[EuroPython] Web site wonderings

Beatrice Fontaine bea at webwitches.com
Tue Mar 2 01:31:46 EST 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 22:19, Jacob Hallén wrote:
> Now that the website starts to fill with information, I have some questions 
> about how this Plone thingie works:
> 1. I find the "About" and "Log in" boxes to be stuff that visitors to the site 
> wouldn't wnat to see. Will they be gone from the production site?

That can be taken away without any problem if that is wanted (I agree
with it but not every one may...)
> 2. Is the "Navigation" box the way people are supposed to navigate the site?

Yes and no. The navigation is there for that, but the tabs at the top
can be made for things you want a direct link for. They are put in my an
admin, most probably Dario or me, currently.

> 3. What defines what stuff gets added to the tabs along the top? Having both 
> the Navigation box and the tabs at the top seems to be redundant.

Because they currently are. The left navigation shows the folders. The
top tabs show what you (ie we) tell them to.

> 4. Somebody said that people will have to make an account to register papers 
> and register for the conference. I hope this is not true. If you can't 
> register by just filling in a simple form that is at the end of a link saying 
> "Register here", we have failed badly.

Joachim said that the paper submission requires that one registers
first. That can be changed, but it would put a lot of safety in
question. He had to leave yesterday at some stage, but no one else
reacted when he and I discussed it. So we should talk about this now.

> 5. I think we are using the event calendar in a bad way. We should mark days 
> when specific things happen, instead of marking off periods. Right now, we 
> have the event " EarlyBird Registration Ends!" set up for 1 April - 1 May. 
> This event should only cover 1 May.

We had nothing else yet and these were tests Dario and I made to test
the input results. You are correct, they should only set the final day.

> 6. Are visitors expected to understand that they need to open the "A-Z EPC 
> 2004" box in the Navigation box in order to find the contents of the site?

That is an excellent question. I think that all the folders with 2004
info should be available at the root of the navigation, but then a
discussion began about why the folders had been set like this, meaning
for reusability of the site in the future. I put A-Z there because it
was the only spontaneous thought I had on how to move the folder with
the current conference to the top. It is still silly, I agree. All the
info inside it should be seen first and at the top. It is all the
general info at the bottom that makes it confusing, because you don't
know if you should click on "about 2004" or "about "ep".

I wanted to move all the rest of the information into folders like
"general" and "past" so that people can see 2004 as the obvious choice,
but I was overruled :)

As a first step, we can make top tabs to point to the obvious directions
you want people to take, e.g. accommodation, but also others. How does
that sound?


bea at webwitches.com
"My agenda is so hidden that I can't find it myself". Me.

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