[EuroPython] front page

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Feb 2 10:50:29 CET 2005

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

> I've removed the large picture from the front page, replaced it with 
> boxes with dummy content until there is something to show. Basically 
> there could be any information in them  (latest news, events, updates, 
> tracks....., direct links to pages, images, etc...) - I think it can be 
> seen as a pinboard.

Thanks, better, but can we please get the "what, who, why" to be at the 
same vertical alignment? I'd suggest booting "image of the day" below 
"upcoming events"and have shortcuts be two columns wide but the same 
height as "latest site updates"...

Anyone else agree?



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