[EuroPython] räkning till EuroPython Conference

Laura Creighton lac at strakt.com
Fri May 28 08:27:23 EDT 2004

In a message of Fri, 28 May 2004 13:39:05 +0200, Farzad.Faramarzi at astrazeneca.c
om writes:
>Vi är 2 personer from astrazeneca som vill komma till EuroPython Conferenc
>men vi kan inte registrera oss genom Registrering sidan
>kan ni skicka räkningen till 

Translation -- we are 2 people from AstraZeneca who want to come
to the conference, but we cannot register.  They wanted us to do
this manually ...

>Farzad Faramarzi
>Astrazeneca R&D Mölndal
>43183 Mölndal
>Farzad Faramarzi

Can you mail us what happens when you try to register?  Do you
have coookies disabled or something?  Registering should still
work ...


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