[EuroPython] Problems with the Virutal hosting setup of the site +changes

Tom Deprez tom at aragne.com
Wed Mar 31 11:57:32 EST 2004

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:
> Hello,
> 1) I have some issues with how the virtual hosting setup of the site
> - I do not understand it :-)
> 2) Changes to the organisation of sponsor images.
> 3) Changes in caching
> First, I would like to know how the VirtualHosting setup is done with
> the site.

Don't know, haven't set it up this way.

> the EPC2002 and 2003 refer to fodlers that do not exist in the root of
> the www.eurpython.org site.

They DO or at least did exist (lastly checked on monday)...
These folders are needed because they are the old europython websites
and should stay..

> The same goes for many images that refer to an /images folder not
> present in the root of www.europython.org. This makes it hard to
> manage images, etc.
> Second, I am moving all the images from the root of www.europython.org
> to /conferences/epc2004/sponsors/logos/. This keeps things neat and
> tidy and keeps the root non-cluttered.

DON'T move this.... I've let them inside because the epc2002 and epc2003
use them....

> Thirdly, I have changed some of the caching parameters... this means
> that the site will be slower, but on the other hand it will display
> correct info.
> Up to know I cached things like the login page, the folder_contents
> ZPT and other similar things, which simply lead to probolems for
> people using the site, especially for managers.
> If you encounter more stuff that seems "weird and/or broken" please
> let me know and I'll try to see if it is related to caching... any
> expert in Zope caching out there is welcome to help - I am by no
> means an expert.
> Cheers,
> /dario

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