[EuroPython] EPC 2005: where and when?

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Mon Oct 4 17:34:38 CEST 2004

Beatrice Fontaine wrote re www.europython.org:

> 1) keep what's there and improve on it asap
> 2) suggest another solution, making sure that there is actual support
> for that solution among those who will have to use it
> 3) update the existing site while someone is cooking up something
> better, because the outdated content on the existing site should be got
> rid of rather sooner than later.

I think we should do 3 for the time being until someone presents a 
viable alternative to nr 1.

However, there are some technical issues that might be needed to sort, 
out, ie upgrading to a new version of plone and migrating the existing 
content to the new site.

I'd like to keep the new plone installation as clean as possible with 
only a few extra Products - one such is actually CPSSkins, and I 
possible can make the Author of CPS Skins help out with the layouting, 
right Jean-Marc? ;-)

The big issue for me is content. Who can write content?


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

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