheter" <>,
> "Internet World" <>,
> "IT-branschen" <>,
> "" <>,
> "Ny Teknik" <>,
> "Nyhetsred. Lisa Str?mberg," <>,
> "N?tverk och Kommunikation" <>,
> "PC Hemma" <>,
> "Red. Lotta Holmstr?m," <>,
> "Red. Mats Andersson, Nya Medier," <>,
> "Red. Thomas Forsberg" <>,
> "Redaktionschef Anders Danielsson, Mikrodatorn" <>,
> "Redaktionschef Lina Otterdahl, PC f?r Alla" <>,
> "S?kerhet och Sekretess" <>,
> "" <>

Anders Lindb?ck
Se-parl maillist
Subscribe through the project system, fine-tune via

------- End of Forwarded Message

From lac at  Thu Apr 22 11:35:12 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Apr 22 11:35:20 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track 
In-Reply-To: Message from Jeroen Vloothuis <> of "Thu,
	22 Apr 2004 14:11:25 +0200."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

This sounds interesting. How many of you are there, and could you
stream all the tracks, not just the Zope ones?

Laura Creighton
(in unseemly haste)

In a message of Thu, 22 Apr 2004 14:11:25 +0200, Jeroen Vloothuis writes:
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-8--898013344
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>	charset=US-ASCII;
>	format=flowed
>Dear Sir/Madam,
>Some of the employees at our company want to visit the Zope track this 
>year. We were wondering if we are eligible for a discount on the 
>entrance fee if we would capture the whole track during the event and 
>publish this as streaming video on our systems. Our company has all the 
>required equipment and facilities which we can take with us. Depending 
>on the quality of the internet connectivity we could even provide a 
>live stream.
>	Jeroen Vloothuis
>Noterik Multimedia BV
>Polderweg 102
>Postbus 92122
>1090 AC Amsterdam
>Tel: +31 (0)20-592 99 66
>Fax: +31 (0)20-468 84 05

From faassen at  Thu Apr 22 14:42:01 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Thu Apr 22 14:41:39 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] New talk Proposal
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone wrote:
>    Recently I've written an article for an Italian online e-zine about 
> Twisted and the factory pattern.
> I've been told that it's really well written and that it would be really 
> great to have a slide version presented at EuroPython.
> Since it's just a conversion from article to slides it shouldn't take 
> long (I can finish before 26 April if I start today).

Note that the slides don't need to be finished the 26th, just the talk 

> But I would like to have some advices or suggestions.
> It should be a 30 minute talk and during the presentation I will write a 
> little file searching server with twisted.
> I don't have a notebook, I hope this is not an issue.

I'm sure the track chair can help out, or some other presenter.

> So... what else... Just tell me if it's a welcomed talk :) 

This sounds interesting; feel free to submit this to the Python 
frameworks track. Alternatively it might also be presented as a 
tutorial, in which case it could go to the tutorial track.




From faassen at  Thu Apr 22 14:44:07 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Thu Apr 22 14:43:44 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Schedule for sending out reminders
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> This is a reminder for Martijn. For all you others, it is to remind you to 
> remind Martijn when he forgets.

> 24 April
> Two days left of talk submissions.

I'll send this out friday if you don't mind (so the 23rd). I'm actually 
ready right now. :)

> 26 April
> Talk submissions end today. Early bird soon to end.

> 30 April
> Last chance for early bird registration.

> Places to post:
> comp.lang.python
> comp.lang.python.announce
> zope-announce
> daily python url
> linux thingie that Martijn knows the details of

> europython-announce
> europython
> In addition, the 30 April announcement should be mailed to the addresses of 
> old Europython attendees. I will send program and address list directly to 
> Martijn in a separate mail (posting such things to a publiclist would be 
> uncivilised).

I got this program and I got it all to work. I also already prepared the 
news update. I was about to send it all out until I saw this. :)



From dario at  Thu Apr 22 15:47:36 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Thu Apr 22 15:47:42 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re=3A_=5BEuroPython=5D_=27Net_access_at_?=
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> On torsdag 22 april 2004 06.58, Stuart Bishop wrote:
>>Can someone let me know the details of what Internet access,
>>if any, will be available at the conference and at SGS Veckobost?der?
>>Both myself and my wife need to let people know how incommunicado we
>>will be.
>>Free wireless at the hotel would be ideal if it can be arranged.
>>Anyone with a powerful antenna live nearby? ;)
> We will have network access at the conference. Both WiFi and wired ethernet. 


some more info on the technical part, as it stands at the moment:

- Around the conference area and probably inside the large conference 
rooms there will be access to the campus wireless network. This is not 
an open network, you have to login to have access to it.

Arrangements are being made to provide participants with username and 
passwords for the duration of the conference.

- The big conference rooms have acces to wired ethernet, as I was told 
at the very least for speakers. This will probably be 100Mbit lines.

I am at the moment investigating how to arrange sprints in what rooms 
and what possibilities there are of providing net access to those parts.



-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From faassen at  Fri Apr 23 02:19:11 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Apr 23 02:19:13 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Re=3A_=5BEuroPython=5D_=27Net_access_at_?=
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:

> - The big conference rooms have acces to wired ethernet, as I was told 
> at the very least for speakers. This will probably be 100Mbit lines.

That's good news for speakers. Can I confirm this to the speakers on my 
track? I've had a speaker ask me already (though admittedly he isn't 
speaking on my track :)

> I am at the moment investigating how to arrange sprints in what rooms 
> and what possibilities there are of providing net access to those parts.

Yup, net access is essential for sprints, of course.



From faassen at  Fri Apr 23 11:32:24 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Apr 23 11:32:11 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Schedule for sending out reminders
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> This is a reminder for Martijn. For all you others, it is to remind you to 
> remind Martijn when he forgets.
> Jacob
> 24 April
> Two days left of talk submissions.

The first reminder has been sent out (the 23rd, I know, but still :).



From faassen at  Fri Apr 23 11:43:21 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Apr 23 11:42:52 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython News Update april 23
Message-ID: <>

EuroPython news update

EuroPython is the European Python and Zope Conference. This year in
its third edition, we are holding the conference in the beautiful
locale of G?teborg, Sweden. Hundreds of Python users and Zope users
are expected.

- If you still want to submit a talk, note that the talk submission
   deadline is approaching very rapidly. You have until monday the 26th
   of april to submit your talk proposal. As an extra incentive, note
   that speakers participate at a reduced fee.

- The early bird registration deadline is also very near now; after
   may 1st the rate will go up by 60 euros from 160 to 220. We also
   still have (very) cheap accomodation available, but this is running
   out quickly. So please register now!

- The conference program is really shaping up nicely! We'll have
   tracks on topics ranging from core python hacking to social skills,
   and of course Zope. There will be tutorials, BoFs, lightning talks
   and panel discussions. Many of us are arriving early and/or staying
   on after the conference for a couple of days for sprints or other

- Our keynote speakers will be Mark Shuttleworth and Guido van

   Mark Shuttleworth was among others what we think is the first Python
   programmer in space. He is also is the sponsor of the schooltool
   project to develop an open source school administration system in
   Python. More about about him can be found at

   If you don't know who Guido van Rossum is, you really need to come
   to EuroPython to find out and meet him.

More information can be found at See you at
EuroPython 2004!

From faassen at  Fri Apr 23 11:44:35 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Apr 23 11:44:06 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Schedule for sending out reminders
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> In addition, the 30 April announcement should be mailed to the addresses of 
> old Europython attendees. I will send program and address list directly to 
> Martijn in a separate mail (posting such things to a publiclist would be 
> uncivilised).

Whoopses, I misread this and I already sent out something to all 
EuroPython attendees. I guess if I keep the next one amusing enough I 
can send one again.



From faassen at  Fri Apr 23 11:45:37 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Apr 23 11:45:08 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Interviews!
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

It's high time we start on interviews again leading up to the 
conference, as we only have a couple of weeks left.

Who is interviewing whom? I think an interview with Mark Shuttleworth is 
in order, and we can mine the speaker database for other interviews.

An interview with some of the PyPy folks would be cool.



From paul at  Fri Apr 23 11:58:11 2004
From: paul at (Paul Everitt)
Date: Fri Apr 23 11:58:41 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Interviews!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'd like to follow up on the recent cool discussion in Zopeland by 
interviewing the CMS builders.  Kind of a 4 way interview for whoever 
goes on the CMS panel in the Zope track.

For people in the Zope world, this will be a real hot one.


On Apr 23, 2004, at 5:45 PM, Martijn Faassen wrote:

> Hi there,
> It's high time we start on interviews again leading up to the 
> conference, as we only have a couple of weeks left.
> Who is interviewing whom? I think an interview with Mark Shuttleworth 
> is in order, and we can mine the speaker database for other 
> interviews.
> An interview with some of the PyPy folks would be cool.
> Regards,
> Martijn
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From cvchwoofjo at  Fri Apr 23 16:23:48 2004
From: cvchwoofjo at (Benny Baldwin)
Date: Sat Apr 24 07:39:57 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Fwd: I need your help...
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From faassen at  Sat Apr 24 16:28:38 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Sat Apr 24 16:28:43 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Interviews!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Everitt wrote:
> I'd like to follow up on the recent cool discussion in Zopeland by 
> interviewing the CMS builders.  Kind of a 4 way interview for whoever 
> goes on the CMS panel in the Zope track.
> For people in the Zope world, this will be a real hot one.

That's a cool idea. If someone from Zope corporation is going to show up 
(I've heard on and off rumors that this may happen) then that may be a 
good candidate for the panel too.



From faassen at  Mon Apr 26 13:59:25 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr 26 13:58:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

* the early bird submission will close tomorrow morning. Bea will take 
care of closing it.

* we now have a public overview page, thanks to Michael:

Bea is putting links to this on the site in appropriate places. The next 
mailing will also contain this link.

* If you're logged in and if you're a track chair, this is handy:

* we seem to have enough space (if we do 4 tracks in parallel) to 
accomodate the talks we have, early calculations show. But we'll do a 
lot of tuning still.

* We really need to start interviews. Interviews can be placed here:

Interviews page needs to be made prominent on website.



From faassen at  Mon Apr 26 14:01:18 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr 26 14:01:04 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Track chair meeting tuesday may 4 at 18:00 CET
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

Next irc meeting about EuroPython is tuesday may 4 at 18:00 CET.

Topic: the program

IMPORTANT: It is very important that all track chairs are there and have 
prepared themselves, as we are going to try to flesh out the program.

Attached to this meeting we may have a meeting about general other 
topics that need to be handled.



From bea at  Mon Apr 26 14:03:24 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Mon Apr 26 14:03:54 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1083002603.4551.16.camel@ogg>

On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 19:59, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> * the early bird submission will close tomorrow morning. Bea will take 
> care of closing it.

Tiny correction: Early bird registration (cheaper fee for the
conference) finishes on May 1st.

The official talk submission closes today and will become invisible as
from tomorrow.


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From faassen at  Mon Apr 26 14:14:49 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr 26 14:13:55 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april
In-Reply-To: <1083002603.4551.16.camel@ogg>
References: <> <1083002603.4551.16.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <>

Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 19:59, Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>Hi there,
>>* the early bird submission will close tomorrow morning. Bea will take 
>>care of closing it.
> Tiny correction: Early bird registration (cheaper fee for the
> conference) finishes on May 1st.
> The official talk submission closes today and will become invisible as
> from tomorrow.

Oops sorry for the confusion, and thank you Bea.



From dario at  Mon Apr 26 14:30:17 2004
From: dario at (=?UTF-8?B?RGFyaW8gTG9wZXotS8Okc3Rlbg==?=)
Date: Mon Apr 26 14:30:41 2004
Subject: Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> * we seem to have enough space (if we do 4 tracks in parallel) to 
> accomodate the talks we have, early calculations show. But we'll do a 
> lot of tuning still.


There are only 3 large rooms booked,so we might need to (read: will have 
to) revise this. While I *think* (not sure) that there are other rooms, 
there will be trouble with internet access in thos rooms.

Also, I need to know more details about planned sprints... howmany 
poeple etc... I still haven't found adequate rooms with netaccess for 
them. I have made som preliminary contacts in buildings nearby for so 
far nothing is settled.

So far I know of a PyPy srpint that "will start on June 02" and 
Martinj's sprint after the conference for 1.5 days.

Need more info.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From magnus at  Mon Apr 26 15:57:47 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon Apr 26 15:57:53 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFJvb21zIChSZTogW0V1cm9QeXRob25dIFN1bW1hcnkgbWVldGluZyAyNiBhcHJpbCk=?=
Message-ID: <>

Dario wrote:
> There are only 3 large rooms booked,so we might need to (read: will have 
> to) revise this. While I *think* (not sure) that there are other rooms, 
> there will be trouble with internet access in thos rooms.

What about wireless access? Won't that work in the small rooms?
(As far as I understand it's a 802.11b network, and there is a map of
coverage at I don't
know exactly where the rooms in question are.)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Mon Apr 26 16:01:38 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon Apr 26 16:01:45 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Parking at Chalmers?
Message-ID: <>

It's a long time since I went to Chalmers by car...

Is it difficult/expensive to find parking places by Chalmers
these days? (I assume that it shouldn't be too bad in June,
but maybe a parking permit etc is needed?)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dario at  Mon Apr 26 16:05:53 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Mon Apr 26 16:06:02 2004
Subject: Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Magnus Lycka wrote:

> Dario wrote:
>>There are only 3 large rooms booked,so we might need to (read: will have 
>>to) revise this. While I *think* (not sure) that there are other rooms, 
>>there will be trouble with internet access in thos rooms.
> What about wireless access? Won't that work in the small rooms?

out of range. there is a limited set of std accesspoints. I am loking 
into alternatives, that is why I am asking for number of sprints.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From faassen at  Mon Apr 26 18:01:20 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Mon Apr 26 18:01:28 2004
Subject: Rooms (Re: [EuroPython] Summary meeting 26 april)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> * we seem to have enough space (if we do 4 tracks in parallel) to 
>> accomodate the talks we have, early calculations show. But we'll do a 
>> lot of tuning still.
> There are only 3 large rooms booked,so we might need to (read: will have 
> to) revise this. While I *think* (not sure) that there are other rooms, 
> there will be trouble with internet access in thos rooms.

Jacob was rather definite to me that we could expand to a 4th room if 
necessary, though I don't know much about the size. We'll see how many 
tracks we end up putting it in.

Advice to track chairs though: try to keep the talks shorter rather than 
longer. This is also good for keeping people's attention better; 60 
minutes of a talk is a *long* time indeed. In previous years the maximum 
length of most talks (excepting tutorials I think) was 45 minutes.

Lack of internet access in that room is not a disaster for most talks.

> Also, I need to know more details about planned sprints... howmany 
> poeple etc... I still haven't found adequate rooms with netaccess for 
> them. I have made som preliminary contacts in buildings nearby for so 
> far nothing is settled.
> So far I know of a PyPy srpint that "will start on June 02" and 
> Martinj's sprint after the conference for 1.5 days.

Yup, my mini-sprint; Guido Wesdorp (also at Infrae) will also be there 
(though may not hack on the same stuff). Though I think the PyPy people 
will also follow on after the conference. Laura also earlier indicated 
she might want to do an impromptu sprint with people she met there.

> Need more info.

For more info on PyPy please consult the PyPy people -- they *should* be 
able to tell you more by now. :)



From postmaster at  Tue Apr 27 00:35:12 2004
From: postmaster at (
Date: Tue Apr 27 00:35:20 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] VIRUS IN YOUR MAIL
Message-ID: <>

                           V I R U S  A L E R T

Our viruschecker found the


virus(es) in your email to the following recipient(s):


Please check your system for viruses, or ask your system administrator
to do so.

For your reference, here are the headers from your email:

------------------------- BEGIN HEADERS -----------------------------
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ([])
	by (8.12.11/8.12.11av) with SMTP id i3R4Z2EM023714
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Subject: *****SPAM***** something for you
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 07:35:06 +0300
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From bea at  Tue Apr 27 01:49:42 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Apr 27 01:49:20 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Everitt epc site permissions
Message-ID: <1083044932.4539.27.camel@ogg>

(This did not go through by e-mail several times, so now it is going to
the mailing list).

Hi Paul!

Have you already registered on If you get
yourself (or already have) a user id on the Plone site and tell me what
it is, I will give you manager rights. Then you can take care of your
track. Just let me know.

Looking forward to meeting you in G?teborg!



"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Tue Apr 27 03:37:52 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Apr 27 03:32:57 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Everitt epc site permissions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1083044932.4539.27.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <1083051472.2330.3.camel@localhost>

(Same e-mail problem still)

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 09:24, Paul Everitt wrote:


You know have all rights on the site.



Beatrice Fontaine <>

From faassen at  Tue Apr 27 05:51:57 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 27 05:52:10 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

Looking at the talks submitted for the frameworks track, there are 
*five* talks about software testing (or in case of std contains a 
significant portion about software testing), submitted by 5 different 
people. I don't know why this is suddenly such a hot topic. It could be 
a track all by itself. :)

Some of these tests probably are better off in the tutorials track. I'll 
try to negotiate with Jacob to move 'm over. I also think there is 
enough overlap between some of the talks forcing me to drop one or two.

Anyway, no particular point to this message, just some surprise.



From faassen at  Tue Apr 27 06:16:48 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 27 06:16:54 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] could use a volunteer for frameworks track assistant
Message-ID: <>

Hi there,

The frameworks track is pretty full, currently the second largest track 
of the conference in amount of time. Even if I manage to move some talks 
to the tutorials track (in which case this will likely be the second 
largest track, though I assume the tutorials will be running in multiple 
rooms in parallel in the end) *and* I force everybody to limit their 
talk to 30 minutes, it'll be 4 blocks, more than I anticipated.

If I give the people who requested 60 minutes their 60 minutes, I'll 
need almost 6 blocks, one and a half day.

Of course other combinations where I drop talks are also possible, but I 
prefer accepting talks to dropping them.

Since I'd like to be able to wander off at some stage to enjoy the rest 
of the conference, I'd like to ask for a volunteer to assist me in the 
running of the track.

What this means is you run, say, 2 or 3 blocks (of 90 minutes) of track. 
This entails:

   * knowing what talks are going to happen in these blocks

   * help speakers with any requirements like slides on a laptop, making 
the beamer work, etc.

   * introducing the talks and speakers very briefly

   * staying there while the talks happen

   * watch the clock and making sure the speaker stops in time so the 
next talk can start.

   * help with any unforeseen problems like microphones not working, 
alien invasions or time paradoxes.

This is all not very difficult (though the time paradoxes are tricky), 
and allows me to wander about freely a bit more. The last two 
conferences I was locked to the track I was running for half of the 3 
days (and then I gave a talk myself), and I'd like to get a bit more 
time to wander around this year. While the talks are generally quite 
interesting, being a track chair does tire you out a bit more.



From dario at  Tue Apr 27 06:28:53 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Apr 27 06:29:01 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
Message-ID: <>


do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From mwh at  Tue Apr 27 06:31:05 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Apr 27 06:31:08 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten's_message_of?= "Tue, 27 Apr 2004
	12:28:53 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten <> writes:

> Hello,
> do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?

I didn't think so.


  If you don't use emacs, you're a pathetic, mewling, masochistic
  weakling and I can't be bothered to convert you.    -- Ron Echeverri

From rev_anna_r at  Tue Apr 27 06:59:37 2004
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Tue Apr 27 06:59:40 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Dario_Lopez-Kästen <> wrote:
> Hello,
> do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?
> /dario

No but some room for OpenSpace would be useful. A place where folks
could go to continue to talk about a topic that interests them, or just
start a topic... also known as break-out rooms.


From faassen at  Tue Apr 27 07:18:14 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 27 07:17:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:

> do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?

Don't think so. What we did have last year and would be nice is a room 
(very near to the conference itself) with network access (and nothing 
else going on). This so people can check email and do emergency 
maintenance of servers, etc.

I don't know if such a room is being arranged.



From dario at  Tue Apr 27 07:19:11 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Apr 27 07:19:19 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:
>>do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?
> I didn't think so.

Right, then. I'll work with the following premises for sprints then.

THe following dates require rooms for sprints:

Wednesday 02 PyPy
Thursday  03 PyPy
Friday    04 PyPy

Saturday  05 No need
Sunday    06 No need

Monday    07 No need
Tuesday   08 No need
Wednesday 09 No need

Thursday  10 Faassen mini-sprint
Friday    11 Faassen mini-sprint

Is this acceptable?

So far I have managed to book 3.5 rooms for June 10, from 8 to 18 (it is 
  an entiere floor, so we could host 2-5 sprints there, depepnding on 
how  many people there are).


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Tue Apr 27 07:22:57 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Apr 27 07:23:05 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:

> Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
>> do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?
> Don't think so. What we did have last year and would be nice is a room 
> (very near to the conference itself) with network access (and nothing 
> else going on). This so people can check email and do emergency 
> maintenance of servers, etc.
> I don't know if such a room is being arranged.

As it is know, no can do - I am looking into it though. There is 
wireless all over one corridor so thre will be net access *per se*.

Maybe some tables and chairs?


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From Sandor.Kopanyi at  Tue Apr 27 07:31:09 2004
From: Sandor.Kopanyi at (=?UTF-8?B?S29ww6FueWkgU8OhbmRvcg==?=)
Date: Tue Apr 27 07:31:24 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
Message-ID: <>

Dear Organising Committ?e,

I sent a question to Laura Creighton regarding some details needed for
the bank transfer, but I got no answer so far.

Can you please check that she really got my mail?

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kop?nyi S?ndor 
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 4:23 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
> Importance: High
> Dear Laura,
> Did you receive my previous mail? (see below)
> It would be quite important for us to get the answers to be able to
> transfer the money...
> Best regards,
> Sandor
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kop?nyi S?ndor 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:29 PM
> > To: ''
> > Subject: RE: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
> > 
> > 
> > Dear Laura,
> > 
> > Our accounting department needs some further information for the
> > direct bank transfer, please send them to me:
> > 
> > - the name of your bank
> > - the SWIFT code (or this is the same as the IBAN code below?)
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Sandor
> > 
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: []
> > > Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 12:29 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Dear Mr. Sandor Kopanyi 
> > > 
> > > Registration information EuroPython 2004
> > > ========================================
> > > 
> > > Thank you for your registration, your registration ID is 
> > P04110122653.
> > > We hope you'll enjoy EuroPython 2004 and look forward to 
> > > meeting you. Below 
> > > you'll find your registration and some important information. 
> > > Please read it 
> > > carefully and contact us immediately if you find a mistake. 
> > > If you have questions
> > > regarding registration issues, please contact Laura Creighton 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Thanks and see you soon,
> > > EuroPython team.
> > > 
> > > Important: if you want to register for a sprint, use the 
> > > Sprint Page
> > > 
> > > For any other issues, please contact Laura Creighton 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > An account has been created for you on the EuroPython 
> website, with
> > > username sandor_kopanyi and password 122920.  
> > > 
> > > Clicking 
> > >
> > > 10122653/portal_form/ploco_person_view?__ac_name=sandor_kopany
> > > i&__ac_password=122920&disable_cookie_login__=1 
> > > will log in automatically and view your registration details.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > registration ID: P04110122653
> > > 
> > > Person:
> > > 
> > > Mr. Sandor Kopanyi
> > > 
> > > 
> > > You have chosen to transfer the money to our account.
> > > Please give your registration-id: P04110122653 when
> > > transfering the total amount of 175.00 EUR
> > > to our account:
> > > 
> > >   Bank account holder: Europython Society
> > >   Bank account: 037 676 534-3  (non-Swedish residents)
> > >                 983 415 181-4  (Swedish residents)
> > >   
> > >   IBAN : SE76 8000 0810 5903 7676 5343 
> > >   BIC :  SWEDESS
> > >   
> > >   Address:
> > >   c/o AB Strakt
> > >   Norra gatan 10
> > >   SE-416 64 G?teborg
> > >   Sweden
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Address:
> > > 
> > > Tolgyfa u. 28
> > > hu 1027
> > > Budapest
> > > 
> > > Registered Goods:
> > > 
> > > Conference T-Shirt: XL, 15 EUR
> > > 
> > > Registered Services:
> > > Sandor Kopanyi paid for 
> > > Early bird fee: 160 EUR EUR
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Registration Amount:  175.00 EUR
> > > Accomodation Amount:    0.00 EUR
> > > Paid by: swift
> > > 
> > > Important Info/Advice:
> > > ======================
> > > 
> > > * Please, bring this paper along to the entrance of the 
> > > conference. It will ease and improve the speed of 
> > > dispatching at the registration/info desk.
> > > 
> > > * If you are a student, don't forget to bring your student 
> > > card along.
> > > 
> > > * If you are a speaker, it would be handy to bring the 
> > > confirmation of your talk(s) by your trackchairman with you.
> > > 
> > > * The special conference T-shirts will be available at the 
> > > EuroPython2004
> > > registration/info desk. Please, bring this paper with you 
> > > when collecting your T-shirt.
> > >  
> > > * Soon you will be able to download the time tables of the 
> > > talks from our website in PDF format. We advise you to 
> > > print them out at your office and bring them with you to 
> > > the conference. The EuroPython2004 conference itself is 
> > > unable to provide them to you at the conference.
> > >   
> > > --
> > > 
> > 

From bea at  Tue Apr 27 07:59:58 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Apr 27 07:54:53 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registration
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1083067198.2329.41.camel@localhost>

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 13:31, Kop?nyi S?ndor wrote:
> Dear Organising Committ?e,
> I sent a question to Laura Creighton regarding some details needed for
> the bank transfer, but I got no answer so far.

Hello there!

Laura is in the US until next week, I believe. Here is the info you

BIC=SWIFT code (see confirmation mail)
IBAN= International bank account number (contains the bank code and the
bank account number)

The Bank is F?reningssparbanken

Let us know if you need any more info!

best regards


Beatrice Fontaine <>

From Sandor.Kopanyi at  Tue Apr 27 08:13:45 2004
From: Sandor.Kopanyi at (=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Kop=E1nyi_S=E1ndor?=)
Date: Tue Apr 27 08:13:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004 payment/registrat ion
Message-ID: <>

Hej Bea,

Thanks, now we have everything.

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beatrice Fontaine []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:00 PM
> To: Kop?nyi S?ndor
> Cc: ''; ''
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] FW: EuroPython conference 2004
> payment/registration
> On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 13:31, Kop?nyi S?ndor wrote:
> > Dear Organising Committ?e,
> > 
> > I sent a question to Laura Creighton regarding some details 
> needed for
> > the bank transfer, but I got no answer so far.
> Hello there!
> Laura is in the US until next week, I believe. Here is the info you
> need:
> BIC=SWIFT code (see confirmation mail)
> IBAN= International bank account number (contains the bank 
> code and the
> bank account number)
> The Bank is F?reningssparbanken
> Let us know if you need any more info!
> best regards
> bea
> -- 
> Beatrice Fontaine <>

From faassen at  Tue Apr 27 08:26:49 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 27 08:25:50 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
>>> do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?
>> Don't think so. What we did have last year and would be nice is a room 
>> (very near to the conference itself) with network access (and nothing 
>> else going on). This so people can check email and do emergency 
>> maintenance of servers, etc.
>> I don't know if such a room is being arranged.
> As it is know, no can do - I am looking into it though. There is 
> wireless all over one corridor so thre will be net access *per se*.
> Maybe some tables and chairs?

Some tables and chairs would definitely be nice.



From magnus at  Tue Apr 27 11:53:23 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Apr 27 11:53:34 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtFdXJvUHl0aG9uXSBBICdUZXN0aW5nIHRyYWNrJz8=?=
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Looking at the talks submitted for the frameworks track, there are 
> *five* talks about software testing (or in case of std contains a 
> significant portion about software testing), submitted by 5 different 
> people. I don't know why this is suddenly such a hot topic. 

I imagine it's a consequence of Python being used more in larger software 
projects, so testing becomes more relevant. A sign of adulthood? I saw 
that Jim Fulton and Tim Peters had a presentation of unit testing at 
PyCon as well, so it's not just us! :)

As someone who started his career as a (hardware) test engineer almost
twenty years ago, I think it's nice to see that this subject gets some
attention. Finally! ;)

> It could be a track all by itself. :)

Perhaps it would be a good thing to put them as a continous block 
in the frameworks track? (Or maybe that would just be too exhausing 
for people who like to follow all of them?)

> Some of these tests probably are better off in the tutorials track. 

I actually found it a bit difficult to know what track I should put 
my talk proposals in. (One is about testing.)

I've felt that a tutorial is something more practical and hands-on 
than my talks. My ambition is to give impulses about things to do, 
show where to find more information, and to help my audience realize 
the use cases and limitations of different approaches or frameworks.
They aren't "how to program with X" walktroughs.

On the other hand, my talks aren't about *one* particular framework or 
library. It's more "when do I use this" than "how do I use this", so
it's not exactly right for the frameworks track either...

It seems some of the other testing talks have more of a tutorial 
nature, while still being about one particual framework!

Oh well, it's usually like this when we try to put things in little
boxes. Some things belong in several boxes, and some don't belong
in any box... I feel this every time I try to organize the papers in 
my office. ;)

I remember thinking already last year, that I didn't quite understand
the red lines in all the tracks, but I didn't come up with any better
division, and I still haven't. There are lots of potential talks about
programming with Python that aren't really tutorials, but not really
about a particular framework either.

Maybe Jacob, an international expert in Library Science, could sort 
out these categorization issues better? ;)

> I'll 
> try to negotiate with Jacob to move 'm over. I also think there is 
> enough overlap between some of the talks forcing me to drop one or two.

Really? It seems to me that they all have fairly different scopes.
I could imagine that a few are a bit long though...

My talk is a 30 minute introductory overview aimed at showing how 
Python can be useful for testing in various software develpoment 
contexts, and what module or practice to use depending on various 

Schwartzer's talk is an hour (a bit long?) of unit testing with 
mock objects for advanced users.

The talk "A Better Test Runner" is (as far as I understand) about
a new test runner for unit tests, i.e. a program that runs unit
tests and collect and present test results. (Seems like a small 
subject for 30 minutes though--my own testrunner is 11 lines of 
code. ;)

The "std" talk covers (among other things) a new alternative to 
using the standard unittest module, but I imagine that both the
test runner and the mock object approach are fairly orthogonal
to that.

The TextTest talk is about a framework for automated acceptance
tests, which is an entirely different cup of tea than unit testing.

Ok, I suppose that several talks will briefly raise questions such 
as "Why do we test software?" and "Why should we automate our 
tests?", but I doubt that a lot of time will be spent on that, 
and getting different opinions on a subject isn't bad...

Four of the talks will describe unittesting in one way or another,
and my talk will mention at least one alternative to TextTest.
It still seems to me that they complement each other pretty well
though. After all, there are plenty of talks that touch subjects 
such as performance, databases, web programming or Zope...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From faassen at  Tue Apr 27 12:17:31 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Tue Apr 27 12:16:32 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Magnus Lycka wrote:

> Four of the talks will describe unittesting in one way or another,
> and my talk will mention at least one alternative to TextTest.
> It still seems to me that they complement each other pretty well
> though. After all, there are plenty of talks that touch subjects 
> such as performance, databases, web programming or Zope...

Would you be interested in being in charge of the 'testing track', then? :)



From jacob at  Tue Apr 27 13:20:09 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Apr 27 13:20:35 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On tisdag 27 april 2004 13.22, Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
> > Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> >> do we need rooms for sprinting DURING the conference itself?
> >
> > Don't think so. What we did have last year and would be nice is a room
> > (very near to the conference itself) with network access (and nothing
> > else going on). This so people can check email and do emergency
> > maintenance of servers, etc.
> >
> > I don't know if such a room is being arranged.
> As it is know, no can do - I am looking into it though. There is
> wireless all over one corridor so thre will be net access *per se*.
> Maybe some tables and chairs?

What about doing Internet access in a corner of the cafeteria? Chalmers 
Restaurang AB has given us permission to use it.


From pedronis at  Tue Apr 27 16:13:47 2004
From: pedronis at (Samuele Pedroni)
Date: Tue Apr 27 16:08:21 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] 
 PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest, Vol 9, Issue 30
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

>From: Dario Lopez-K?sten <>
>So far I know of a PyPy srpint that "will start on June 02" and


the PyPy sprint start on the 31th of May.

>Martinj's sprint after the conference for 1.5 days.

From dario at  Wed Apr 28 01:55:55 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Wed Apr 28 01:56:08 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> What about doing Internet access in a corner of the cafeteria? Chalmers 
> Restaurang AB has given us permission to use it.

There is no possibility of that for tehcnical reasons: it is out of 
range of existing infrastructure and there is no cabling reaching that far.

What we basically have is internet access for the spekaers in the three 
rooms we have booked, extremly limited coverage of the wireless network 
in parts of on of the large rooms and good wireless coverage in parts of 
the area outside of the two of rooms.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Wed Apr 28 01:59:09 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Wed Apr 28 01:59:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython]  PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest,
	Vol 9, Issue 30
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Samuele Pedroni wrote:

>> From: Dario Lopez-K?sten <>
>> ...
>> So far I know of a PyPy srpint that "will start on June 02" and
> the PyPy sprint start on the 31th of May.

ouch. That date is not good for several reasons, chiefly becasue there 
is a chance many rooms are still being used by classes and such... oh, 
well. I'll see what I can do.

/dario - goes back to trying to find suitable rooms.

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Wed Apr 28 02:05:08 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Wed Apr 28 02:05:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Need for sprints DURING the conference
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:

> What we basically have is internet access for the spekaers in the three 
> rooms we have booked, extremly limited coverage of the wireless network 
> in parts of on of the large rooms and good wireless coverage in parts of 
> the area outside of the two of rooms.

forgot to add: I am going to be there this week trying out the coverage 
of the existing wireless infrastructure.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From jeroen at  Wed Apr 28 04:57:21 2004
From: jeroen at (Jeroen Vloothuis)
Date: Wed Apr 28 04:57:32 2004
Subject: Fwd: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track 
Message-ID: <>

A few days ago I replied to Laura but have received no response in the 
mean time. As I replyed to her, we are only able to do the Zope track 
as this is our primary interest and we can only bring one camera with 
equipment. We will be going with 2-3 people.
	Jeroen Vloothuis

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Laura Creighton <>
> Date: April 22, 2004 5:35:12 PM CEST
> To: Jeroen Vloothuis <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
> This sounds interesting. How many of you are there, and could you
> stream all the tracks, not just the Zope ones?
> Laura Creighton
> (in unseemly haste)
> In a message of Thu, 22 Apr 2004 14:11:25 +0200, Jeroen Vloothuis 
> writes:
>> --===============0044224941==
>> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-8--898013344
>> --Apple-Mail-8--898013344
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> Content-Type: text/plain;
>> 	charset=US-ASCII;
>> 	format=flowed
>> Dear Sir/Madam,
>> Some of the employees at our company want to visit the Zope track this
>> year. We were wondering if we are eligible for a discount on the
>> entrance fee if we would capture the whole track during the event and
>> publish this as streaming video on our systems. Our company has all 
>> the
>> required equipment and facilities which we can take with us. Depending
>> on the quality of the internet connectivity we could even provide a
>> live stream.
>> Greetings,
>> 	Jeroen Vloothuis
>> Noterik Multimedia BV
>> Polderweg 102
>> Postbus 92122
>> 1090 AC Amsterdam
>> Tel: +31 (0)20-592 99 66
>> Fax: +31 (0)20-468 84 05

From dario at  Wed Apr 28 05:12:59 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Wed Apr 28 05:13:12 2004
Subject: Fwd: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeroen Vloothuis wrote:

> A few days ago I replied to Laura but have received no response in the 
> mean time. As I replyed to her, we are only able to do the Zope track as 
> this is our primary interest and we can only bring one camera with 
> equipment. We will be going with 2-3 people.
> Regards,
>     Jeroen Vloothuis

I will see what we can do about this. There is a possibility that this 
coudl be doable, with fairly good bandwith as well.

I'll get back to you on this.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From magnus at  Wed Apr 28 05:29:25 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Apr 28 05:29:38 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtFdXJvUHl0aG9uXSAgUHlQeSBzcHJpbnQgc3RhcnRpbmcgZGF0ZSBSZTogRXVyb1B5dGhvbiBEaWdlc3QsIFZvbCA5LCBJc3N1ZSAzMA==?=
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> > the PyPy sprint start on the 31th of May.
> ouch. That date is not good for several reasons, chiefly becasue there 
> is a chance many rooms are still being used by classes and such... oh, 
> well. I'll see what I can do.

Doesn't CD (the computer club at Chalmers) have some space we could use?

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dario at  Wed Apr 28 05:38:00 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Wed Apr 28 05:38:13 2004
Subject: [EuroPython]  PyPy sprint starting date Re: EuroPython Digest,
	Vol 9, Issue 30
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Magnus Lycka wrote:

> Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
>>>the PyPy sprint start on the 31th of May.
>>ouch. That date is not good for several reasons, chiefly becasue there 
>>is a chance many rooms are still being used by classes and such... oh, 
>>well. I'll see what I can do.
> Doesn't CD (the computer club at Chalmers) have some space we could use?

afaik, cd is not that active any more... I will check if they are still 
alive. Good idea, btw.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From jim at  Wed Apr 28 16:58:20 2004
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Wed Apr 28 16:59:04 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
Message-ID: <>


I recently decided to attend EP 2004 and would like to lead a
sprint after the conference.

What do I need to do?

How many sprint days are available after the


Jim Fulton        Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From dario at  Thu Apr 29 02:50:20 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Thu Apr 29 02:50:39 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sleeping on Campus
Message-ID: <>


FYI: sleeping on Campus is not allowed under any circumstanses.

Should fire break out, the fire fighters will assume that the place is 
empty and will not attempt any rescue operation.

For that reason it is not allowed to spend the night on campus. This 
also affects when we work late nights, etc - we always ahve to tell 
someone that we will be staying late.

So, no sleeping on Campus :P


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From faassen at  Thu Apr 29 06:28:26 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Thu Apr 29 06:27:13 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I recently decided to attend EP 2004 


> and would like to lead a
> sprint after the conference.

> What do I need to do?
> How many sprint days are available after the
> conference?

I think currently there are some people doing a post-conference sprint 
on the PyPy team (though not necessarily anything PyPy related). Don't 
know how long they'll be there.

There are my vague plans for a 1.5 days mini-sprint (until friday when I 
have to leave) on a possible C implementation of ZPT, and then there's 
likely going to be some work on Kupu by GuidoW and Philipp.

Dario is in charge of organizing sprint facilities and trying to make it 
all come together, he should know more.



From jim at  Thu Apr 29 10:01:56 2004
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Thu Apr 29 10:02:08 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> I recently decided to attend EP 2004 
> Great!
>> and would like to lead a
>> sprint after the conference.
>> What do I need to do?
>> How many sprint days are available after the
>> conference?
> I think currently there are some people doing a post-conference sprint 
> on the PyPy team (though not necessarily anything PyPy related). Don't 
> know how long they'll be there.
> There are my vague plans for a 1.5 days mini-sprint (until friday when I 
> have to leave) on a possible C implementation of ZPT, and then there's 
> likely going to be some work on Kupu by GuidoW and Philipp.
> Dario is in charge of organizing sprint facilities and trying to make it 
> all come together, he should know more.

I need to make travel arrangements. A number of people have expressed interest
in sprinting through the 12th.  I propose then to sprint the 10th through the 12th.
That's three days after the conference.  Is that OK? Will there be facilities?

Note that I'm combining this trip with a trip to the International Free Software
Forum in Brazil the 2nd to the 5th, so my travel plans are going to be rather tricky,
so I need to get going on them asap.


Jim Fulton        Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From dario at  Thu Apr 29 10:49:39 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Thu Apr 29 10:49:50 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeroen Vloothuis wrote:

> Could we get an agreement on registration fee soon? We have decided we 
> will be going with two people.
> Cheers,
>     Jeroen

I am forwarding this to the EuroPython list, since I am not in a 
position to look into the reg fee thing.

Regarding the access, I need to sort out some technical details re 
bandwith and all - however I do not believe that this will pose a 
problem at the moment.


> On Apr 28, 2004, at 11:12 AM, Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
>> Jeroen Vloothuis wrote:
>>> A few days ago I replied to Laura but have received no response in 
>>> the mean time. As I replyed to her, we are only able to do the Zope 
>>> track as this is our primary interest and we can only bring one 
>>> camera with equipment. We will be going with 2-3 people.
>>> Regards,
>>>     Jeroen Vloothuis
>> I will see what we can do about this. There is a possibility that this 
>> coudl be doable, with fairly good bandwith as well.
>> I'll get back to you on this.
>> /dario

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From sf at  Thu Apr 29 13:53:20 2004
From: sf at (Stefane Fermigier)
Date: Thu Apr 29 13:53:29 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] A 'Testing track'?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hi there,
> Looking at the talks submitted for the frameworks track, there are 
> *five* talks about software testing (or in case of std contains a 
> significant portion about software testing), submitted by 5 different 
> people. I don't know why this is suddenly such a hot topic. It could be 
> a track all by itself. :)
> Some of these tests probably are better off in the tutorials track. I'll 
> try to negotiate with Jacob to move 'm over. I also think there is 
> enough overlap between some of the talks forcing me to drop one or two.
> Anyway, no particular point to this message, just some surprise.

I have submitted a talk about the EDOS project, distributed QA and the 
PyPackage project to the Zope track, for I didn't see any other track 
that would seem to fit.

If there is a testing track, I suppose that this my proposal should be 
included in this track instead.

(The reason I submitted it to the Zope track is because the "QA portal" 
that will be developped for the project is built on Zope/CPS, but 
otherwise it is more a testing / qa / packaging thing than a Zope thing.)


St?fane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server:
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source!

From faassen at  Thu Apr 29 18:03:44 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Thu Apr 29 18:03:46 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Streaming the Zope track
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> Jeroen Vloothuis wrote:
>> Could we get an agreement on registration fee soon? We have decided we 
>> will be going with two people.
>> Cheers,
>>     Jeroen
> I am forwarding this to the EuroPython list, since I am not in a 
> position to look into the reg fee thing.
> Regarding the access, I need to sort out some technical details re 
> bandwith and all - however I do not believe that this will pose a 
> problem at the moment.

We need to discuss the discount, but I will say that if you miss the 
early bird registration deadline due to our delay in this decision, 
we'll give you the opportunity to post-register at early bird for these 
two people (if we decide against discounts).



From faassen at  Thu Apr 29 18:13:08 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Thu Apr 29 18:13:10 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Schedule for sending out reminders
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> This is a reminder for Martijn. For all you others, it is to remind you to 
> remind Martijn when he forgets.

Nobody reminded me and 'when he forgets' didn't happen. :)

> 30 April
> Last chance for early bird registration.

Just sent it all out.



From dario at  Fri Apr 30 02:46:47 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Fri Apr 30 02:46:57 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I need to make travel arrangements. A number of people have expressed 
> interest
> in sprinting through the 12th.  I propose then to sprint the 10th 
> through the 12th.
> That's three days after the conference.  Is that OK? Will there be 
> facilities?


I am now trying to arrange to borrow an entire floor (the one upstairs 
to my office) for sprints. This is not exactly at the conference place, 
but within a 5 minute stroll (sp?) from the conference area.

If it works it means that we can borrow this for about 2 weeks, one week 
before the conference and one week after, which means that we can use 
them on the weekend after the conference as well.

We (the EPC) will need to spend some money to pay for rent of chairs and 
tables (the offices are completely empty), and possible some network 
equipment, but I think this would be an acceptable cost.

If this works, then this would be the aboslute best option in my 
opiniuon - we have room for all sprints at once, and there will be extra 
rooms avialable for spontaneous sprinting bothe before and after the 
conference (even before and after each conference day ;-).

If this should fail, then  I have a plan B, which is to rent 3 small 
rooms close to the conference site. However, I cannot guarantee that we 
may borrow these over a weekend nor the week before the conference (I am 
mainly thinking of the PyPy sprint here.

None of this is yet set in stone, so I can't make you any promises - I 
am working on securing everything. The 3 rooms near the conference are 
the most stable option at the moment.

Will get back with more info ASAP. Today is however a semi-holuday in 
sweden so many people are either taking the day off or will only work 
until noon, so I can't get back with a reply any sooner than monday, 
with any luck.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From mache at  Fri Apr 30 04:16:48 2004
From: mache at (Niels Mache, struktur AG)
Date: Fri Apr 30 04:16:39 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython
Message-ID: <>

Dear Europython Team,

the attached information was distributed on 22 April.

I would be very pleased to sponsor the Europython Conference.

As I would like to proceed and your contribution is appreciated please
kindly send me your reply during the next week.

Thank you very much for your continous co-operation.

Niels Mache

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Sponsoring Europython
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:20:53 +0200
From: Niels Mache, struktur AG <>
Organization: struktur AG

Hi there,

we like to sponsor the Europython conference as "Sponsor".
How can we transfer the sponoring fee to you? What information do you require from us?
logos, links, etc.?

Warm regards,
Niels Mache

> Sponsor - 500 Euro
> This gives you:
>     * Your name/link on the website
>     * An ad in the conference program
>     * A streamer in each conference room

From chris at  Fri Apr 30 05:52:54 2004
From: chris at (Chris Withers)
Date: Fri Apr 30 05:52:56 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sleeping on Campus
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:

> So, no sleeping on Campus :P

What? Not even during my talks? ;-)



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

From faassen at  Thu Apr 29 18:12:13 2004
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Apr 30 06:00:34 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython early bird deadline very soon!
Message-ID: <>

EuroPython news update april 30

EuroPython early bird registration deadline is may 1, next saturday!
After that you pay 60 euros more. Some cheap accomodation also still
available, so if you want to attend, hurry and register now!

EuroPython is the European Python and Zope Conference. This year in
its third edition, we are holding the conference in the beautiful
locale of G?teborg, Sweden. Hundreds of Python users and Zope users
are expected. The conference is from june 7 to june 9.

- The talk submission deadline has now passed. We now have an enormous
   selection of talks and are struggling to fit them all in the
   program. For the list of talks that have already been accepted
   (definitely not yet complete), see here:

   Many well known names in the Python community will be presenting,
   including keynote speaker Guido van Rossum.

   For those interested in Zope, look at the lineup of well-known
   people in the Zope community that are giving talks. It's a "can't
   miss" event in the Zope community!

- Our keynote speakers will be Mark Shuttleworth and Guido van

   Mark Shuttleworth is many things, not least what we think was the
   first Python programmer in space. He is also is the sponsor of the
   schooltool project to develop an open source school administration
   system in Python. More about about him can be found at

   If you don't know who Guido van Rossum is, you really need to come
   to EuroPython to find out and meet him.

More information can be found at Hope to
see you at EuroPython 2004!

From mwh at  Fri Apr 30 06:03:10 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Fri Apr 30 06:03:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten's_message_of?= "Fri, 30 Apr 2004
	08:46:47 +0200")
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten <> writes:

> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> I need to make travel arrangements. A number of people have
>> expressed interest
>> in sprinting through the 12th.  I propose then to sprint the 10th
>> through the 12th.
>> That's three days after the conference.  Is that OK? Will there be
>> facilities?
> FYI:
> I am now trying to arrange to borrow an entire floor (the one upstairs
> to my office) for sprints. This is not exactly at the conference
> place, but within a 5 minute stroll (sp?)

like that :-)

> from the conference area.
> If it works it means that we can borrow this for about 2 weeks, one
> week before the conference and one week after, which means that we can
> use them on the weekend after the conference as well.

This sounds seriously excellent!  Hope it works out.


  ... but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if I don't have to.  On
  the other hand, if the currently instantiated version of the wheel
  consists of a square rock covered with moss, I might as well just
  start fresh.                          -- Roy Smith, comp.lang.python

From dario at  Fri Apr 30 06:03:14 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Fri Apr 30 06:03:24 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sleeping on Campus
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chris Withers wrote:

> Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
>> So, no sleeping on Campus :P
> What? Not even during my talks? ;-)
> *grinz*

Weeell... we can be flexible :-)


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From jim at  Fri Apr 30 06:12:12 2004
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Fri Apr 30 06:12:16 2004
Subject: URGENT: Re: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

I need confirmation that I can hold a Zope sprint
June 10-12. I need EP to provide the facilities.

Can I please get a yes or no answer ASAP?

I currently have 5 people, other than myself, who have expressed interest
in sprinting these 3 days.  I need confirmation so that I can finalize
my travel plans and so that I can announce the sprint more widely, with
specific dates, so that other people can make travel plans far enough
out so that travel is affordable.


P.S, I don't have Dario's email address.  If he's not on the EP list,
      could someone please forward this to him?

Jim Fulton wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Jim Fulton wrote:
>>> I recently decided to attend EP 2004 
>> Great!
>>> and would like to lead a
>>> sprint after the conference.
>>> What do I need to do?
>>> How many sprint days are available after the
>>> conference?
>> I think currently there are some people doing a post-conference sprint 
>> on the PyPy team (though not necessarily anything PyPy related). Don't 
>> know how long they'll be there.
>> There are my vague plans for a 1.5 days mini-sprint (until friday when 
>> I have to leave) on a possible C implementation of ZPT, and then 
>> there's likely going to be some work on Kupu by GuidoW and Philipp.
>> Dario is in charge of organizing sprint facilities and trying to make 
>> it all come together, he should know more.
> I need to make travel arrangements. A number of people have expressed 
> interest
> in sprinting through the 12th.  I propose then to sprint the 10th 
> through the 12th.
> That's three days after the conference.  Is that OK? Will there be 
> facilities?
> Note that I'm combining this trip with a trip to the International Free 
> Software
> Forum in Brazil the 2nd to the 5th, so my travel plans are going to be 
> rather tricky,
> so I need to get going on them asap.
> Jim

Jim Fulton        Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From dario at  Fri Apr 30 06:30:51 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Fri Apr 30 06:31:00 2004
Subject: URGENT: Re: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Jim Fulton wrote:

> I need confirmation that I can hold a Zope sprint
> June 10-12. I need EP to provide the facilities.
> Can I please get a yes or no answer ASAP?

Hi, I have just made a confirmed booking of a separate room near the 
conference for the following dates:

10, 11, 12 June, from 08.00 to 20.00

specifically to host the Zope3 sprint. So, we can consider this to be 
settled (first one, yippie :-).



-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From jim at  Fri Apr 30 06:32:49 2004
From: jim at (Jim Fulton)
Date: Fri Apr 30 06:32:55 2004
Subject: URGENT: Re: [EuroPython] Zope 3 Sprint After EP 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> I need confirmation that I can hold a Zope sprint
>> June 10-12. I need EP to provide the facilities.
>> Can I please get a yes or no answer ASAP?
> Hi, I have just made a confirmed booking of a separate room near the 
> conference for the following dates:
> 10, 11, 12 June, from 08.00 to 20.00
> specifically to host the Zope3 sprint. So, we can consider this to be 
> settled (first one, yippie :-).

Great. Thanks!

I assume we'll have connectivity.


Jim Fulton        Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

From duncan at  Fri Apr 30 07:53:12 2004
From: duncan at (Duncan Grisby)
Date: Fri Apr 30 07:53:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration issue
Message-ID: <>


A while ago, I submitted two talks for the conference. At that time, I
registered with the site with the email address,
and I was given the user name europython1. Just now, I registered for
the conference itself. The first problem was that I haven't had either
of my talks confirmed (or rejected), but I claimed to be a speaker
anyway. The second problem was that I gave the same email address
again, and I was given a new account of europython2. Does it matter?



 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  --     --
   -- --

From bea at  Fri Apr 30 09:57:04 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Fri Apr 30 09:57:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1083333423.3496.46.camel@ogg>

On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 10:16, Niels Mache, struktur AG wrote:
> Dear Europython Team,
> the attached information was distributed on 22 April.
> I would be very pleased to sponsor the Europython Conference.
> As I would like to proceed and your contribution is appreciated please
> kindly send me your reply during the next week.

Hello there!

The main organisers will be available again after the weekend and will
contact you then. Thank you very much for your interest, and have a
happy 1 May!

Best regards


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Fri Apr 30 10:00:11 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Fri Apr 30 10:00:00 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Registration issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1083333610.3496.51.camel@ogg>

On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 13:53, Duncan Grisby wrote:
> Hi,
> A while ago, I submitted two talks for the conference. At that time, I
> registered with the site with the email address,
> and I was given the user name europython1. Just now, I registered for
> the conference itself. The first problem was that I haven't had either
> of my talks confirmed (or rejected), but I claimed to be a speaker
> anyway. The second problem was that I gave the same email address
> again, and I was given a new account of europython2. Does it matter?

Hi Duncan!

No, it does not matter, other than the fact that it is something we
should have fixed in the meantime to prevent exactly this type of
confusion :)

As for the confirmation of your talks, the tracks are currently being
finalised. If you are worried about either or all of your talks, I would
recommend contacting the respective track chair individually. That is
the fastest way to get a response before all tracks are finalised. I
hope that is ok with you?

Best regards - and see you in G?teborg!


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From bea at  Fri Apr 30 10:06:52 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Fri Apr 30 10:06:40 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] early bird countdown
Message-ID: <1083334011.3496.59.camel@ogg>

Hello all!

A quick reminder to all early birds on the quest for a worm:

The Early Bird registration finishes tomorrow!

After that, the registration price will rise by 50 EUR for students and
by 60 EUR for others. The opportunity to book one of the very affordable
pre-booked rooms (see "Accommodation" on will end at
the same time, so now is a good time to register!

See you all in G?teborg


"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From paul.hermans at  Fri Apr 30 11:17:56 2004
From: paul.hermans at (Paul Hermans)
Date: Fri Apr 30 11:18:00 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] RE: Europython Update April 30
Message-ID: <>

Dear Martijn,

Nothing on Chandler (OSAF)?


Paul Hermans
Amplexor NV 
De Vunt 17 - 3220 Holsbeek 
Tel:+32 16 442516 - fax:+32 16 442515 ?
visit us at

-----Original Message-----
From: Martijn Faassen [] 
Sent: vrijdag 30 april 2004 0:00
To: Paul Hermans
Subject: Europython Update April 30

EuroPython news update april 30

EuroPython early bird registration deadline is may 1, next saturday!
After that you pay 60 euros more. Some cheap accomodation also still
available, so if you want to attend, hurry and register now!

EuroPython is the European Python and Zope Conference. This year in
its third edition, we are holding the conference in the beautiful
locale of Gteborg, Sweden. Hundreds of Python users and Zope users
are expected. The conference is from june 7 to june 9.

- The talk submission deadline has now passed. We now have an enormous
  selection of talks and are struggling to fit them all in the
  program. For the list of talks that have already been accepted
  (definitely not yet complete), see here:
  Many well known names in the Python community will be presenting,
  including keynote speaker Guido van Rossum.

  For those interested in Zope, look at the lineup of well-known
  people in the Zope community that are giving talks. It's a "can't
  miss" event in the Zope community!
- Our keynote speakers will be Mark Shuttleworth and Guido van
  Mark Shuttleworth is many things, not least what we think was the
  first Python programmer in space. He is also is the sponsor of the
  schooltool project to develop an open source school administration
  system in Python. More about about him can be found at
  If you don't know who Guido van Rossum is, you really need to come
  to EuroPython to find out and meet him.
More information can be found at Hope to
see you at EuroPython 2004!

From sf at  Fri Apr 30 14:11:04 2004
From: sf at (Stefane Fermigier)
Date: Fri Apr 30 14:11:13 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] early bird countdown
In-Reply-To: <1083334011.3496.59.camel@ogg>
References: <1083334011.3496.59.camel@ogg>
Message-ID: <>

Beatrice Fontaine wrote:
> Hello all!
> A quick reminder to all early birds on the quest for a worm:
> The Early Bird registration finishes tomorrow!
> After that, the registration price will rise by 50 EUR for students and
> by 60 EUR for others. The opportunity to book one of the very affordable
> pre-booked rooms (see "Accommodation" on will end at
> the same time, so now is a good time to register!
> See you all in G?teborg

We're still waiting for our talks to be accepted or not.
