[EuroPython] Meeting summaries

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Thu Oct 21 18:49:06 CEST 2004

Summary from the meeting on 7 October

- We decided to hold Europython 2005 at Chalmers in Göteborg, Sweden in the 
week of 27 June - 1 July 2005.

- Jacob was to send out an inquiry to all track chairs of last conference, 
concerning their interest in running their tracks again. After we have the 
results of this, we will go out with a broader invitation to participate in 
the EPC organisation.

- Jacob will draft a requirements specification for the website.

- Next meeting was set to Thursday 21 October at 17.00.

Summary of the meeting on 21 October

- The track chair situation was reviewed
We have some vacancies, that need to get filled, and we hope to get new people 
involved in arraging things. Jacob will send out an invitation to volunteer 
by email to all of last years participants and to the usual channels.

- Web issues were discussed
Nuxeo (Stefane Fermigier et al) and Jean Marc Orliaguet are willing to 
redesign the website using CPSSkins, CPS3 and other 3-letter acronyms.
John Pinner volunteered some web development effort from Clocksoft company.
Bea has volunteered to do web work, under the condition that there were at 
lest 3 people in the team. This condition is now fulfilled.
Joachim has also been interetsed in contributing, though at a lower level than 
last year.
The static part of the website should be done according to the web 
specification and should be ready for demonstration with last years content 
by Christmas.

Registration will be done using CAPSconference.

How to handle tracks and talks was postponed until later, since different 
people need to learn more about the possibilities of CPS and CAPS 

A demonstration site of CAPS will be set up.

- Next meeting was set to Thursday 4 November at 17.00.

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