[EuroPython] Re: Europython Tutorials questionaire

Raphael Maes raphael.maes at agfa.com
Thu Feb 26 08:45:45 EST 2004

Jacob Hall駭 <jacob at strakt.com>
23/02/2004 20:40

        To:     Raphael Maes/AMAQJ/MOR/AGFA/BE/BAYER at AGFA
        Subject:        Europython Tutorials questionaire

Dear Europython 2003 attendee,

The organising committee for Europython is currently busy planning
this years conference, which will run in Göteborg, Sweden, 7-9 June

To help us serve the community in the best way possible, we need your
input on what you think we should do in the way of tutorials.

Please send this questionare filled in to "europython at python.org".

1 Yes, will attend.

2-  Topics: Not really tutorials but: (In this order) 1 - Any Python 
project working on JDF ("Job Definition Format" A new XML based standard 
for the (pre-)press industry). 2 -  An overall 'state-of-the-art' 
comparison between Java web-related products (such as Apache/Jakarta 
suite) against comparable functionality in Python open source products. 
(e.g. Java Tomcat vs. Python ? , frameworks such as Struts, Spring <> 
Python?, Java containers like Jboss <> Python?, test/load tools like Java 
Cactus and The Grinder <> Python?). 

Willing to pay: (+- 10 to 20 Euro)

d. During the conference or the day before or day after.

4. Don't feel ready to give a tutorial.

Best Regards

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