From js at  Mon Feb  2 15:07:42 2004
From: js at (Joachim Schmitz)
Date: Mon Feb  2 14:07:50 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and talksubmission
 workflow for EPC 2004 
Message-ID: <>


I will build the new system with ArcheTypes, at the moment I think of 
these basic types

- poeple: contains data for poeple doing something at or for the 
conference, can be individuals or organisations.

- talks: the talk and tracks

- registrations: the registration (conference and lodging)

So to register or to submit a talk one first has to register and is then 
logged in. This way one has to enter the individual data only once.

more to follow ...


Mit freundlichen Gr??en                                Joachim Schmitz
AixtraWare eK ..Joachim Schmitz ..t: +49-2464-8851
H?sgenstr. 33a .....d-52457 Aldenhoven .............f: +49-2464-905163

From rev_anna_r at  Tue Feb  3 08:11:56 2004
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:12:00 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
	talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004 
Message-ID: <>

This, unfortunately, went only to Joachim, because the list's
"reply-to" is set up incorrectly, apparently, to reply to the
individual sender instead of to the list. If someone knows how to fix
that, I would be eternally grateful. Why it's not the default, I don't

[Hitting "reply all" on Yahoo is, for some reason, not always as easy
as it should be.]

Thanks for your patience,


--- Anna Ravenscroft <> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 05:05:13 -0800 (PST)
> From: Anna Ravenscroft <>
> Subject: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
> talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004 
> To: Joachim Schmitz <>
> Hi folks,
> sorry to miss the IRC meeting(s) last week. It was a pretty hectic
> week. 
> --- Joachim Schmitz <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I will build the new system with ArcheTypes, at the moment I think
> of
> > 
> > these basic types
> > 
> > - poeple: contains data for poeple doing something at or for the 
> > conference, can be individuals or organisations.
> > 
> > - talks: the talk and tracks
> > 
> > - registrations: the registration (conference and lodging)
> > 
> > So to register or to submit a talk one first has to register and is
> > then 
> > logged in. This way one has to enter the individual data only once.
> I'm a little confused by what you mean by "register". 
> Do you mean, in order to submit a talk, the potential speaker would
> first have to *register* for the conference (implying they would have
> to pay money!) and later find out whether or not they'll be a
> speaker?
> If so, I have concerns about this process:
> *I don't really feel that folks should be required to register in
> advance for the conference (implying coming up with the full
> registration *PAYMENT*) in order to submit a talk and potentially be
> a
> speaker. 
> *I'd hate to have to deal with the issue of refunding money already
> paid for folks who are accepted as speakers.
> IMHO, submitting a talk should be as easy as possible for the
> potential
> speakers. Yes - the data for speaker information (Name, address,
> contact info and such) should be linked to the attendee data, but it
> should be "behind the scenes" so that the speaker can simply submit
> their talk and wait to see if they're accepted. Once confirmed, then
> they can complete registration as a speaker at the reduced rate. 
> If registering for the conference and paying the registration fee
> isn't
> what you mean, can you clarify what you do mean by "register"? I may
> very likely be misunderstanding something...
> Anna

From lac at  Tue Feb  3 08:26:10 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:26:21 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
	talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004 
In-Reply-To: Message from Anna Ravenscroft <> of "Tue,
	03 Feb 2004 05:11:56 PST."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Tue, 03 Feb 2004 05:11:56 PST, Anna Ravenscroft writes:
>This, unfortunately, went only to Joachim, because the list's
>"reply-to" is set up incorrectly, apparently, to reply to the
>individual sender instead of to the list. If someone knows how to fix
>that, I would be eternally grateful. Why it's not the default, I don't
>[Hitting "reply all" on Yahoo is, for some reason, not always as easy
>as it should be.]
>Thanks for your patience,

This list is set up correctly.  It is the lists which set reply-to to
be 'reply to all' which are broken.  You only need to _once_ send a
reply-only-to-the-sender message saying something which should not be
said publically, and have the list redirect your private mail to
the whole list, to understand why convenience to people who use
mailers that make sending reply-all difficult is not the top priority.


From mwh at  Tue Feb  3 08:30:33 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:34:40 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
	talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004
In-Reply-To: <> (Anna
	Ravenscroft's message of "Tue, 3 Feb 2004 05:11:56 -0800 (PST)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Anna Ravenscroft <> writes:

> Hi folks,
> sorry to miss the IRC meeting(s) last week. It was a pretty hectic
> week. 
> --- Joachim Schmitz <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I will build the new system with ArcheTypes, at the moment I think
> of
> > 
> > these basic types
> > 
> > - poeple: contains data for poeple doing something at or for the 
> > conference, can be individuals or organisations.
> > 
> > - talks: the talk and tracks
> > 
> > - registrations: the registration (conference and lodging)
> > 
> > So to register or to submit a talk one first has to register and is
> > then 
> > logged in. This way one has to enter the individual data only once.
> I'm a little confused by what you mean by "register". 
> Do you mean, in order to submit a talk, the potential speaker would
> first have to *register* for the conference (implying they would have
> to pay money!) and later find out whether or not they'll be a
> speaker?

I sincerely hope not.

> If so, I have concerns about this process:
> *I don't really feel that folks should be required to register in
> advance for the conference (implying coming up with the full
> registration *PAYMENT*) in order to submit a talk and potentially be
> a speaker.

Me neither.

> *I'd hate to have to deal with the issue of refunding money already
> paid for folks who are accepted as speakers.
> IMHO, submitting a talk should be as easy as possible for the
> potential speakers. Yes - the data for speaker information (Name,
> address, contact info and such) should be linked to the attendee
> data, but it should be "behind the scenes" so that the speaker can
> simply submit their talk and wait to see if they're accepted. Once
> confirmed, then they can complete registration as a speaker at the
> reduced rate.

Presumably it's possbile to have a screen that says "tell us about
yourself.  if you're already a registered user of this site, enter
your username/passwd here, else fill out these fields"?

> If registering for the conference and paying the registration fee
> isn't what you mean, can you clarify what you do mean by "register"?
> I may very likely be misunderstanding something...

The word register is uncomfortably overloaded, I agree.  Unfortunately
I can't think of a better one...


  Counting lines is probably a good idea if you want to print it out
  and are short on paper, but I fail to see the purpose otherwise.
                                        -- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp

From mwh at  Tue Feb  3 08:22:55 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:34:49 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
	talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004
In-Reply-To: <> (Anna
	Ravenscroft's message of "Tue, 3 Feb 2004 05:11:56 -0800 (PST)")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Anna Ravenscroft <> writes:

> This, unfortunately, went only to Joachim, because the list's
> "reply-to" is set up incorrectly, apparently, to reply to the
> individual sender instead of to the list. If someone knows how to fix
> that, I would be eternally grateful. Why it's not the default, I don't
> know. 

No chance:

I would say "get a better mailer" but...

> [Hitting "reply all" on Yahoo is, for some reason, not always as easy
> as it should be.]



  Of course, it obviously is beta hardware so such things are to be
  expected, but that doesn't mean that you can't point your fingers
  and generate a nelson style HAHA at a multi billion dollar
  corporation's expense.                   -- CmdrTaco on

From js at  Tue Feb  3 09:38:58 2004
From: js at (Joachim Schmitz)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:39:04 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and talksubmission
	workflow for EPC 2004
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Anna Ravenscroft said the following on 02/03/04 14:05:
> Hi folks,
> sorry to miss the IRC meeting(s) last week. It was a pretty hectic
> week. 
> --- Joachim Schmitz <> wrote:
>>I will build the new system with ArcheTypes, at the moment I think of
>>these basic types
>>- poeple: contains data for poeple doing something at or for the 
>>conference, can be individuals or organisations.
>>- talks: the talk and tracks
>>- registrations: the registration (conference and lodging)
>>So to register or to submit a talk one first has to register and is
>>logged in. This way one has to enter the individual data only once.
> I'm a little confused by what you mean by "register". 

you are right register is a confusing word here,
by register I mean join, or get an account, this can (will) be done 
implicitly, when submitting the first talk for potential speakers.
This way it is easier for to submit more talks, or to add/edit data later.

> Do you mean, in order to submit a talk, the potential speaker would
> first have to *register* for the conference (implying they would have
> to pay money!) and later find out whether or not they'll be a speaker?
> If so, I have concerns about this process:
> *I don't really feel that folks should be required to register in
> advance for the conference (implying coming up with the full
> registration *PAYMENT*) in order to submit a talk and potentially be a
> speaker. 
> *I'd hate to have to deal with the issue of refunding money already
> paid for folks who are accepted as speakers.
> IMHO, submitting a talk should be as easy as possible for the potential
> speakers. Yes - the data for speaker information (Name, address,
> contact info and such) should be linked to the attendee data, but it
> should be "behind the scenes" so that the speaker can simply submit
> their talk and wait to see if they're accepted. Once confirmed, then
> they can complete registration as a speaker at the reduced rate. 
> If registering for the conference and paying the registration fee isn't
> what you mean, can you clarify what you do mean by "register"? I may
> very likely be misunderstanding something...
> Anna

Mit freundlichen Gr??en                                Joachim Schmitz
AixtraWare eK ..Joachim Schmitz ..t: +49-2464-8851
H?sgenstr. 33a .....d-52457 Aldenhoven .............f: +49-2464-905163

From lac at  Tue Feb  3 08:39:12 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:39:27 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
	talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004 
In-Reply-To: Message from Michael Hudson <> of "Tue,
	03 Feb 2004 13:30:33 GMT." <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Tue, 03 Feb 2004 13:30:33 GMT, Michael Hudson writes:
>The word register is uncomfortably overloaded, I agree.  Unfortunately
>I can't think of a better one...

Subscribe, and Join come to mind.  Also there is no law that says we
need a one-word verb ....

'Tell us about yourself'
'Add yourself to the wiki'

seem better than register to me.


From mwh at  Tue Feb  3 08:47:06 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Feb  3 08:47:08 2004
Subject: Fwd: Re: [EuroPython] some ideas for the registration and
	talksubmission workflow for EPC 2004
In-Reply-To: <> (Laura
	Creighton's message of "Tue, 03 Feb 2004 14:39:12 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Laura Creighton <> writes:

> In a message of Tue, 03 Feb 2004 13:30:33 GMT, Michael Hudson writes:
> <snip>
>>The word register is uncomfortably overloaded, I agree.  Unfortunately
>>I can't think of a better one...
> Subscribe, and Join come to mind.

I may be being an old fashioned english-language pedant here, but
subscribe is just *wrong*.  Join is better, though.

> Also there is no law that says we need a one-word verb ....
> 'Tell us about yourself'
> 'Add yourself to the wiki'
> seem better than register to me.

True, but I'm not sure either of those conveys the idea that you are
creating some kind of persitent account with/presence on the site
(assuming that's the idea).


  same software, different verbosity settings (this one goes to
  eleven)                             -- the effbot on the martellibot

From jacob at  Tue Feb  3 10:05:31 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Feb  3 10:05:38 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Agenda for todays meeting
Message-ID: <>

Starts at 18.00 on #europython, freenode IRC

A. Introductions, if any

B. Information/Decision items 
- Budget

C. Urgent discussion items
- Marketing - press releases, forums
- Logo
- Tutorials
- Sprints
- Time planning - deadlines for when things have to be done
	Request for submissions
	First day of registration
	Holding accomodation for speakers and staff

D Other items 
- T-shirts
- Bofs

From rev_anna_r at  Tue Feb  3 11:01:11 2004
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Tue Feb  3 11:01:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Agenda for todays meeting
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Jacob Hallén <> wrote:
> Starts at 18.00 on #europython, freenode IRC

I will not be attending - we'll be at the clinic visiting Alex's father
at that time. I'll check out the logs later.


P.S. Thank you to everyone who wrote to inform me that reply-to was
intentionally set for individual replies instead of the group. It helps
to know it was on purpose.

From jacob at  Tue Feb  3 11:21:12 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Feb  3 11:21:18 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Revised budget
Message-ID: <>

Here is a budget based on the numbers I received from Joachim (thanks! they 
were very useful). As you can see, I have had to make a slight increase in 
some of the fees:

Staff	0
Speakers	70
Early bird	160
Normal	220
At door	270
Student early bird	100
Student normal	150
Student at door	200
-------------- next part --------------
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Name: EP_budget.sxc
Type: application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
Size: 7463 bytes
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From tom at  Tue Feb  3 18:22:55 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Tue Feb  3 18:13:04 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Agenda for todays meeting
References: <>
Message-ID: <00f201c3eaac$ac24c030$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Hi all,

Is there really no other possible day to meet than tuesday?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jacob Hall?n" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: [Tom] [EuroPython] Agenda for todays meeting

> Starts at 18.00 on #europython, freenode IRC
> A. Introductions, if any
> B. Information/Decision items
> - Budget
> C. Urgent discussion items
> - Marketing - press releases, forums
> - Logo
> - Tutorials
> - Sprints
> - Time planning - deadlines for when things have to be done
> Request for submissions
> First day of registration
> Holding accomodation for speakers and staff
> D Other items
> - T-shirts
> - Bofs
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From bea at  Wed Feb  4 01:35:17 2004
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Wed Feb  4 01:33:40 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Agenda for todays meeting
In-Reply-To: <00f201c3eaac$ac24c030$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1075876516.14732.8.camel@ogg>

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 00:22, Tom Deprez wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there really no other possible day to meet than tuesday?

Yup, there is: Monday 18.00 - we moved  it!

"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

From andy at  Wed Feb  4 08:25:38 2004
From: andy at (
Date: Wed Feb  4 08:25:41 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] UK Python Conference: Oxford, April 16-17 2004
Message-ID: <>

UK Python Conference: Oxford, April 16-17 2004

At long last I am pleased to announce that there will once again be a UK
Python event this year.  This is being organised as a track within the
ACCU (Association of C and C++ Users) conference. It will be held at the
Randolph Hotel in centre of Oxford on Frday 16th and Saturday 17th April. 
The dates were chosen so people could take less time off work or get
cheaper flights across Saturday. It follows a 2-day Open Source event with
Eric Raymond, Paul Everitt and a host of other interesting speakers.

A provisional programme and details are available at
Python stuff is "bottom right".

The general theme is "where Python goes next".  In keeping with
the other ACCU tracks, it is an event about the language and about
programming.  Speakers provisionally include Eric Raymond, Alex Martelli, 
Samuele Pedroni, Armin Rigo, Duncan Booth, Chris Withers David Ascher,
Marc-Andre Lemburg, Michael Hudson, myself and (to be confirmed) David
Ascher.  There may be a PyPy sprint concurrent with the event.

Tha ACCU event will be unlike any other Python event adn has certainly
been organised differently, so let me add a few remarks on how it came

Whether we call it a track or "the UK Python conference" is up to the
community :-)

The ACCU conference I supposed to be a place where professional
programmers can take a week out to follow all the latest and greatest
developments in languages, methodologies and tools.  The Python track aims
to follow this theme.  I would like to express my gratitude to the ACCU
for putting on an event at their own financial risk, with their own
professional staff,
and which puts Python on an equally serious foooting with C++ and Java in
the development world.

This is explicitly NOT
  (1)  a budget event  (it's actually about GBP 100 per day if you sign up
  (2)  a place to show off specific neat Python apps or projects
  (3)  a democratic, commnunity run event
EuroPython fills all those roles perfectly and we don't want to conflict
with it.

The lack of (3) is more an accident of peoples' schedules than
a planned conspiracy. The ACCU does not normally issue calls for papers;
the committee recruits  from their membership which comprises the top
echelons of the C, C++ and  Java worlds (e.g. Stroustrup, Coplien, and
various ISO working groups which are co-hosted).  They assumed I'd do the
same, I assumed we were all going to do a call for papers, and in December
we cleared up the confusion, panicked, and did it the ACCU way :-)

A number of issues were up in the air until last week which prevented an
announcement.  We will now be publicising it regularly.  There will be
considerable space for mini-talks in the breaks, for BOFs, a possible PyPy
sprint, and for low-cost sponsorship options for open source projects and
consulting firms.  I'll be posting updates at approximately weekly

Best Regards,

Andy Robinson
ReportLab (and ACCU Python track chair)

From jacob at  Wed Feb  4 17:32:37 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Wed Feb  4 17:32:42 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Message stuck in moderation
Message-ID: <>

Can someone with access please let my message titled "Europython society" 
through the moderation of the europython list.


From jacob at  Wed Feb  4 17:04:39 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Wed Feb  4 19:38:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython society
Message-ID: <>

I have put together a proposal for bylaws, a template for minutes from the 
formative meeting and a template for minutes from an initial board meeting. 
We should form the society in our meeting on Monday, so that it can start 
operating as a fiscal entity as soon as possible.

If you want anything changed, please post this to the list, so we don't waste 
valuable IRC time on such details.

We also need a proposal for at least 3 board members, including a chairman and 
a treasurer. At least one of these should be available in G?teborg, so we can 
actually access bank accounts and make payments.

Feel free to propose people or volunteer on the list or at the meeting.

-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of the initial board meeting of the Europython Society
Held 2004-02-09


XX, Chairman
YY, Board member
ZZ, Board member

1. XX opened the meeting and wished everybody welcome.

2. The board decided to open an account with F?reningssparbanken
   and to connect the account to Internet access.

3. The board decided to register the association with the Swedish
   Tax Authorities, to get an official registration number.

4. The board decided that XX, YY and ZZ
   may, each on their own, sign for the association.

5. The board meeting was closed.

XX                                      YY
Secretary                               Chairman
-------------- next part --------------
Bylaws of the Europython Society

1. The name of the society is "The Europython Society", abbreviated "EP".

2. The society is a non-profit society (ideel f?rening) under Swedish
law. The purpose of the EP is to organise conferences centered around
the programming language Python

3. The legal residence of the board is in G?teborg, Sweden

4. Membership is open to individuals wishing to participate in the
organising of a Europython conference.

5. To become a member, the applicant must submit an application
to the board of the society. The board accepts or declines the
application by a simple majority vote at its next meeting. The board
may delegate the right to accept membership application to one or more
individual board members, but denial of membership must always be done
by a vote of the board.

6. The formal decision making bodies of the society are
- The General Assembly
- The Board

7. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of the
society. It meets in a regular annual meeting and in extra sessions
when called.

All decisions of the General Assembly are made by simple majority
among the voting members. Members may vote by proxy or submit written
votes in specific issues to the board. All written votes must be
declared by the chairman at the beginning of the meeting. If there is
a draw between two proposals a second vote shall be made. If that one
fails, the issue shall be decided by the drawing of lots.

8. At the annual meeting of the General Assembly the following items
of business must be on the agenda:

- Opening of the meeting

- Selection of chairman, secretary and 2 checkers of the minutes for
  the meeting

- Motion establishing the timeliness of the call to the meeting

- Presentation of the annual report and annual accounts by the board

- Presentation of the report of the auditor

- Discharge from liability for the board

- Determination of the size of the board for the period until
  the next annual meeting of the General Assembly

- Election of chairman of the board

- Election of members of the board

- Election of one auditor and one replacement
  The auditor does not have to be certified in any way and is normally
  selected among the members of the society.

- The optional election of a nomination committee for the next annual
  meeting of the General Assembly

- Presentation of a budget by the outgoing board

- Acceptance of budget and decision on membership fees for the
  upcoming year

- Propositions from the board

- Motions from the members

- Closing of the meeting

9. An extra meeting of the General Assembly must be called by the
board when requested by

- a member of the board

- the auditor or the auditor replacement

- at least one fourth of the members of the society

The meeting must be held within 28 days of the request.
At an extra meeting of the General Assembly the following items of
business must be on the agenda:

- Opening of the meeting

- Selection of chairman, secretary and 2 checkers of the minutes for
  the meeting

- Motion establishing the timeliness of the call to the meeting

- The item of business that was the reason for the extra meeting

- Propositions from the board

- Motions from the members

- Closing of the meeting

An extra meeting of the general assembly may make decisions on any
issue that has been duly announced, including the election of a new
board, changing of membership fees and modifications of the bylaws.

10. Meetings of the General Assembly must be called at least 14 days
before they are to be held. Propositions of the board and motions of
the members must be made available to all members at least 5 days
before the meeting.

The General Assembly may not make decisions on items of business that
were not announced in due course before its meetings.

11. Meetings of the General Assembly may be called by postal or
electronic mail. It is up to each member to keep the board informed of
current addresses for both forms.

12. Meetings may be held in person, by telephone conference or over
the Internet, using a text or audio based format. It is up to the
board to decide the form of the meeting, subject to limitations
imposed by the General Assembly. Under all circumstances the selection
of medium for meetings should be made to ensure that all members have
a chance to exercise their rights to vote and have a voice in the
affairs if the society.

13. The board consists of a chairman and 2-6 board members.

14. The board handles all day-to-day business of the EP. It is allowed
to enter contracts for the society and handle any issues that have not
been otherwise regulated in the bylaws or by the General Assembly.

15. The chairman of the board together with any one member of the
board has the authority to sign for the society. The authority to sign
for the society may be delegated to individual board members through a
decision of the board.

16. The board may within itself select officers for special
functions. However, the board as a whole is responsible for the
activities and finances of the society.

17. The fiscal year of the EP is from 1 January to 31 December.

18. A member may at any time terminate the membership by informing
the board in writing.

19. A member is automatically considered to have terminated the
membership if the membership fee has not been paid within three months
after the annual meeting of the General Assembly.

20. A member that acts against the interests of the society may be
suspended by a majority decision of the board. The member may then be
expelled from the society at a meeting of the General Assembly by a
regular vote.

21. The society may be dissolved by the General Assembly if two thirds
of the present voting representatives vote for the dissolution. If the
motion to dissolve the society passes, the General Assembly has to
decide on the disposition of the assets of the society.

22. If the society at any time has less than two members or if it for
a continuous period spanning two annual General Assembly meetings has
less than five members, the society is automatically dissolved. In
such a case, any assets shall be donated to the Python Software
Foundation. If that organisation no longer exists, the assets shall go
to the Red Cross.

23. Any motion to ammend the bylaws of the society has to be submitted
with the actual wording of the proposed change. The General Assembly
may modify the proposal in details before passing it, as long as the
general intent of the motion is unchanged. A motion to change the
bylaws must be supported by at least two thirds of the present voting
representatives in order to pass.
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of the meeting where the Europython Society is formed
Held 2004-02-09


Laura Creighton
Tom Deprez
Martijn Faassen
Beatrice Fontaine
Jacob Hall?n
Michael Hudson
Anna Ravenscroft
Joachim Schmitz

1. Jacob Hall?n opened the meeting and wished everybody welcome.

2. Jacob Hall?n was elected Chairman of the meeting.
   XX was elected secretary of the meeting.
   YY and ZZ were selected to check the
   minutes of the meeting.

3. The persons present unanimously decided to form the Europython Society.

   All persons present decided to join the Europython Society.

4. The motion to adopt the bylaws as presented in Appendix 1 was 

5. AA was elected chairman of the board.
   BB and CC were elected members
   of the board.

7. DD was elected auditor, with EE as

8. The membership fee for 2004 was set to SEK 1.00 per person.

9. The meeting was closed by the chairman.

XX                                          Jacob Hall?n
Secretary                                   Chairman

Minutes approved:

YY                                           ZZ
From tom at  Wed Feb  4 19:49:38 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Wed Feb  4 19:39:38 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Message stuck in moderation
References: <>
Message-ID: <015401c3eb81$ef770890$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

should be ok now.


Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> Can someone with access please let my message titled "Europython
> society" through the moderation of the europython list.
> Jacob
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From mvm at  Thu Feb  5 08:14:31 2004
From: mvm at (vin)
Date: Thu Feb  5 08:09:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: can we have a new logo for EuroPython?
References: <>
Message-ID: <002201c3ebe9$fe5c3930$99ced5d5@gfx1>

Hello Laura,
I don't understand exactly.
Normaly, you don't change a logo because it's the sign of the event.
What kind of chage do you mean, a declination???
For what to do with???


                   Vincent Maton
                    Web Designer

             .::  ::.
           .::   ::.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laura Creighton" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 1:42 PM
Subject: can we have a new logo for EuroPython?

> I was asked for 'something a little different, but still the same' :-)
> The idea was to keep the branding, but just make it a bit new.
> Possible?
> Laura

From lac at  Thu Feb  5 09:10:03 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Feb  5 09:10:15 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: can we have a new logo for EuroPython? 
In-Reply-To: Message from "vin" <> of "Thu,
	05 Feb 2004 14:14:31 +0100." <002201c3ebe9$fe5c3930$99ced5d5@gfx1> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I think that people are just a tiny bit bored with the same logo, so if
you could just change it a bit, not enough to lose the brand definition,
but enough so that the message 'something has changed, pay attention'
gets out there, then that would be great.

But I can let the rest of the people speak for themselves...


In a message of Thu, 05 Feb 2004 14:14:31 +0100, "vin" writes:
>Hello Laura,
>I don't understand exactly.
>Normaly, you don't change a logo because it's the sign of the event.
>What kind of chage do you mean, a declination???
>For what to do with???
>                    Cordially,
>                   Vincent Maton
>                    Web Designer
>             .::  ::.
>           .::   ::.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Laura Creighton" <>
>To: <>
>Cc: <>
>Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 1:42 PM
>Subject: can we have a new logo for EuroPython?
>> I was asked for 'something a little different, but still the same' :-)
>> The idea was to keep the branding, but just make it a bit new.
>> Possible?
>> Laura
>EuroPython mailing list

From lac at  Thu Feb  5 14:11:20 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Feb  5 14:14:26 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] registration forms
Message-ID: <>

I would like a 'are you a vegetarian' box, and another
where people can write in special dietary needs.

Just posting here so it will get into more heads so we don't forget....


From steve at  Thu Feb  5 14:22:07 2004
From: steve at (Steve Alexander)
Date: Thu Feb  5 14:22:14 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] registration forms
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
> I would like a 'are you a vegetarian' box, and another
> where people can write in special dietary needs.
> Just posting here so it will get into more heads so we don't forget....

I would suggest also a footnote explaining what the working definition
of "vegetarian" is. Maybe "includes dairy products and eggs, but no meat,
fish, poultry" would be a good start.

For example, in my experience, many places in France include fish-kinda-stuff
as "vegetarian". Soup in many places is made with chicken stock, and
quite often the serving staff don't realize it.

Steve Alexander

From tom at  Thu Feb  5 15:00:06 2004
From: tom at (Tom Deprez)
Date: Thu Feb  5 14:51:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: can we have a new logo for EuroPython?
References: <><002201c3ebe9$fe5c3930$99ced5d5@gfx1>
Message-ID: <006301c3ec22$d1e53ad0$897ba8c0@skullsplitter>

Mmm, I find it strange to change a logo.  Companies are mostly terrified
if they have to change their logo?
We could perhaps add a phrase and  change that one each year. But
changing a logo? What's the point then of having a logo?
Why is there a need for 'something has changed' in a logo? Do you want
to change a logo each time we change of country where the conference
will be organised? I would rather stick with the logo, but add a phrase.


Laura Creighton wrote:
> I think that people are just a tiny bit bored with the same logo, so
> if you could just change it a bit, not enough to lose the brand
> definition, but enough so that the message 'something has changed,
> pay attention' gets out there, then that would be great.
> But I can let the rest of the people speak for themselves...
> Laura
> In a message of Thu, 05 Feb 2004 14:14:31 +0100, "vin" writes:
>> Hello Laura,
>> I don't understand exactly.
>> Normaly, you don't change a logo because it's the sign of the event.
>> What kind of chage do you mean, a declination???
>> For what to do with???
>>                    Cordially,
>>                   Vincent Maton
>>                    Web Designer
>> _________________________________
>>             .::  ::.
>>           .::   ::.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Laura Creighton" <>
>> To: <>
>> Cc: <>
>> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 1:42 PM
>> Subject: can we have a new logo for EuroPython?
>>> I was asked for 'something a little different, but still the same'
>>> :-) The idea was to keep the branding, but just make it a bit new.
>>> Possible?
>>> Laura
>> _______________________________________________
>> EuroPython mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From lac at  Fri Feb  6 05:16:52 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Fri Feb  6 05:17:12 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials
Message-ID: <>

Could people with ideas for 'what they would like to have in a
tutorial' post them here?

I have already spoken with Ed Dream, the author of the literate
programming editor LEO written in Python.  He is interested in
coming and giving a tutorial, which I know will please those of
you who have asked me.

Who else a) would be interested in giving a tutorial and
b) has a topic they would be interested in attending?


From lac at  Fri Feb  6 05:21:03 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Fri Feb  6 05:21:23 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Tutorials 
In-Reply-To: Message from Laura Creighton <> of "Fri,
	06 Feb 2004 11:16:52 +0100."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Fri, 06 Feb 2004 11:16:52 +0100, Laura Creighton writes:
>Could people with ideas for 'what they would like to have in a
>tutorial' post them here?
>I have already spoken with Ed Dream, the author of the literate
>programming editor LEO written in Python.  He is interested in
>coming and giving a tutorial, which I know will please those of
>you who have asked me.
>Who else a) would be interested in giving a tutorial and
>b) has a topic they would be interested in attending?

ick ... his name is Ed Ream.  (His login is edream, and he _has_
lots of dreams, of course...)

Apologies, apologies ...


From mwh at  Fri Feb  6 06:01:10 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Fri Feb  6 06:01:14 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials
In-Reply-To: <> (Laura
	Creighton's message of "Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:16:52 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Laura Creighton <> writes:

> Could people with ideas for 'what they would like to have in a
> tutorial' post them here?
> I have already spoken with Ed Dream, the author of the literate
> programming editor LEO written in Python.  He is interested in
> coming and giving a tutorial, which I know will please those of
> you who have asked me.

That would be cool.

> Who else a) would be interested in giving a tutorial and
> b) has a topic they would be interested in attending?

I would like to see

1) Zope for Python programmers
2) Python for Zope users

I would nominate Martijn for both of them, but that would be mean :-)


  An encyclopedia is about being as accurate as it can, not being
  evenly misinformed.                     -- Coby Beck, comp.lang.lisp

From steve at  Fri Feb  6 06:32:51 2004
From: steve at (Steve Alexander)
Date: Fri Feb  6 06:33:15 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I would like to see
> 1) Zope for Python programmers
> 2) Python for Zope users
> I would nominate Martijn for both of them, but that would be mean :-)

Someone from would be interested in giving a Zope 3

Steve Alexander

From lac at  Fri Feb  6 06:41:32 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Fri Feb  6 06:41:58 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials 
In-Reply-To: Message from Steve Alexander <> of "Fri,
	06 Feb 2004 13:32:51 +0200." <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob has just written a draft tutorial poll.  It's here.

Please read, and send comments here or add them to the wiki page.
I want to send this out to python-list, and some
Zope lists,  so we can reach more people.


From lac at  Fri Feb  6 06:55:34 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Fri Feb  6 06:55:38 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials 
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 06 Feb 2004 13:32:51 +0200."
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

another tutorial idea.

Test Driven Design


From steve at  Fri Feb  6 06:58:27 2004
From: steve at (Steve Alexander)
Date: Fri Feb  6 06:58:52 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>
> another tutorial idea.
> Test Driven Design

Albert and Marius from gave presentations on this at
least year's EP. I'm pretty sure they'd be interested in revisiting

Steve Alexander

From jacob at  Sun Feb  8 13:48:00 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Sun Feb  8 13:48:04 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] About minutes, proposals and agenda for Monday
Message-ID: <>

The meeting starts at 18.00 CET, Monday 9 February 2004 on #europython, 
freenode IRC

As you can see, I have a new heading on the agenda - progress reports

If you want to add something to the agenda, mail me before the meeting.

Minutes from last meeting are on the wiki ( I have 
also made some drafts and some proposals. One for a tutorials survey to send 
to comp.lang.python, one for an invitation to arrange sprints (which Laura 
didn't like much). The biggest thing is the marketing plan, which I would 
like you to add names of possible candidates for marketing/translation to.
If you know someone in a country we haven't covered, add that persons name and 
email address to the wiki page. While translation may be a bit of work, 
forwarding some materials to national mailing lists and to your friends is so 
easy that we can reasonably expect anyone to do it. It is better to have some 
name than none at all.

I have also written a catering requirements spec, but that is in Swedish, so I 
haven't posted it.
A. Introductions, if any

B. Information/Decision items 
- Marketing plan

C. Progress reports
- Logo
- Web

D. Urgent discussion items
- Formation of Europython Society
- Call for papers
- Tutorials
- Sprints
- Time planning - deadlines for when things have to be done
	Last day to submit refereed papers
	Last day to submit talks

E. Other items 

From andy at  Wed Feb 11 08:23:12 2004
From: andy at (Andy Robinson)
Date: Wed Feb 11 08:23:17 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tim O'Reilly in London - 19 Feb 2004
Message-ID: <>

In case anyone is interested....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Josette Garcia []
> Sent: 11 February 2004 13:16
> To: Andy Robinson
> Subject: RE: Tim O'Reilly in London
> Hi Andy 
> Details of Tim's Talk can be found on
> The talk is free but people have to register (security reason) - 
> REgistration is on 
> 920B923A51. I found the registration page so difficult to find 
> that I think quoting the url is better.
> Resume:
> The Open Source Paradigm Shift
> The computer industry has gone through a sea change in the past 
> few years. The killer applications of the web era turned out not 
> to be PC-based software packages like the web browser, but web 
> hosted applications like google, mapquest and These 
> applications are built on top of Linux and Apache, yet they are 
> themselves fiercely proprietary. 
> But what would most developers do with their source code? These 
> massive systems are valuable for their data as much as for their 
> programs. And by opening up XML web services APIs to that data, 
> the most innovative of these sites are creating new opportunities 
> for hackers to "scratch their own itch." One of the greatest 
> challenges for open source in the next few years is to understand 
> and adapt to the paradigm shift implicit in network computing, 
> and to shed the legacy thinking of the desktop era.
> All the best
> Josette

From lac at  Sun Feb 15 09:31:32 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sun Feb 15 09:31:36 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] from Jim Fulton, about PyCon next year,
	but relevant to us as well.
Message-ID: <>

------- Forwarded Message

Delivery-Date: Sun Feb 15 15:23:38 2004
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 09:23:01 -0500
From: Jim Fulton <>
Organization: Zope Corporation
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007
Just a note for next year, in case I forget.
(I wish I had gotten involved in PyCon earlier this year. Sigh.)

I think it would be much better to do the sprints *after* the conference.
This would provide a number of advantages:

- - Presentations could be geared to inform and motivate follow-on
   sprint work

- - Sprint topics could be determined and planned during the

- - Tutorials provided in the conference could provide necessary
   sprint preparation.


- -- 
Jim Fulton        Python Powered!
CTO                  (540) 361-1714  
Zope Corporation

Pycon-organizers mailing list

------- End of Forwarded Message

From jacob at  Sun Feb 15 21:37:27 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Sun Feb 15 21:37:32 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Minutes and agenda
Message-ID: <>

I have posted the minutes from last meeting on the wiki 

I have very few items I think need discussing in this meeting. I only got the 
draft CFP a few hours ago, and I haven't hadtime to do any revisions. Neither 
do I think I will have a draft press releaseready before the meeting. Depends 
on what time I wake up tomorrow. It looks as if Laura and I will make it to 
the meeting. However, we are on a rather slow ink and may have to go offline 
from time to time during the meeting. For this reason, mwh should chair it 


A. Introductions, if any

B. Information/Decision items 

C. Progress reports
- Web

D. Urgent discussion items

- Cfp, press release
- Sprints ?
- Time planning - deadlines for when things have to be done

E. Followups

F. Other items 

From mwh at  Mon Feb 16 13:27:37 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Mon Feb 16 13:45:07 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
Message-ID: <>

We seem to have settled into Mondays at 6pm Central European time for
meetings of the EuroPython Organizing Cabal, and as such the next
meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd February 2004, 1800 CET,
#europython on the freenode network.

If this habit is preventing you from attending these meetings we need
to know!  It would be good to see more track chairs at the meetings.

You can read agendas, logs and minutes from previous meetings at:


  Monte Carlo sampling is no way to understand code.
                                  -- Gordon McMillan, comp.lang.python

From dario at  Tue Feb 17 03:17:28 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Feb 17 03:17:37 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:

> We seem to have settled into Mondays at 6pm Central European time for
> meetings of the EuroPython Organizing Cabal, and as such the next
> meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd February 2004, 1800 CET,
> #europython on the freenode network.

Hi, sorry to not be able to attend (again) at the meeting. I got caught 
up at work and had to rush home, and didn't even have time to switch on 
the computer all evening.

Here are a few comments, after reading thru the log:

* Website - folder structure:
   It is perfectly by allright by me to rip and tear at it (*sob* ;-) as 
much as is needed to make it work. I only made it to ahve something to 
work from. If there are any questions as to the why's and hows, felel 
free to catch med on irc or mail.

   I agree with SteveA on this: "[...] think [...] about this as a 
series of conferences, and how to put information from a conference at a 
URL that won't change from year to year". I was one of the reasons why i 
made the /epc/conferences folder and the /epc/current an "alias" to the 
current conference in /epc/conferences, though I agree that calling 
/ecp/conferences "Past conferences is *very* confusing...

* G?teborg - profile info:
   There is a website that contains info and media prictures:

   there are some neato pictures of G?teborg in it's imagebank, but I 
feel that for the website logo we need and image that is more "stilized" 
(I don't know the word in in english, in swedish it is "stiliserad"; I 
mean a picture wich contains only the core elements). As anexample of 
such an image, look at the pages above, in the top-left corner. There is 
  an animated gif/flash that pictures all the major elements that define 
G?teborgs profile.

   Can we have that as the definiend element to the EPC-2004 logo?

   BTW, there are Pythons in Universeum and also on Sj?fartsmuseet (I 

* Sprints:
   I might need to make a precheck on how amny rooms are needed to make 

* Other stuff:

	- There is a cafeteria available where we are going to be. I think it 
is run by students. Should I start enquiring whether they will be opne 
during the conference?

	- Rooms - will check out both how to book smaller rooms in the vicinity 
of the conference area.

	- Need to have info on requirements for rooms. Network, projectors etc. 
Whiteboards or chalkboards will probably be avialable.

	- Security... do we need any?

	- Extra's do we need any stundents to help out? if so, can we offer 
them something?


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Tue Feb 17 03:19:35 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Feb 17 03:19:43 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sponsors?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello again,

do we have a procedure for sponsors?


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Ka"sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From lac at  Tue Feb 17 03:55:34 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Tue Feb 17 03:55:48 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET 
In-Reply-To: Message from =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=
	<> of "Tue,
	17 Feb 2004 09:17:28 +0100." <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Tue, 17 Feb 2004 09:17:28 +0100, Dario Lopez-K?sten writes:
>* Other stuff:
>	- There is a cafeteria available where we are going to be. I think
> it 
>is run by students. Should I start enquiring whether they will be opne 
>during the conference?

Can we simply arrange to use this cafeteria?  I am arranging food for
the con.  We don't want to eat what is usually served there, if this
is the same place I am thinking of.  I was thinking that we need to
contact Sommarklubben, or something to see about space for beer
drinking afterwards ...  I didn't know about the 'run by students ...
perhaps I am thinking of a different place ..'

Laura -- Catering Czar

From mwh at  Tue Feb 17 05:07:45 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Feb 17 05:07:51 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten's_message_of?= "Tue, 17 Feb 2004
	09:17:28 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten <> writes:

> Michael Hudson wrote:
>> We seem to have settled into Mondays at 6pm Central European time for
>> meetings of the EuroPython Organizing Cabal, and as such the next
>> meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd February 2004, 1800 CET,
>> #europython on the freenode network.
> Hi, sorry to not be able to attend (again) at the meeting.

But, in principle, the time is OK for you?

> I got caught up at work and had to rush home, and didn't even have
> time to switch on the computer all evening.

We'll forgive you, just this once :-)

> Here are a few comments, after reading thru the log:
> * Sprints:
>    I might need to make a precheck on how amny rooms are needed to
>    make reservations.

Yes, I don't believe the question of where the sprints will take place
has been discussed.

> * Other stuff:
> 	- There is a cafeteria available where we are going to be. I
>           think it is run by students. Should I start enquiring
>           whether they will be opne during the conference?

I was under the impression that it would not be, but I'm not sure
there's any reason to think that the person who gave me this
impression is likely to be better informed than you...

> 	- Rooms - will check out both how to book smaller rooms in the
>           vicinity of the conference area.


> 	- Need to have info on requirements for rooms. Network,
>           projectors etc. Whiteboards or chalkboards will probably be
>           avialable.

For the small (sprint?) rooms?

> 	- Security... do we need any?

I wouldn't have thought more than they would have anyway, but this
question is definitely out of my experience...


  > Why are we talking about bricks and concrete in a lisp newsgroup?
  After long experiment it was found preferable to talking about why
  Lisp is slower than C++...
                        -- Duane Rettig & Tim Bradshaw, comp.lang.lisp

From mwh at  Tue Feb 17 05:08:31 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Feb 17 05:08:34 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Sponsors?
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten's_message_of?= "Tue, 17 Feb 2004
	09:19:35 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten <> writes:

> Hello again,
> do we have a procedure for sponsors?

Not as such.  I believe Jacob proposed a pricing structure which
failed to provoke disagreement <wink> at a meeting.


  Also, remember to put the galaxy back when you've finished, or an
  angry mob of astronomers will come round and kneecap you with a
  small telescope for littering. 
       -- Simon Tatham,, from Owen Dunn's review of the year

From steve at  Tue Feb 17 05:27:47 2004
From: steve at (Steve Alexander)
Date: Tue Feb 17 05:28:10 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > 	- Security... do we need any?
> I wouldn't have thought more than they would have anyway, but this
> question is definitely out of my experience...

A good friend of mine works in setting international standards (iso9000,
iso14000 etc.)

At one conference in the UK that was being attanded by casually dressed
people and people in suits, a large number of laptops were stolen
(including that of my friend) by a group of people who dressed and acted
to fit in with the crowd, and casually walked off with laptops and
laptop bags while people were distracted having interesting
conversations with their colleagues.

There was security at this conference, but it didn't help because they
weren't alert enough to what was going on, and they didn't rigorously
check the identity of people attending the conference as they entered
and exited. I think the security team were more on the lookout for
thugs and uncouth drunkards, or something like that.

So, if we get some sort of security team, it needs to be doing things
that actually help with the kinds of risks such conferences have.

Then again, people should hold on tightly to their valuable posessions,
and I'd rather not go to a conference that feels like a police state.

Steve Alexander

From dario at  Tue Feb 17 05:47:46 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Feb 17 05:47:57 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Laura Creighton wrote:

> Can we simply arrange to use this cafeteria?  I am arranging food for
> the con.  We don't want to eat what is usually served there, if this
> is the same place I am thinking of.  I was thinking that we need to
> contact Sommarklubben, or something to see about space for beer
> drinking afterwards ...  I didn't know about the 'run by students ...
> perhaps I am thinking of a different place ..'

uh... I am *really* not sure if it's OK to not use the catering 
facilities that Chalmers provide. I know that there is some caveat 
there, and I believe I had that pointed out at the beginning.

Seems I am going to have to look into this. The cefeteria I am speaking 
of is one that is run by Architecture students (A-fiket).


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From dario at  Tue Feb 17 06:19:38 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Tue Feb 17 06:19:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:

> uh... I am *really* not sure if it's OK to not use the catering 
> facilities that Chalmers provide. I know that there is some caveat 
> there, and I believe I had that pointed out at the beginning.

I looked thru the web-pages detailing the rooms we intend to use. There 
was no mention of being forced to use any of Chalmers catering serveices 
- it is very possible that these requirements are only for the more 
andvanced conference facilities that are located elsewhere at Chalmers.

It seems to be a misunderstadning from my part (inkluding the part 
informing in advance, which I think I only mentioned in passing).

So - no food problems :-)

Will lookup the borrow-the-cafeteria issue.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From rev_anna_r at  Tue Feb 17 06:58:21 2004
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Tue Feb 17 06:58:24 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Next IRC Meeting 2004-02-23 1880 CET
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Just wanted to update folks - my harddrive crashed yesterday after we
got back from a weekend in Rome. I'm on my laptop now... Hoping to have
the workstation resurrected sometime tomorrow... [crossing fingers]


--- Michael Hudson <> wrote:
> We seem to have settled into Mondays at 6pm Central European time for
> meetings of the EuroPython Organizing Cabal, and as such the next
> meeting is scheduled for Monday 23rd February 2004, 1800 CET,
> #europython on the freenode network.
> If this habit is preventing you from attending these meetings we need
> to know!  It would be good to see more track chairs at the meetings.
> You can read agendas, logs and minutes from previous meetings at:
> Cheers,
> mwh
> -- 
>   Monte Carlo sampling is no way to understand code.
>                                   -- Gordon McMillan,
> comp.lang.python
> _______________________________________________
> EuroPython mailing list

From gnurpreet at  Mon Feb 23 01:42:15 2004
From: gnurpreet at (
Date: Mon Feb 23 01:42:19 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] [commercial]python zope expertise required
Message-ID: <>

Software architect for Python/Zope/Plone development.
Innovative (free/open source) software company in Rome, Italy, develops
software for international political organizations. Proven and multi-year
experience, management skills a plus. Relocation to Rome preferred, but also
remote consulting and mixed are considered. Competitive compensation. 

Programmer for Python/Zope/Plone development.
Innovative (free/open source) software company in Rome, Italy, develops
software for international political organizations. Proven and multi-year
experience, management skills a plus. Relocation to Rome preferred, but also
remote consulting and mixed will be considered. Competitive compensation. 

GNUrpreet Singh
Pre Sales Consultant
ParTecs - Participatory Technologies

From jacob at  Mon Feb 23 10:38:38 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Feb 23 10:38:43 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Draft press release for review
Message-ID: <>

Press release
G?teborg 23 February 2004:
EuroPython 2004 to be held 7-9 June in G?teborg, Sweden.

The EuroPython conference will have tracks for Science, Business,
Education, Applications, Frameworks, Zope and the Python language
itself. Lightning talks, Open Space and BOF sessions are also planned.
There will be tutorials as well, both for newcomers to Python and
Python users interested in special subjects. In the days before and
after the conference, programming sprints will be arranged.

In a call for participation that was issued today, prospective
speakers were welcomed to give either a formal, refereed paper or a
less formal regular presentation.

"We see a lot of interest in this years conference even before
officially announcing it, with people asking for accomodation
information, wanting to give talks and volunteering for other tasks",
says Jacob Hall?n, head organiser.

"We hope that people will stay for a few days after the conference to
join spontaneously organised programming sprints", says Laura
Creighton, sprint coordinator. Sprints are fun, and we will have good
facilities for them.

Important dates
Refereed paper proposals: 1 March - 15 March.
Submission of talks: 1 March - 15 April.
Early Bird registration: 15 March - 1 May.

More information at

From jacob at  Mon Feb 23 11:19:57 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Feb 23 11:20:02 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Meeting today, agenda
Message-ID: <>

Meeting is at 18.00 CET today, Monday 23 February. The most important thing to 
get done today is CFPs and press release.

I still haven't written the minutes from last meeting. Sorry about that.

A. Introductions, if any

B. Information/Decision items 

C. Progress reports
- Web (Bea)
- Tutorial questionaire (Jacob)
- Sprint plans (Laura)
- Food (Laura)
- Keynote speakers (Jacob)

D. Urgent discussion items
- Cfp, press release 1 and emails to the europython list.
- Time planning - deadlines for when things have to be done
	Assignment of time blocks for tracks

E. Followups

F. Other items 

From jacob at  Mon Feb 23 11:30:08 2004
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Feb 23 11:30:34 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Draft CFP for review
Message-ID: <>

The EuroPython Conference -the third edition of this event (EPC2004)-
will this year take place in G?teborg, Sweden from June 7-9.  The
conference organizers are now accepting proposals for presentations
and tutorials.

We are looking for participation in the following
conference tracks: 

- Python Applications (new for 2004)
- Python Business
- Python in Education (new for 2004)
- Python Frameworks
- Python Language
- Python in Science
- Python Tutorials
- Zope

From this year on -- in addition to the two new tracks --
there is also the organisation of a refereed track. A seperate
announcement will be made for this track. 

Track descriptions are available at
<>.  The deadline for
submissions is **Thursday, April 15**.

For the non-refereed tracks, you can propose a 30 minute talk, 45
minute talk, or a 90- minute tutorial.

To propose a talk or tutorial, please visit the Talk Submission page
at <>.

If you don't have the time to prepare a full-length talk, we will also
be seeking people who want to give a 'Lightning Talk': a short (5
minute), focused talk about any Python- or Zope-related subject you

For more information about any conference track, please contact the
track chairperson listed at

For general questions about the conference, please visit the
conference website at <">.

About EuroPython Conference 2004

EuroPython Conference 2004 is the premiere venue for meeting Python
and Zope developers from Europe and beyond.  As one of the first
community-organized Python and Zope conferences, the EuroPython
Conference delivers the atmosphere and information developers
want. The conference will be held June 7-9, 2004 in G?teborg, Sweden.
Information is available at the EuroPython website at
<>. For more information, contact

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Feb 23 11:53:01 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Feb 23 11:59:39 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Draft CFP for review
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 05:30:08PM +0100, Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> For the non-refereed tracks, you can propose a 30 minute talk, 45
> minute talk, or a 90- minute tutorial.

For the Python in Science Track, I'm used to have talks of 30 min. I prefer
to have more shorter talks that get people interested and make them start
discussions on the side.

I'm not saying we need to modify the call for papers, just thought I'd
mention it here and repeat it later to people submitting papers to that

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From lac at  Mon Feb 23 12:20:18 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Mon Feb 23 12:20:47 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Draft CFP for review 
In-Reply-To: Message from "Nicolas Chauvat" <> 
	of "Mon, 23 Feb 2004 17:53:01 +0100." <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Mon, 23 Feb 2004 17:53:01 +0100, "Nicolas Chauvat" writes:
>On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 05:30:08PM +0100, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
>> For the non-refereed tracks, you can propose a 30 minute talk, 45
>> minute talk, or a 90- minute tutorial.
>For the Python in Science Track, I'm used to have talks of 30 min. I pref
>to have more shorter talks that get people interested and make them start
>discussions on the side.
>I'm not saying we need to modify the call for papers, just thought I'd
>mention it here and repeat it later to people submitting papers to that
>Nicolas Chauvat
> - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances 

Actually, i thought we had decided on 30 60 90, not 45.

Also, in the CFP area there is the Bea/Andrew Smart track which
I haven't found a good name for but itsn't there.


From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Feb 23 12:24:56 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Feb 23 12:28:03 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Draft CFP for review
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 06:20:18PM +0100, Laura Creighton wrote:

> Actually, i thought we had decided on 30 60 90, not 45.

At least, that's easier to plan and fit in 1h30 slots.

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From dario at  Mon Feb 23 12:53:18 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Mon Feb 23 12:53:34 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Moving content between existing and new site - acces
 to the existing site how?
Message-ID: <>

Subject says it all :-)


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From hpk at  Mon Feb 23 12:58:45 2004
From: hpk at (holger krekel)
Date: Mon Feb 23 12:58:51 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Moving content between existing and new site - acces
	to the existing site how?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Dario Lopez-K?sten Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 06:53:18PM +0100]
> Subject says it all :-)

but what if the subject lines scrolls out of the window? 



From dario at  Mon Feb 23 13:04:13 2004
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Mon Feb 23 13:04:30 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Moving content between existing and new site - acces
	to the existing site how?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

holger krekel wrote:

> [Dario Lopez-K?sten Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 06:53:18PM +0100]
>>Subject says it all :-)
> but what if the subject lines scrolls out of the window? 

Quickly! Seize that Subject before it gets away!

/dario ;^)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Ka"sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

From ianb at  Mon Feb 23 13:44:01 2004
From: ianb at (Ian Bicking)
Date: Mon Feb 23 13:46:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Tutorials at Europython questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hallen wrote:
> The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
> this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June
> 2004.
> To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
> input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.
> Please send this questionare filled in to "europython at python dot org".
> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.

Only if I was presenting on something.

> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

* How to write a Zope (2) product / how to productize an existing 
(in-ZODB) Zope application.
* Writing C (or Pyrex?) extensions.

I probably wouldn't pay to attend a tutorial, but my employer might 
(particularly Zope topics).  I really don't know how much, though.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.
> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June
> c. Sunday 6 June
> d. During the conference
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June

No idea.  I guess I don't schedule ahead enough to say.

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Yes, on SQLObject and/or Webware.

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Hmm... nope, I think that's it.

From ALE at  Mon Feb 23 15:11:45 2004
From: ALE at (Anders Lehmann)
Date: Mon Feb 23 15:12:07 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython Tutorials questionaire
Message-ID: <>

Anders Lehmann

Technology Specialist
Bang & Olufsen A/S
Peter Bangsvej 15
7600 Struer

Tlf: +45 96844325
----- Forwarded by Anders Lehmann/ALE/Bang & Olufsen/DK on 23-02-2004 21:07
                      Jacob Hall?                                                                                                       
                      <        To:                                                             
                      >                        cc:                                                                                       
                                               Subject:  Europython Tutorials questionaire                                               
                      23-02-2004 20:39                                                                                                   

Dear Europython 2003 attendee,

The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June

To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.

Please send this questionare filled in to "".

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.

2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?
3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June
b. Saturday 5 June
c. Sunday 6 June
d. During the conference
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint(x)
f. Thursday 10 June

4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?
5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

More information about Europython 2004 will be available shortly at

For the Europython team

Jacob Hall?n
Head organiser

From bradb at  Mon Feb 23 15:53:49 2004
From: bradb at (Brad Bollenbach)
Date: Mon Feb 23 15:55:36 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Le lundi, 23 f?v 2004, ? 14:38 Canada/Eastern, Jacob Hall?n a ?crit :

> Dear Europython 2003 attendee,
> The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
> this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June
> 2004.
> To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
> input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.
> Please send this questionare filled in to "".
> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.

There's about a 75% chance that I will attend.

> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

Zope 3, Python Core Development, PyPy, Interfacing Lisp to Python 
and/or vice-versa, SICP-style programming lectures using Python to 
demonstrate the concepts.

I wouldn't pay for individual tutorials.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.
> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June
> c. Sunday 6 June
> d. During the conference
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June

Any day during the conference, most preferably not on the last day of 
the conference though.

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Yes. I haven't decided on what quite yet, but perhaps something 
relating to using Forms and Schemas in Zope 3.

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Last year was great, save that we seemed to have a lot of problems with 
microphones, and the last thing we want to be worrying about is sound 
equipment. :) Other than that, it was tons of fun.

> More information about Europython 2004 will be available shortly at

Great, looking forward to it.

Brad Bollenbach

From duncan at  Mon Feb 23 16:35:47 2004
From: duncan at (Duncan Grisby)
Date: Mon Feb 23 16:35:53 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire 
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 23 Feb 2004 20:42:11 +0100."
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 23 February, Jacob Hallén wrote:

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.


> 2. What topics would you be interested in?

Advanced new features of Python.

>   How much would you be ready to pay for such a tutorial?

Not sure. It would depend on who was giving it.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.
> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June
> c. Sunday 6 June
> d. During the conference
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June

f, d, c, b, a.

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Yes. Possible topics are using Berkeley DB from Python, using CORBA
from Python. (Or a combination of both!)

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Try to create a good mix of advanced and beginner tutorials at the
same time. At conferences I've been to before, there have been
beginner tutorials in the morning and advanced ones in the afternoon,
leaving me with nothing I want to go to in the morning, and a clash in
the afternoon.



 -- Duncan Grisby         --
  --     --
   -- --

From lac at  Mon Feb 23 16:46:19 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Mon Feb 23 16:46:30 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire 
In-Reply-To: Message from Duncan Grisby <> of "Mon,
	23 Feb 2004 21:35:47 GMT."
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

Thank you for responding to our questionaire.  We hope to see you
at EuroPython.

Laura Creighton
for the EuroPython Organisers

From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Feb 23 17:18:04 2004
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Feb 23 17:18:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 08:38:55PM +0100, Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.

Yes (times 3. three persons from logilab usually go to europython).

> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

we would not pay for tutorials.

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

We might. Topics could be "advanced python" or "python and numerics"
or "enhance the quality of your python code" or others...

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  

From reinout at  Tue Feb 24 04:32:08 2004
From: reinout at (Reinout van Rees)
Date: Tue Feb 24 03:14:26 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?


> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

Topic for tutorial: something archetype-related. If there is something
like that I'll probably attend. ArchGenXML also sounds attractive.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.

f. Thursday 10 June
d. During the conference
b. Saturday 5 June
a. Friday 4 June
c. Sunday 6 June
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint (n/a)

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

No, I haven't got enough experience yet.

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

When a certain project I'm working on succeeds within the next two
months I might be in for a presentation, but the progress is slow at
the moment. I'm trying to tie zope and rdflib together... No

What is the deadline for the submission for a presentation?



Reinout van Rees -
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

From mbull at  Tue Feb 24 03:06:28 2004
From: mbull at (Matthew Bull)
Date: Tue Feb 24 03:22:42 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 19:39, Jacob Hall?n wrote:

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.
> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?
gui programming
server frameworks
python in embedded devices
> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.
> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June
> c. Sunday 6 June
> d. During the conference
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June
most suitable first...
> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?
no, sorry I have no time to prep a tutorial
> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?
plenty of food available at lunchtimes with extra available even if we
have to pay for it!!

From ndegroot at  Tue Feb 24 05:24:19 2004
From: ndegroot at (Groot  N.C. de)
Date: Tue Feb 24 05:15:25 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] RE: Europython Tutorials questionaire
Message-ID: <>

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?
o Using IDE's for developing Zope/CMF/Python (Windows and Linux)
o Profiling and performance tuning (Zope, ZPT, CMF, Plone)
o Implementing test scenario's for beginners

Eur 50-100

3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June
b. Saturday 5 June
c. Sunday 6 June
d. During the conference
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
f. Thursday 10 June

4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?
I would like to do something. Maybe about converting from CMF to Plone and
UI adapting, but I'm just starting the process. Not sure I will discover
enough - and in time - to make it into a tutorial.

5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?
o More interaction would be nice, create possibility to send in cases,
problems or even designs and get them evaluated by a forum. 
o Best practices in design
o Hands-on training and evaluation of new features in Zope 3.0 and Plone 2.0

Nico de Groot
Katholieke Theologische Universiteit te Utrecht
The Netherlands

From jan.murre at  Tue Feb 24 05:41:27 2004
From: jan.murre at (Jan Murre)
Date: Tue Feb 24 05:44:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] RE: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <000401c3fac2$c23ddf20$5f10a8c0@pareto.local>

Dear Jacob,

See answers below.

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.
> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

Plone 2.0 tutorials
Zope 3 tutorials

Hands-on tutorials would be great.

I would like to pay 50 - 100 Euro extra for a day with some good tutorials.
> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a 
> tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.

> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June 
> c. Sunday 6 June -- 2
> d. During the conference -- 3
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June -- 1
> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

I don't think so, but, I'll give it a thought.

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Great you took up this job of organizing EP2004 !!

Jan Murre

From mwh at  Tue Feb 24 06:33:41 2004
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Tue Feb 24 06:33:46 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <> (
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Jacob_Hall=E9n's_message_of?= "Mon, 23 Feb 2004 20:40:37
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n <> writes:

> Dear Europython 2003 attendee,
> The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
> this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June
> 2004.
> To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
> input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.
> Please send this questionare filled in to "".
> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.

Um, yes :-)

> 2. What topics would you be interested in?

Zope (3?) for Python programmers.  Possibly some more scientifically
oriented matireal.

> How much would you be ready to pay for such a tutorial?


> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.


> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Possibly on new-style classes and so on (but I think I'd prefer to
give that as a regular talk).

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Well, I'll do that at the meetings :-)


  > So what does "abc" / "ab" equal?
         -- Steve Holden defends obscure semantics on comp.lang.python

From steve at  Tue Feb 24 06:50:18 2004
From: steve at (Steve Alexander)
Date: Tue Feb 24 06:50:14 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Please send this questionare filled in to "".
> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.


> 2. What topics would you be interested in?

* PyPy tutorial

* Workshop / tutorial about presenting technical stuff to
   business people
   (Not just a lecture -- something interactive)

* Workshop / tutorial about how to deal with politicians
   and government officials.

* Workshop / tutorial on writing good contracts / proposals of work.

> How much would you be ready to pay for such a tutorial?

Between 0 EUR and 20 EUR if I'm paying.  More if I can persuade my 
clients to pay.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?

I cannot say just now.

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?


> On what subject(s)?

Maybe one of the following:

* SchoolTool

* Zope 3

* Adapters / Utilities / Views
   Python programming with components

   (This is a bit like a "Zope 3 for python programmers" tutorial,
    but about Python programming not Zope programming.)

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Not at this time.

Steve Alexander

From oskar at  Tue Feb 24 10:00:06 2004
From: oskar at (Stuffer Oskar)
Date: Tue Feb 24 10:00:50 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] questionaire
Message-ID: <>

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?


2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?
Reporting and graphics (Reportlab), Twisted, XML

3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June
f. Thursday 10 June
d. During the conference
b. Saturday 5 June
c. Sunday 6 June
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint

4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Best regards,

From jens.klein at  Tue Feb 24 11:09:30 2004
From: jens.klein at (Jens W. Klein)
Date: Tue Feb 24 11:09:35 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jacob Hall?n,

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
| Dear Europython 2003 attendee,
| The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
| this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June
| 2004.
| To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
| input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.
| Please send this questionare filled in to "".
| 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
| Yes
If no customer projects blocking me :)
| 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
| to pay for such a tutorial?

zope, plone, eduplone, plone in e-goverment

depends on length, quality, own knowlegde: between 20 and 150 Euros

| 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
| Please rank the alternatives.
| a. Friday 4 June
| b. Saturday 5 June
| c. Sunday 6 June
| d. During the conference
| e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
| f. Thursday 10 June
| 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

"ArchGenXML - generating Archetypes using UML" (maybe together with Phil
Auersperg, have to ask him)
"The EduploneTypes and EduploneLearningSequence How-To" (if this isnt to

| 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

It would be very great and cost reducing if you offer possibilities for
cheap appartements (using shared in a group of 5 to 10 people). Hotels
are too expensive for most small business people like me.

| More information about Europython 2004 will be available shortly at
| For the Europython team
| Jacob Hall?n
| Head organiser

Thank you for hearing my opinion.

Jens Klein
aka Jensens
jens quadrat . AGENTUR FUER NEUE MEDIEN GbR                fon ++43 512 93 80 90
GPG  Key-ID: 0x1A7D064A
Fingerprint: 66DC 5B15 33DF 8DCC 73C1 B73A 08A6 65B5 1A7D 064A

From ghum at  Tue Feb 24 11:09:43 2004
From: ghum at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Tue Feb 24 11:09:48 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
I allready booked plane and accomodation, so I'll surely be there.
> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you
be ready to pay for such a tutorial?
I'm fine with the usual talks in the conference
> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
I won't be at EP before evening of 6. and not after 9. of June, travels are
scheduled in accordance to surrounding appointments.
> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?
> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?
Europython 2003 really improved my live with Python; and Python improved my
live to the better. So I'm really looking forward to Goeteborg.


From Jack.Jansen at  Tue Feb 24 11:09:58 2004
From: Jack.Jansen at (Jack Jansen)
Date: Tue Feb 24 11:10:01 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 23 Feb 2004, at 20:40, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

Unsure: G?teborg is a lot more expensive to get to than Charleroi:-(

> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

I can't think of any.
> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.
> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June
> c. Sunday 6 June
> d. During the conference
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June
> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Hmm. I might be able to give a tutorial on MacPython or PyObjC, but I 
would have to think about it first.
> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Can't think of any.
Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

From SalmoniA at  Tue Feb 24 07:12:32 2004
From: SalmoniA at (Alan Salmoni)
Date: Tue Feb 24 12:16:16 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
Message-ID: <>

Please send this questionare filled in to "".

>1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

Unsure - it depends on work and whether I can get the money together! :^) If I can, I would like to attend.

>2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
>to pay for such a tutorial?

I think business related ones primarily, followed by talks about the future of the language. It is unlikely that I would pay for a tutorial purely because of my financial situation. If that were different, I would be interested in attending a tutorial about improving my programming skills with NumPy.

>3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
>Please rank the alternatives.
>a. Friday 4 June
>b. Saturday 5 June
>c. Sunday 6 June
>d. During the conference
>e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
>f. Thursday 10 June

Again, I'm unsure as it depends on the state of my wallet, but during the conference sounds best for me.

>4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Certainly! I would probably be best talking about what I know which is the process of usable interface designing and HCI in general. Sadly, not really related to Python in any particular way...

>5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Yes. I thoroughly enjoyed last years conference, even though I did not get as much out of it as I could have done. It was great to meet other Python programmers and just be able to chat about things.

>More information about Europython 2004 will be available shortly at 

>For the Europython team

>Jacob Hall??n
>Head organiser

Thanks for your hard work Jacob! Much appreciated.


Alan James Salmoni
HCI Group
School of Psychology
Cardiff University
Wales, UK

From Andreas.Kaempf at  Wed Feb 25 01:01:12 2004
From: Andreas.Kaempf at (Andreas Kaempf)
Date: Wed Feb 25 01:02:36 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Questionnaire responses
Message-ID: <>

Dear Europython team,

My questionnaire responses follow:

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

Yes, about 70% chance at this time, regardless of tutorials.

2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?

Would be interested in tutorials on Plone Archetypes and creating
products in Zope at the Python level (i.e., not using ZClasses).

I would expect tutorials to be included in the cost of the conference.

3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?

Any day during the conference

4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Not really qualifed at this point, so would have to say no.

5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Yes, the name badges were too small to read, and tended to flip around
so you couldn't read them. Name badges should have names in large
letters, and on both sides if you want to hang them from string around
the neck. Also, there should be a list of everyone present, to make it
easier to see who's there and who one would like to meet. 

Thanks for organizing this, and good luck with it!

Andreas Kaempf
London, England

From etienne at  Wed Feb 25 03:38:43 2004
From: etienne at (Etienne Posthumus)
Date: Wed Feb 25 03:38:48 2004
Subject: Fwd: [EuroPython] Questionnaire responses
Message-ID: <>

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?

Yes. Pretty sure about it, plan on combining it with the family holiday.

> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

* 'Stackless for Dummies' ;-)
* Creating Zope Products in Python, any advanced Zope topics (eg. Zope 
and XML), also Zope 3 info.
* The joys and tribulations of SSL and Python.
* Beyond the basics info on reStructuredText , how to write custom 
reStructuredText writers.

Unless there was a clear-cut value add of a tutorial over normal 
conference presentations, I would prefer a fixed conference fee. 
Simplicity is good.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?

During the conference.

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Using Quixote, one of the other 1001 web application frameworks.
Depends on whether there was interest.

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

It doesn't fit in the tutorial category, but I would love to hear 
discussion on the REST vs. 'Webservices' debate. Also known as the SOAP 
_is_ webservices, "No! No! you stole our terminology give it back!" 

A BOF or talk on 'Python as REST powertool' would be cool.

Previous Europython conferences were great, I am looking forward to 
another one!

Etienne Posthumus, IIDS Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

From steve at  Wed Feb 25 03:45:50 2004
From: steve at (Steve Alexander)
Date: Wed Feb 25 03:46:13 2004
Subject: Fwd: [EuroPython] Questionnaire responses
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?
> It doesn't fit in the tutorial category, but I would love to hear 
> discussion on the REST vs. 'Webservices' debate. Also known as the SOAP 
> _is_ webservices, "No! No! you stole our terminology give it back!" 
> discussion.
> A BOF or talk on 'Python as REST powertool' would be cool.

I would be very interested in giving a REST tutorial or participating in
a REST BOF session.

My major project at the moment, SchoolTool, is developed entirely RESTfully.

Steve Alexander

From kgmuller at  Wed Feb 25 06:01:29 2004
From: kgmuller at (Klaus Muller)
Date: Wed Feb 25 06:01:59 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] FW: Tutorials at Europython questionaire
Message-ID: <>

The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June

To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.

Please send this questionare filled in to "europython at python dot org".

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?


2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?


3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June
b. Saturday 5 June
c. Sunday 6 June
d. During the conference
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
f. Thursday 10 June


4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

Yes, on using the SimPy discrete event simulation package
( I am the key developer of this package.

SimPy (= Simulation in Python) is an object-oriented, process-based 
discrete-event simulation language based on standard Python and 
released under the GNU GPL. It provides the modeler with components of 
a simulation model including processes, for active components like 
customers, messages, and vehicles, and resources, for passive 
components that form limited capacity congestion points like servers, 
checkout counters, and tunnels. It also provides monitor variables to 
aid in gathering statistics. Random variates are provided by the 
standard Python random module.

SimPy comes with data collection capabilities, GUI and plotting 

5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

No. I am looking forward to EuroPython again. EuroPython 2003 was great.

Dr. Klaus G. M?ller

From lac at  Thu Feb 26 05:11:23 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Thu Feb 26 05:11:27 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] The following msword doc contains a list of the
Message-ID: <>

we have already booked for you at SGS Veckobostader, right by the
Chalmers Campus. see
We plan the following price structure:

* Bed in two bed room
          o 3-6 nights SEK 242/night (26.50 Euro)
          o 7+ nights SEK 172/night (19 Euro)
* Bed in 4 bed room
          o 3-6 nights SEK 141/night (15.50 Euro)
          o 7+ nights SEK 104/night (11.50 Euro)

But I wanted to post this here so that the people who are working
out 'how to let you apply in groups for these rooms' have
something to start with.

Check in and check out dates can be modified, to some extent.  We
simply had to reserve something, so we guessed.


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From raphael.maes at  Thu Feb 26 08:45:45 2004
From: raphael.maes at (Raphael Maes)
Date: Thu Feb 26 08:45:51 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall? <>
23/02/2004 20:40

        To:     Raphael Maes/AMAQJ/MOR/AGFA/BE/BAYER@AGFA
        Subject:        Europython Tutorials questionaire

Dear Europython 2003 attendee,

The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June

To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.

Please send this questionare filled in to "".

1 Yes, will attend.

2-  Topics: Not really tutorials but: (In this order) 1 - Any Python 
project working on JDF ("Job Definition Format" A new XML based standard 
for the (pre-)press industry). 2 -  An overall 'state-of-the-art' 
comparison between Java web-related products (such as Apache/Jakarta 
suite) against comparable functionality in Python open source products. 
(e.g. Java Tomcat vs. Python ? , frameworks such as Struts, Spring <> 
Python?, Java containers like Jboss <> Python?, test/load tools like Java 
Cactus and The Grinder <> Python?). 

Willing to pay: (+- 10 to 20 Euro)

d. During the conference or the day before or day after.

4. Don't feel ready to give a tutorial.

Best Regards

From vincenzo at  Fri Feb 27 06:32:05 2004
From: vincenzo at (Vincenzo Di Somma)
Date: Fri Feb 27 06:34:24 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <> (Jacob
	=?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n's?= message of "Mon,
	23 Feb 2004 20:40:10 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Jacob Hall?n <> writes:

> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?


> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

 XML processing, Knowledge Management.

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.

 e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

  Plone for industrial and adiministrative workflow applications

> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

More spaces for socialization with wireless internet connection.
More spaces for informal talks and presentations.

- -- 

Vincenzo Di Somma (vds) - REFLAB
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8 <>


From ronald at  Fri Feb 27 07:19:25 2004
From: ronald at (Ronald Jaramillo)
Date: Fri Feb 27 07:19:27 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Tutorials at Europython questionaire
Message-ID: <>

1. Are you likely to attend Europython?


2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
to pay for such a tutorial?

python Application development ( wxPython, Win32 integration, Obj-C 
integration )
python Game Development ( pyGame, pyOpenGL & binding to other 3D || 
graphics libraries )
functional programming with python ( something like Mertz's "Text 
processing in Python" )
vim & python

Price really depends on the speaker/quality of the material, etc

3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
Please rank the alternatives.
a. Friday 4 June
b. Saturday 5 June
c. Sunday 6 June
d. During the conference
e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
f. Thursday 10 June


4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?

5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?
Looking forward to the EPC =)

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From peter at  Fri Feb 27 09:33:27 2004
From: peter at (Peter Sabaini)
Date: Fri Feb 27 09:33:31 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hello, hope its not to late for an answer

Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> Dear Europython 2003 attendee,
> The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
> this years conference, which will run in G?teborg, Sweden, 7-9 June
> 2004.
> To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
> input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.
> Please send this questionare filled in to "".
> 1. Are you likely to attend Europython?
> Yes/No/Only if there are tutorials I'd like to go to.


> 2. What topics would you be interested in? How much would you be ready
> to pay for such a tutorial?

Zope3, Component Architecture in general
My boss would have to pay; I think about 100EUR would be manageable

> 3. When would it be most suitable for you to participate in a tutorial?
> Please rank the alternatives.
> a. Friday 4 June
> b. Saturday 5 June
> c. Sunday 6 June
> d. During the conference
> e. When it doesn't conflict with my Sprint
> f. Thursday 10 June

I cannot answer this since I dont know the schedule

> 4. Would you be willing to give a tutorial?  On what subject(s)?


> 5. Is there any other input you would like to give us?

Its a little confusing to have the site show "2004" 
prominently but presenting content from 2003

> More information about Europython 2004 will be available shortly at 


  - peter.

> For the Europython team
> Jacob Hall?n
> Head organiser
-------------- next part --------------
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From mal at  Sun Feb 29 10:36:05 2004
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sun Feb 29 10:36:10 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Accomodation prices
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Are there any reasonably priced hotels in G?teborg ?

The only one I found was an IBIS hotel; all others have prices
which start at 120 EUR per night...

Will the organizers arrange special rates in any of these hotels
(like we did in Charleroi) ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Feb 29 2004)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...
EuroPython 2004, G?teborg, Sweden                           98 days left

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::

From jeremiannika at  Sun Feb 29 14:00:28 2004
From: jeremiannika at (Jeremiah Foster)
Date: Sun Feb 29 13:58:40 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Accomodation prices
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

There are some excellent and affordable accommodations in G?teborg. I'll 
start with the really cheap first;

One very good option is the Spar Hotel[1], there are two of them, the 
one I am linking to is literally two minutes walk from the conference. 
Spar means "save" in Swedish so this is a budget conscious hotel. Rooms 
are about 65 EUR and like most Swedish hotels, it should be very 
comfortable. In fact, my experience is that Swedish youth hostels are 
nicer than many cheap hotels in other parts of the world. You may 
seriously want to consider them because they are very nice. (If you ever 
go to G?vle, you must stay at the hostel there, it is amazing.) One such 
hostel, called a minihotel because it really is a hotel, is G?teborgs 
Minihotel[2]. The price list is from 2001, but even if prices have risen 
it is incredibly cheap; for a two-bed room it is 20 EUR per bed. Another 
good option, near the ferry terminals and the Nordic regions largest 
record store, is Massthuggsterrasens Vandrarhem[3].

Another possibility is Hotel Vasa[4] in Vasastan, one of the nicest 
parts of the city. It is a short walk to the center and the conference 
and there are many, many cafes lining Vasagatan, the main street through 
Vasastan. It is one of the hipper areas for restaurants and there are 
clubs near by on the Avenyn. Prices at Hotel Vasa are listed in SEK but 
are closer to 100 EUR, even less than that depending when you are there.

This option is a hotel[5] right on the Avenyn, G?teborg's main street. 
The prices are current and are as low as 47 EUR.

More info can be gleaned from G?teborg's main web site[6] which is 
pretty good.

I am not a conference organizer so I cannot speak to any arrangements 
that may or have not been made on behalf of attendees, but hopefully 
there will be something reasonable available, G?teborg is a lovely city 
especially at that time of year and good attendance at the conference I 
am sure is welcome.

Let me know if I can help in any other way.

- Jeremiah Foster // Pythonian

Map with hotels from city center

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> Are there any reasonably priced hotels in G?teborg ?
> The only one I found was an IBIS hotel; all others have prices
> which start at 120 EUR per night...
> Will the organizers arrange special rates in any of these hotels
> (like we did in Charleroi) ?
> Thanks,

From lac at  Sun Feb 29 17:09:28 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sun Feb 29 17:09:43 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Accomodation prices 
In-Reply-To: Message from "M.-A. Lemburg" <> 
	of "Sun, 29 Feb 2004 16:36:05 +0100." <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sun, 29 Feb 2004 16:36:05 +0100, "M.-A. Lemburg" writes:
>Are there any reasonably priced hotels in G?teborg ?
>The only one I found was an IBIS hotel; all others have prices
>which start at 120 EUR per night...
>Will the organizers arrange special rates in any of these hotels
>(like we did in Charleroi) ?
>Marc-Andre Lemburg

There are many hotels that are at the same price as the IBIS, and
hostels which are cheaper still.  But what we did was to book 153 beds
(in 2 per room and 4 per room) lots at SGS Veckobost?der, .  This is a student operated place,
which is right on one side of the campus, so a very short walk to
where EuroPython, and pre-and-post sprints are being held.

We got an even better rate than listed on their website, and plan to
offer rooms at:

* Bed in two bed room
          o 3-6 nights SEK 242/night (26.50 Euro)
          o 7+ nights SEK 172/night (19 Euro)
* Bed in 4 bed room
          o 3-6 nights SEK 141/night (15.50 Euro)
          o 7+ nights SEK 104/night (11.50 Euro)

The website to coordinate this isn't quite ready.

This is a really nice place.  Its reason to exist is to house visiting
scholars who are lecturing at Chalmers.  It has laundry and cooking
facilities -- and as of this week it has a website in English, so you
can take a look at more than just the pictures.  Ask Christian Tismer
or Samuele Pedroni who stayed there last EuroPython Sprint, or Alex
Martelli who stays there most of the weeks he is working at Strakt in
town what they think.

But of you want more service and luxury, Hotel Lilton is the nicest
place in town.  At 780 SEK a night, it is still a lot cheaper than the
120 Euros you found.  If you stay there
it is a 20 minute walk to Chalmers -- very pretty through nature but
up a mountain -- or a short tram ride.

I will post a comprehensive list of the G?teborg hotels and hostels
that are relatively near to Chalmers, and their prices.  Also, if we
fill those 153 beds, there is a chance I can get some more at some
locations that are slightly further away.

Oh, and yes, if you are coming with your family and are making this a
combined EuroPython/Sprint/Vacation, yes, you can book a whole room
for your family, and yes you can get this rate for 2 or 3 weeks. If 
you already know that you want to do this, send me mail, because it
will influence whether or not I should go try to rent more space. Right
now I think that 153 slots are enough, because some people want luxury
hotels no matter what, and some people have frequent flier miles to
earn at the appropriate chains and the like.  

Laura Creighton
(for the EuroPython 2004 Team).

From lac at  Sun Feb 29 17:31:15 2004
From: lac at (Laura Creighton)
Date: Sun Feb 29 17:31:20 2004
Subject: [EuroPython] Accomodation prices 
In-Reply-To: Message from Jeremiah Foster <> 
	of "Sun, 29 Feb 2004 14:00:28 EST." <> 
References: <>
	<> <> 
Message-ID: <>

In a message of Sun, 29 Feb 2004 14:00:28 EST, Jeremiah Foster writes:

<lots of useful things> 

> ...I am not a conference organizer so I cannot speak to any arrangements ...

<more useful references>

...what do you mean?! :-)   I was sure we drafted you last week! :-)
You just haven't come to the weekly irc meeting yet :-)  (Mondays 1800 CET)

(slave driver) Laura Creighton,
for the EuroPython 2004 Team