[EuroPython] EuroPython conference 2004 lightning talk cancellation

Fotios Basagiannis fotios.basagiannis at jrc.it
Fri Jun 4 11:23:47 EDT 2004

Hi there,

I regret to inform you that I will not be attending the conference as a very
urgent project that just came up requires my presence here. This becomes an
issue as I am also a lightning talk speaker.

I am trully sorry for any administrative burden this may cause.

Many thanks and apologies,


Fotios Basagiannis 

Cybersecurity Sector
Joint Research Center
European Commission 

phone:   0039 033278 9415 (Italy)  
e-mail:  fotios.basagiannis at jrc.it  
pgp key: http://fotios.cc/fotios_jrc.asc  

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