[EuroPython] website registration workflow
Martijn Faassen
faassen at infrae.com
Tue Mar 2 15:00:31 EST 2004
Hi there,
Since we now have a long thread on this and a significant amount of
confusion, let me sketch out some use cases:
Use cases:
* system: the website
* person: a person in the wild unknown to us who wants to register
for EuroPython.
* talk submitter: someone who wants to submit a talk for EP
* plone user: a person registered with Plone
Use case 1: Person registers for EuroPython
1 person goes to EuroPython website.
2 person clicks easy to find 'Register now!' link/button on homepage
3 system shows form asking for personal details. If person is not logged
in, also ask for username.
4 system sends off person to site with payment details.
5 If person is not logged in, system makes person into plone user,
including random password.
6 person is registered with EP for conference. person receives a mail
with confirmation. If person is not logged in, also include plone user
account information with random password.
3a username is already known with system but user isn't
3a1 system shows form again, and asks for different username
3b username is already known to the system as person already
has plone account
3b1 Person is presented with option to log in first.
3b2 Person becomes Plone User.
3b3 To step 2.
Use case 2: Plone user provides dietary preferences
1. Home page/email presents clear link to 'dietary preferences' page.
User clicks on it.
2. System shows in dietary preferences in form of this particular user.
3. User fills in form.
2a User is not logged in
2a1 System shows login form to user
2a2. User logs in. Back to step 2.
2b. User tries to change preferences at last minute!
2b1 System prevents user from access these screens after certain
cutoff date. (alternative: at cutoff date information is retrieved
from the system, all later changes are lost).
Use case 3: Plone user submits talk
1. Home page provides link to 'submit talk' page. User clicks on it.
2. System provides talk submission form.
3. Plone user submits talk.
2a. User is not logged in
2a1. System shows login form to user
2a2. User logs in. Back to step 2.
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