From chris at  Tue Mar  1 14:07:10 2005
From: chris at (Chris Withers)
Date: Wed Mar  2 09:03:18 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Scheduling call for papers and acceptance of talks
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <opsmm7chgjiddoij@tietokone-heimo-laukkanen.local>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Everitt wrote:
> Again, should we try to improve the quality?   If there isn't a strong 
> opinion that this needs attention, Heimo and I will drop it.  If it is 
> worth looking into, though, how can we achieve it?

It won't help getting reading for this year, but how about some kind of 
rating system? There's Wi-Fi there, and people could actually rate while 
watching. Hell, there could even be a live thermometer on the speaker's 
beamer so he or she knew if he was gettign off track ;-)



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

From chris at  Tue Mar  1 14:13:58 2005
From: chris at (Chris Withers)
Date: Wed Mar  2 09:03:19 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Scheduling call for papers and acceptance of talks
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <opsmm7chgjiddoij@tietokone-heimo-laukkanen.local>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Everitt wrote:
> During the Plone Con in Vienna, I noticed lots of people sitting 
> outside.  I asked a few what were the reasons.  The main one was, they 
> liked to socialize. :^)  However, some folks also seemed disappointed 
> with the quality of some presentations.

That IS a shame :-S

> I'm interested in ways to address.  One choice is, as we've suggested, 
> ask people to prepare in advance.  Benefits: people don't throw 
> something together at the last minute, we attract people that are 
> naturally more prepared, and we have time to interact via a review process.
> This is pretty well understood, for anyone that has done a refereed paper.

Indeed, but there is already a refereed track, or am I mistaken?

> Downsides: as Harald noted, we might scare off people that are good 
> presenters, presentation material isn't nearly as important as the 
> speaker (they should be minimal, in fact), and it increases the work on 
> Paul/Heimo.

More work, less dynamism... sounds like programming in Java ;-)

> presentation quality, let us know.   Equally, if people feel that 
> improving the quality isn't a needed goal, speak up on that too.

I actually thought the Zope track last year was pretty good...

> Personally, I think it is unfair to the 90 people in the audience that 
> paid good money to travel, to suffer through someone that waited 8-10 
> hours in advance to work on their presentation.

Let me counter that by saying if someone needs more than 10 hrs to get a 
presentation together, they probably don't know the subject matter well 
enough to be presenting it in the first place...

> speaker can pull it off.  In many cases, the presentation could have 
> used some refinement and practice.

Come on Paul, EVERY presentation can use more refinement and practice, 
just like all software has bugs to fix somewhere, or features that could 
be added...

> Thus, give some arguments from the point of view of the 80, not the 1.  
> How can we make this better for the audience?

I'm not arguing with this, and while I can see how the proposal could 
make for talks that are prepared further in the future, I'm not 
convinced that it'll make them better...

> Quite obviously, we can't make an informed choice on a presentation with 
> a title and 50 word description, unless we know the person.  That 
> becomes unfair to the new people who haven't presented.

Yes, this is tricky, well, I'm sure together we'll all come up with a 
decent process...



PS: Another thing that is a possibility, but hopefully an unlikely one, 
is that if everyone prepares the talks in advance, people just read the 
presentations and don't bother turning up, so we still end up with 
everyone outside chatting ;-)

Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

From huima at  Wed Mar  2 17:33:09 2005
From: huima at (Heimo Laukkanen)
Date: Wed Mar  2 17:34:30 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Talks, acceptance and fish
Message-ID: <opsm0qxjkiiddoij@tietokone-heimo-laukkanen.local>

Chris Withers said...

> Indeed, but there is already a refereed track, or am I mistaken?
> More work, less dynamism... sounds like programming in Java
> I actually thought the Zope track last year was pretty good...

Everything does not need to be dynamic and ad hoc...

I agree that zope track was ok last year, however as a person managing it  
- I was untill the actual show in total blackout about what would happen  
and what would the talk be. I did and had to trust the presenters to do a  
good show without almost any prior knowledge on what the contents will be.

It did work in previous years, but there is a chance of also having a not  
so good luck. And what we are talking about is minimizing that risk.

> Come on Paul, EVERY presentation can use more refinement and practice, 
> just like all software has bugs to fix somewhere, or features that could 
> be added...
> Yes, this is tricky, well, I'm sure together we'll all come up with a 
> decent process...

Yes. What we are proposing and promoting is to have a little more  
structure without throeing out the creativity. Like I said, I am ok with  
allowing presenters to improve the presentations over the time, so it  
would not be like a true refereed track. More visibility to us as  
organizers and better information also to visitors.

> PS: Another thing that is a possibility, but hopefully an unlikely one, 
> is that if everyone prepares the talks in advance, people just read the 
> presentations and don't bother turning up, so we still end up with 
> everyone outside chatting

We would not release the presentations before the conference - and slides  
/ talk-materials ARE NOT the same as actively participating in talk,  
atleast when a good speaker is concerned and when talk is good.

If there are no big objections, we will implement these changes and try to  
be at the sametime flexible and firm to allow dynamicism but also get  
reassurance on a good quality talks.

From chris at  Thu Mar  3 11:29:15 2005
From: chris at (Chris Withers)
Date: Thu Mar  3 11:29:35 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Talks, acceptance and fish
In-Reply-To: <opsm0qxjkiiddoij@tietokone-heimo-laukkanen.local>
References: <opsm0qxjkiiddoij@tietokone-heimo-laukkanen.local>
Message-ID: <>

Heimo Laukkanen wrote:
> It did work in previous years, but there is a chance of also having a 
> not  so good luck. And what we are talking about is minimizing that risk.

OK, lets give it a try, if it makes things worse we could always see 
about changing it back for '06

> structure without throeing out the creativity. Like I said, I am ok 
> with  allowing presenters to improve the presentations over the time, so 
> it  would not be like a true refereed track. 

Ah, okay, that's an important point and makes me much less nervous about 
it all :-)



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
From mal at  Mon Mar  7 15:37:47 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon Mar  7 15:37:50 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Scheduling call for papers and acceptance of talks
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <opsmm7chgjiddoij@tietokone-heimo-laukkanen.local>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Paul Everitt wrote:
> On Feb 24, 2005, at 9:53 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>> Heimo Laukkanen wrote:
>>> Talk acceptance:
>>>   - require the actual presentation to be submitted ( we've been very 
>>>  flexible with this previously )
>> Why is this a requirement?
> During the Plone Con in Vienna, I noticed lots of people sitting 
> outside.  I asked a few what were the reasons.  The main one was, they 
> liked to socialize. :^)  However, some folks also seemed disappointed 
> with the quality of some presentations.
> I'm interested in ways to address.  One choice is, as we've suggested, 
> ask people to prepare in advance.  Benefits: people don't throw 
> something together at the last minute, we attract people that are 
> naturally more prepared, and we have time to interact via a review process.
> This is pretty well understood, for anyone that has done a refereed paper.
> Downsides: as Harald noted, we might scare off people that are good 
> presenters, presentation material isn't nearly as important as the 
> speaker (they should be minimal, in fact), and it increases the work on 
> Paul/Heimo.
> If anybody has some better suggestions on how we can improve the 
> presentation quality, let us know.   Equally, if people feel that 
> improving the quality isn't a needed goal, speak up on that too.

I believe that we have a rather high level of talk quality at
EuroPython - I haven't been to Plone Con, but are you sure that
you can compare the two ?

As for submitting talks in advance: but wouldn't a more complete
talk proposal be more helpful for the track chairmen ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Mar 07 2005)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::
From mal at  Mon Mar  7 15:48:03 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Mon Mar  7 15:48:25 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2005 Schedule
Message-ID: <>

Hi Everbody,

I've been looking on the EuroPython web-site every now and then for
the past few weeks trying to find out which of the mentioned days
will actually be reserved for talks and which are sprints, tutorials
etc.: 27 june - 1 July.

The reason is simple: I'd like to book hotel and flight early.

Are there plans to have a rough schedule outline ready in the
next few weeks ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Mar 07 2005)
 >>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 >>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
 >>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::
From huima at  Mon Mar  7 23:16:00 2005
From: huima at (Heimo Laukkanen)
Date: Mon Mar  7 23:16:02 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Talks about Scrum by people from Agile alliance -
	which track / who would be interested
Message-ID: <opsnaf4ycjiddoij@localhost>

Hi ya all and greetings from Amsterdam,

I'm just participating in scrum-training here in Amsterdam, and happened  
to mention our instructor Joseph Pelrine about the conference - and  
whether he or anyone else would be interested to do talk there.

We got into discussion about how people in Pyrhon world already are into  
the agile methods like XP and understand the values of being flexible and  
getting to the point, and eventually agreed that there really could be  
interest on both of the sides ( people who do scrum training and us  
pythoneers ) to have talks about this methodology on Europython.

For people doing business with teaching and consultation the opportunity  
is naturally to get their message to new audience and get new potential  
clients with a gig like that, for us it could be a valuable lesson to hear  
about this methodology from people who have run large and small succesfull  
projects with it and have actually more to say than just what they read  
 from a book.

What do others think? Is this something that would fit the scope of  
Europython and what track would be the best to have this kind of talks?  
What if they get so interested that they would like to run a half a day /  
day track of agile methodologies?

Any thoughts?

From bea at  Tue Mar  8 07:43:40 2005
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Mar  8 07:39:51 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Talks about Scrum by people from Agile alliance -
	which track / who would be interested
In-Reply-To: <opsnaf4ycjiddoij@localhost>
References: <opsnaf4ycjiddoij@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 23:16, Heimo Laukkanen wrote:
> Hi ya all and greetings from Amsterdam,

> What do others think? Is this something that would fit the scope of  
> Europython and what track would be the best to have this kind of talks?  
> What if they get so interested that they would like to run a half a day /  
> day track of agile methodologies?

Hi all!

I would be more than glad to accept him in my section on social skills
and other topics. I haven't updated my text for 2005 yet (which I
apologise for - no time is better than _now_), but I am going to include
a section on methodology. My first idea was to do a book review session
were people get the chance to present their favourite methodology book
and to discuss _why_ it is actually useful to read these books for
anyone involved in software projects, technical and non-technical side.

I think that a session on organisational and methodological aspects will
be extremely interesting, especially if we manage to get a few more
practical cases, such as real customer collaboration in applied XP, etc.

So that was my thought.


"I will, as we say in rock 'n' roll, run until the wheels come off, 
because I love what I do." -- David Crosby

From Andrew.Smart at  Tue Mar  8 08:12:14 2005
From: Andrew.Smart at (Andrew Smart)
Date: Tue Mar  8 08:12:59 2005
Subject: AW: [EuroPython] Talks about Scrum by people from Agile alliance
	-which track / who would be interested
In-Reply-To: <opsnaf4ycjiddoij@localhost>
Message-ID: <00df01c523ae$284b43b0$18e4870a@adsmobil>

Hash: SHA1 wrote:
> -which track / who would be interested
> Hi ya all and greetings from Amsterdam,
> I'm just participating in scrum-training here in Amsterdam, and
> happened to mention our instructor Joseph Pelrine about the
> conference - and whether he or anyone else would be interested to do
> talk there. 
> We got into discussion about how people in Pyrhon world already are
> into the agile methods like XP and understand the values of being
> flexible and getting to the point, and eventually agreed that there
> really could be interest on both of the sides ( people who do scrum
> training and us pythoneers ) to have talks about this methodology on
> Europython. 
> For people doing business with teaching and consultation the
> opportunity is naturally to get their message to new audience and get
> new potential clients with a gig like that, for us it could be a
> valuable lesson to hear about this methodology from people who have
> run large and small succesfull projects with it and have actually
>  more to say than just what they read from a book.
> What do others think? Is this something that would fit the scope of
> Europython and what track would be the best to have this kind of
> talks? What if they get so interested that they would like to run a
> half a day / day track of agile methodologies?
> Any thoughts?

Hi Heimo,

I would also be interested into either listing as well as giving 
talks about methodologies, especially agile ones. I'm currently
deep into this area of thinking, and it connects to my other
"real world" activities (systemical coaching and consulting
for IT personell) as well as the talk I did at the first 
EPC (does the Python way of programming influence the way the 
programmer approaches general problem solving).

Kind Regards,
Andrew Smart

Version: PGP 8.0.1


From bea at  Tue Mar  8 10:16:25 2005
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Tue Mar  8 10:12:32 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Social skills for the site
Message-ID: <>

As promised and finally delivered... Laura, I choose option 1 ("First of
all, you could simply mail your suggested new text to me (lac) or

Title: if no one objects immediately, I want this one:

Social aspects and other general topics
B?atrice Fontaine

First presented in 2004 under the heading "Social Skills", this track
was intended to address a problem common to all communities of software
developers, a.k.a. geeks: that of having to communicate with other
groups/individuals who are driven by totally different priorities, such
as corporate/academic politics, finances, etc.

Since the track schedule was defined by its presenters as much as by its
attendees, it ultimately covered vital topics like software patenting as
well as the reality of selling your services, on top of the social
aspects of collaboration with other staff, and customers.

This year, the track has therefore been extended to officially include
"other general topics".

The following are on the most-wanted list today:

Social Skills:
- How to present and sell yourself?
- How to collaborate in mixed (tech/non-tech) teams?
- How do language problems affect collaboration?

- An invitation to all readers of methodological books to present their
own favourite and to explain which impact it had on their professional
- Hands-on presentations of how new methods of work have been
implemented by development teams, and with which results (the bad ones
and the good ones!)

Politics of Open Source:
How are we affected by recent developments in the EU software patent

This is an open list and will, like last year, be stretched and ironed
to incorporate every useful and interesting topic you propose.


"I will, as we say in rock 'n' roll, run until the wheels come off, 
because I love what I do." -- David Crosby

From faassen at  Fri Mar 11 20:21:38 2005
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Mar 11 20:16:32 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
Message-ID: <>


Hm.. I'm trying to figure out two things:

a) whether I'm supposed to be chairing a track

b) where the information about who is chairing a track is for the 2005 
conference. I looked at the site but couldn't find a 2005 option. I also 
read the track chairs were to update their info, but where?

I'm sort of hoping a) isn't happening this year, so I can take a break 
from track chairing and enjoy the conference more (I've spent the 
previous 3 conferences (all of 'm) running around chairing a track, plus 
giving talks). But that means someone else would need to manage the 
Python frameworks track -- will any volunteers step up? Or do these 
volunteers exist already?


From faassen at  Fri Mar 11 20:29:51 2005
From: faassen at (Martijn Faassen)
Date: Fri Mar 11 20:24:45 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Hm.. I'm trying to figure out two things:
> a) whether I'm supposed to be chairing a track

I just found the website here:

and see I'm indeed not track chairing; Jeremiah Foster looks to be 
managing the Python frameworks track. That's good news for me! I'd be 
happy to talk to Jeremiah about my previous experiences with the track. 
I'm also sure he has many ideas on how to improve it from my humble efforts.

Now I can think about a presentation that I could give on the track. 
Perhaps about lxml...


From mal at  Sat Mar 12 13:38:22 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat Mar 12 13:38:25 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>> Hm.. I'm trying to figure out two things:
>> a) whether I'm supposed to be chairing a track
> I just found the website here:

Interesting... is that the "official" URL to look for updates on the
conference ?

The schedule there mentions 3 days for the conference, but the page says the conference is 5 days (or maybe
I'm just misreading the abstract - perhaps the days are just a
reference to know whether decoding week 23 worked or not ;-).

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Mar 12 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::
From rev_anna_r at  Sat Mar 12 14:24:58 2005
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Sat Mar 12 14:25:11 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>>Hm.. I'm trying to figure out two things:
>>>a) whether I'm supposed to be chairing a track
>>I just found the website here:

Good thing to check.

Unfortunately, this points out that I am going to need to bow out. I 
will be neckdeep in getting everything put together in our new home.

For those who don't know - Alex and I are moving to the US, Silicon 
Valley. And won't be back for any European conferences the rest of this 
year. (Maybe next year - depending on how work goes.)

So - we'll need to find someone to chair the lightning track (preferably 
someone who knows how to work the Chalmers light switches! :-)

It's been a pleasure everyone - and I hope to see you all again in 
future years.

Anna Martelli Ravenscroft
From mwh at  Sat Mar 12 17:57:51 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Sat Mar 12 17:57:53 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <> (Anna Ravenscroft's message of
	"Sat, 12 Mar 2005 14:24:58 +0100")
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

(Sorry about the copy that just went to you, Anna)

Anna Ravenscroft <> writes:

> Good thing to check.
> Unfortunately, this points out that I am going to need to bow out. I
> will be neckdeep in getting everything put together in our new home.
> For those who don't know - Alex and I are moving to the US, Silicon
> Valley. And won't be back for any European conferences the rest of
> this year. (Maybe next year - depending on how work goes.)
> So - we'll need to find someone to chair the lightning track
> (preferably someone who knows how to work the Chalmers light switches!
> :-)

I wouldn't mind being lightning talk chair, come to think of it :)

It's probably a position for two though (one to find the next speaker,
one to make the current speaker shut up on time :).


  Reading Slashdot can [...] often be worse than useless, especially
  to young and budding programmers: it can give you exactly the wrong
  idea about the technical issues it raises.
From rev_anna_r at  Sat Mar 12 18:38:38 2005
From: rev_anna_r at (Anna Ravenscroft)
Date: Sat Mar 12 18:38:53 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Hudson wrote:

> I wouldn't mind being lightning talk chair, come to think of it :)
> It's probably a position for two though (one to find the next speaker,
> one to make the current speaker shut up on time :).
> Cheers,
> mwh
I think you'd be awesome!

From dario at  Mon Mar 14 09:37:14 2005
From: dario at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Dario_Lopez-K=E4sten?=)
Date: Mon Mar 14 09:37:17 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
>>I just found the website here:
> Interesting... is that the "official" URL to look for updates on the
> conference ?

obviously not, as the URL implies. "". The new 
site is still under development, so there is no "official brand new 
shiniy" site yet.

However, the old site's frontpage would need som updating in terms of 
information. I  would be happy to do that, as long as there is a 
concensus about what is the official information.


-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-K?sten, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
"...and click? damn, I need to kill -9 Word again..." - b using macosx
From Nicolas.Chauvat at  Mon Mar 14 12:07:48 2005
From: Nicolas.Chauvat at (Nicolas Chauvat)
Date: Mon Mar 14 12:07:51 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] am I track chairing?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 09:37:14AM +0100, Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:

> >Interesting... is that the "official" URL to look for updates on the
> >conference ?
> obviously not, as the URL implies. "". The new 
> site is still under development, so there is no "official brand new 
> shiniy" site yet.

Just so other track chairs know, I started sending calls for papers for the
science track and said the new website would be on-line soon. I could not
wait any longer as people need to plan travel and things in advance and we are
only 3 months away now.

What's missing for the new website to go online ?

Nicolas Chauvat - services en informatique avanc?e et gestion de connaissances  
From jacob at  Mon Mar 14 13:44:13 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Mon Mar 14 13:44:16 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] What is missing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On m?ndag 14 mars 2005 12:07, Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 09:37:14AM +0100, Dario Lopez-K?sten wrote:
> > >Interesting... is that the "official" URL to look for updates on the
> > >conference ?
> >
> > obviously not, as the URL implies. "". The new
> > site is still under development, so there is no "official brand new
> > shiniy" site yet.
> Just so other track chairs know, I started sending calls for papers for the
> science track and said the new website would be on-line soon. I could not
> wait any longer as people need to plan travel and things in advance and we
> are only 3 months away now.
> What's missing for the new website to go online ?

- Feedback from a couple of track chairs.

- Sponsor banners

- Review of the website content

From jacob at  Tue Mar 15 18:50:43 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Mar 15 18:50:46 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Next steps in getting the website up
Message-ID: <>

Hi folks!

We are almost there with the website.

I have a few issues that I'd like to see resolved:

1. There seems to have been a change, so that you no longer see the page 
contents when you select "View" from the "Object Action" box on the right. 
This is quite confusing. Can we have this fixed?

2. I find no place for where to put the banner ads. I have made one for 
Strakt, which I would like to upload. Which is the preferred format for 
banners? GIF, PNG, or something else?

3. I have seen very little response on the call for review. Either, people 
have reviewed the site and forgot to say anything, or nobody did any 
reviewing. Please do this now!

We have some other issues that need fixing:

4. It looks as we have a MIA track chair, since there has been no response 
from Jeremiah Foster. Martijn, are you up for the job again?

5. I have had no response from Adele Goldberg. Indeed, I don't even know if my 
email reached her. I have very little spare time to drive the issue of 
keynote speakers. Anybody else up for the job?

6. I had no volunteers for driving the issue of T-shirt picture. Should we 
strike the T-shirt from this years conference?

From jmo at  Tue Mar 15 19:09:28 2005
From: jmo at (Jean-Marc Orliaguet)
Date: Tue Mar 15 19:09:39 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Next steps in getting the website up
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:

>Hi folks!
>We are almost there with the website.
>I have a few issues that I'd like to see resolved:
>1. There seems to have been a change, so that you no longer see the page 
>contents when you select "View" from the "Object Action" box on the right. 
>This is quite confusing. Can we have this fixed?
Hi ,

no change, this is the default behaviour. folder_contents is the default 
view for the workspaces only, but not for sections, otherwise visitors 
would see folder contents (which they do not have permission to do 
anyway) - so just click on the 'folder contents' action to switch 
between view.

>2. I find no place for where to put the banner ads. I have made one for 
>Strakt, which I would like to upload. Which is the preferred format for 
>banners? GIF, PNG, or something else?

they're in portal_skins/custom (in the zope management interface)

the custom_get_sponsors script must updated too

if you mail them; I can update the script.

From jacob at  Tue Mar 15 19:40:05 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Tue Mar 15 19:40:13 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Next steps in getting the website up
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On tisdag 15 mars 2005 19:09, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
> Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> >Hi folks!
> >
> >We are almost there with the website.
> >
> >I have a few issues that I'd like to see resolved:
> >
> >1. There seems to have been a change, so that you no longer see the page
> >contents when you select "View" from the "Object Action" box on the right.
> >This is quite confusing. Can we have this fixed?
> Hi ,
> no change, this is the default behaviour. folder_contents is the default
> view for the workspaces only, but not for sections, otherwise visitors
> would see folder contents (which they do not have permission to do
> anyway) - so just click on the 'folder contents' action to switch
> between view.

Have a look at the "Propose a talk". This just shows the Description in the 
view mode, while it shows a large number of "text and image" blocks if you go 
to the edit mode. I have a memory of seeing the contents of all those blocks 
in the view mode. Am I remembering wrong? Wouldn't it be useful to see the 
contents of the blocks?

> >2. I find no place for where to put the banner ads. I have made one for
> >Strakt, which I would like to upload. Which is the preferred format for
> >banners? GIF, PNG, or something else?
> they're in portal_skins/custom (in the zope management interface)
> the custom_get_sponsors script must updated too
> if you mail them; I can update the script.

Attached. It should link to


-------------- next part --------------
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From mal at  Wed Mar 16 10:06:29 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Wed Mar 16 10:06:31 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2005 Schedule
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Hi Everbody,
> I've been looking on the EuroPython web-site every now and then for
> the past few weeks trying to find out which of the mentioned days
> will actually be reserved for talks and which are sprints, tutorials
> etc.: 27 june - 1 July.
> The reason is simple: I'd like to book hotel and flight early.
> Are there plans to have a rough schedule outline ready in the
> next few weeks ?

I found a note on
mentioning 27-29 June. I suppose this refers to the
3 conference days listed under tracks & talks.

Can someone please confirm these dates ?!

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Mar 16 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::
From jmo at  Wed Mar 16 10:17:14 2005
From: jmo at (Jean-Marc Orliaguet)
Date: Wed Mar 16 10:17:26 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Next steps in getting the website up
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:

>On tisdag 15 mars 2005 19:09, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
>>Jacob Hall?n wrote:
>>>Hi folks!
>>>We are almost there with the website.
>>>I have a few issues that I'd like to see resolved:
>>>1. There seems to have been a change, so that you no longer see the page
>>>contents when you select "View" from the "Object Action" box on the right.
>>>This is quite confusing. Can we have this fixed?
>>Hi ,
>>no change, this is the default behaviour. folder_contents is the default
>>view for the workspaces only, but not for sections, otherwise visitors
>>would see folder contents (which they do not have permission to do
>>anyway) - so just click on the 'folder contents' action to switch
>>between view.
>Have a look at the "Propose a talk". This just shows the Description in the 
>view mode, while it shows a large number of "text and image" blocks if you go 
>to the edit mode. I have a memory of seeing the contents of all those blocks 
>in the view mode. Am I remembering wrong? Wouldn't it be useful to see the 
>contents of the blocks?

OK, it's fixed.

I had removed it because of the javascript redirection problem...

>>>2. I find no place for where to put the banner ads. I have made one for
>>>Strakt, which I would like to upload. Which is the preferred format for
>>>banners? GIF, PNG, or something else?
>>they're in portal_skins/custom (in the zope management interface)
>>the custom_get_sponsors script must updated too
>>if you mail them; I can update the script.
>Attached. It should link to

It's now online.


From huima at  Sat Mar 26 01:24:19 2005
From: huima at (Heimo Laukkanen)
Date: Sat Mar 26 01:24:21 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] PyCon blog - something interesting to be noted 
Message-ID: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost>

"This is where PyCon shines. They have defined some "open spaces" where  
people can define some loose talks, presentations, or light tutorials. A  
very unstructured system that "fills in the blanks". They get up in front  
and yammer on for five minutes. Lest you think I'm going funky on people  
with the word "yammer"... yes, I got up and yammered about EZT. Not sure  
that I was any more successful about escaping the "yammer" marking."

From facundobatista at  Sat Mar 26 04:18:02 2005
From: facundobatista at (Facundo Batista)
Date: Sat Mar 26 04:18:04 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] PyCon blog - something interesting to be noted
In-Reply-To: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost>
References: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 02:24:19 +0200, Heimo Laukkanen <> wrote:
> "This is where PyCon shines. They have defined some "open spaces" where
> people can define some loose talks, presentations, or light tutorials. A
> very unstructured system that "fills in the blanks". They get up in front
> and yammer on for five minutes. Lest you think I'm going funky on people
> with the word "yammer"... yes, I got up and yammered about EZT. Not sure
> that I was any more successful about escaping the "yammer" marking."

No. There're two kind of different events: Open Spaces and Lightning Talks.

A lightning talk is a presentation, in only 5 minutes, usually with a
very few slides or even alive (demos, code over an interactive
interpreter). There's a big enforcement in the 5 minutes, and after
each presentation, when the person answers two or three questions, the
other expositor is already changing the laptop in the projector.

An open space is of 30 minutes, and the idea is to sit with other
people in a part of a room to discuss something.

.    Facundo

From mal at  Tue Mar 29 14:21:03 2005
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Tue Mar 29 14:21:06 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] EuroPython 2005 Schedule
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

>>Hi Everbody,
>>I've been looking on the EuroPython web-site every now and then for
>>the past few weeks trying to find out which of the mentioned days
>>will actually be reserved for talks and which are sprints, tutorials
>>etc.: 27 june - 1 July.
>>The reason is simple: I'd like to book hotel and flight early.
>>Are there plans to have a rough schedule outline ready in the
>>next few weeks ?
> I found a note on
> mentioning 27-29 June. I suppose this refers to the
> 3 conference days listed under tracks & talks.
> Can someone please confirm these dates ?!

I didn't get any feedback on the above question... is that
something to get worried about with only three months left
to go or should I take that as silent YES ?

BTW, is there anything important still missing on the
dev-site that prevents it from being switched over to
production ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Mar 29 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...   
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! ::::
From jacob at  Thu Mar 31 17:14:39 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Thu Mar 31 17:14:45 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Launch of website
Message-ID: <>

I would like to launch the Europython webite tomorrow, Friday 1 April.

Since this may be taken as a joke, what I really want to do is to have the new 
website up tomorrow, and then I'll send out the announcements on Saturday, 2 

After all the delays, we need a new timetable. I suggest this one:

Registration of talks: 2 April - 1 May
Submission of refereed paper proposals: 2 April - 15 April
Early bird registration: 15 April - 15 May
Registration: 16 May - 17 June

I don't know anything about how to move the site. I hope that Jean-Marc and 
Iwo can co-ordinate this among themselves.

I have a couple of concerns that need to be taken into account:

1. We still need to be able to edit the site, so we need to make sure that
a) The logins still work
b) We distribute the URL for logging in

Since I still haven't received feedback on the site contents, I expect that 
there will be quite a bit to do right after the launch.

2. In the registration website, I point at the CSS which is on the development 
site. I probably need to modify my URL:s, so they point at the new site. When 
you have planned when to do the move, please mail me, so I can coordinate my 
change with yours.

From mathias.foehr at  Thu Mar 31 17:21:39 2005
From: mathias.foehr at (Mathias Foehr)
Date: Thu Mar 31 17:24:36 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Python in Pension Funds
Message-ID: <>

At Europython 2005, I'm volonteering to have a presentation on the topic

    *Python in Pension Funds*

I will speak of a project to integrate Python as a back-end tool in a 
major IT project to enable actuaries to define or adapt their 
calculations in a user-friendly way while keeping the data in a secure 
and integrated environment.

I am an independant actuary and IT consultant (and the project manager 
of  the above mentioned project and incidentally, the president of the 
Luxembourg Actuarial Association)


-------------- next part --------------
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From ivo at  Thu Mar 31 17:35:08 2005
From: ivo at (Ivo van der Wijk)
Date: Thu Mar 31 17:35:19 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Launch of website
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 05:14:39PM +0200, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I would like to launch the Europython webite tomorrow, Friday 1 April.
> Since this may be taken as a joke, what I really want to do is to have the new 
> website up tomorrow, and then I'll send out the announcements on Saturday, 2 
> April.

(please cc with support questions - I may not always be

Launching means, I assume, switching the current development instance
( with the current live site
(, right? If anything else is involved, please let us
know asap.



Drs. I.R. van der Wijk                                      -=-
Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 12                                 Amaze
1017 RC Amsterdam, NL                                       -=-
T +31-20-4688336         F +31-20-4688337       Zope/Plone/Content Management
W    E           Open Source Solutions
W E                 Consultancy
From jacob at  Thu Mar 31 17:37:05 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Thu Mar 31 17:37:07 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] IRC meeting Tuesday 5 April 18.00 CET
Message-ID: <>

I would like to hold an IRC meeting on Tuesday 5 April at 18.00 CET.

The place is as usual the #europython channel on the freenode network.

I will distribute an agenda for the meeting before it starts. Hopefully I'll 
be able to do it Monday.

There are a number of things that need to be discussed, and I will mention a 
couple here.

1. The lack of volunteers and the absence of active people.

This has been a problem to the extent that I have considered dropping my work 
on Europython. However, I have decided that I will continue. I think I can 
pull something off with the current level of involvement of others, though a 
lot of things will not get done, and our schedules may slip further.

I would like to say that the efforts put in by Laura and Jean-Marc have been 
fantastic, and some track chairs have been quite responsive, but it takes 
more people and more engagement if we are to repeat the success of last year.

I will do my best to structure the tasks that need doing before the meeting, 
so that there will be suitable packages for people to grab.

2. We lack a keynote speaker

Guido is coming. He confirmed this with me at Europython. However, I had no 
response from Adele Goldberg. I don't know if I reached her at all at the 
email address I managed to dig up.


From jacob at  Thu Mar 31 17:51:15 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob =?iso-8859-1?q?Hall=E9n?=)
Date: Thu Mar 31 17:51:22 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Launch of website
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On torsdag 31 mars 2005 17:35, Ivo van der Wijk wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 05:14:39PM +0200, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> > I would like to launch the Europython webite tomorrow, Friday 1 April.
> >
> > Since this may be taken as a joke, what I really want to do is to have
> > the new website up tomorrow, and then I'll send out the announcements on
> > Saturday, 2 April.
> (please cc with support questions - I may not always be
> available)
> Launching means, I assume, switching the current development instance
> ( with the current live site
> (, right? If anything else is involved, please let us
> know asap.

Yes. Also, we would like to have the old site available on some URL, unless it 
is a lot of work to keep it.

From stefano at  Thu Mar 31 18:29:18 2005
From: stefano at (Stefano Masini)
Date: Thu Mar 31 18:29:26 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] PyCon blog - something interesting to be noted
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Facundo Batista wrote:

> No. There're two kind of different events: Open Spaces and Lightning Talks.

Open Spaces: something I loved in PyCon. Great idea. Please let us 
have in Europython.

Lightning talks: something great done the wrong way at PyCon. They 
should be held in front of the whole conference crowd, like at 
EuroPython, not hidden in a small conference room in parallel with the 
main talks.

At EuroPython I'd love to have "PyCon style" Open Spaces and 
"EuroPython style" lightning talks.

From bea at  Thu Mar 31 18:39:02 2005
From: bea at (Beatrice Fontaine)
Date: Thu Mar 31 18:36:15 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] IRC meeting Tuesday 5 April 18.00 CET
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 17:37, Jacob Hall?n wrote:
> I would like to hold an IRC meeting on Tuesday 5 April at 18.00 CET.
> The place is as usual the #europython channel on the freenode network.

I'll be there!

"I will, as we say in rock 'n' roll, run until the wheels come off, 
because I love what I do." -- David Crosby

From mwh at  Thu Mar 31 18:43:50 2005
From: mwh at (Michael Hudson)
Date: Thu Mar 31 18:43:53 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] PyCon blog - something interesting to be noted
In-Reply-To: <> (Stefano Masini's message of
	"Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:29:18 +0200")
References: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

Stefano Masini <> writes:

> Facundo Batista wrote:
>> No. There're two kind of different events: Open Spaces and Lightning Talks.
> Open Spaces: something I loved in PyCon. Great idea. Please let us
> have in Europython.
> Lightning talks: something great done the wrong way at PyCon. They
> should be held in front of the whole conference crowd, like at
> EuroPython, not hidden in a small conference room in parallel with the
> main talks.
> At EuroPython I'd love to have "PyCon style" Open Spaces and
> "EuroPython style" lightning talks.

As lightning talk chair, you can be assurred any attempt to confine
the lightning talks to a small room in parallel will be staunchly
resisted.  Not that I'd expect this, in any case.


  ARTHUR:  The ravenous bugblatter beast of Traal ... is it safe?
    FORD:  Oh yes, it's perfectly safe ... it's just us who are in 
                    -- The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, Episode 6
From jmo at  Thu Mar 31 19:04:29 2005
From: jmo at (Jean-Marc Orliaguet)
Date: Thu Mar 31 19:04:46 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Launch of website
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob Hall?n wrote:

>I would like to launch the Europython webite tomorrow, Friday 1 April.
>Since this may be taken as a joke, what I really want to do is to have the new 
>website up tomorrow, and then I'll send out the announcements on Saturday, 2 
>After all the delays, we need a new timetable. I suggest this one:
>Registration of talks: 2 April - 1 May
>Submission of refereed paper proposals: 2 April - 15 April
>Early bird registration: 15 April - 15 May
>Registration: 16 May - 17 June
>I don't know anything about how to move the site. I hope that Jean-Marc and 
>Iwo can co-ordinate this among themselves.
>I have a couple of concerns that need to be taken into account:
>1. We still need to be able to edit the site, so we need to make sure that
>a) The logins still work
>b) We distribute the URL for logging in
>Since I still haven't received feedback on the site contents, I expect that 
>there will be quite a bit to do right after the launch.
>2. In the registration website, I point at the CSS which is on the development 
>site. I probably need to modify my URL:s, so they point at the new site. When 
>you have planned when to do the move, please mail me, so I can coordinate my 
>change with yours.


I suppose that Ivo knows more about it, but I guess that it is a matter
for of updating the DNS records so that
points at what is currently registered as

That the site should need to be physically moved I doubt it. What can be
done otherwise (and already now) is to change the port number on which is running.

I will do some software updates before the site goes live tomorrow - to
make sure that it runs the later versions of the products.

regards /JM
From tom at  Thu Mar 31 20:18:04 2005
From: tom at (tom)
Date: Thu Mar 31 20:18:15 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Re: Launch of website
References: <>
Message-ID: <004901c5361d$feda5480$1a00a8c0@simkin>


I suppose that Ivo knows more about it, but I guess that it is a matter
for of updating the DNS records so that
points at what is currently registered as

I presume the same method can be used as last years.
The develop website becomes the new one and visa versa

That the site should need to be physically moved I doubt it. What can be
done otherwise (and already now) is to change the port number on which is running.

I will do some software updates before the site goes live tomorrow - to
make sure that it runs the later versions of the products.

looking forward to the new website! Congrats to all the hard working people.


From haraldarminmassa at  Thu Mar 31 21:18:39 2005
From: haraldarminmassa at (Harald Armin Massa)
Date: Thu Mar 31 21:18:41 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] PyCon blog - something interesting to be noted
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>


> As lightning talk chair, you can be assurred any attempt to confine
> the lightning talks to a small room in parallel will be staunchly
> resisted.  Not that I'd expect this, in any case.

you can count on my support to this resistance. 

GHUM Harald Massa
persuasion python postgresql
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstra?e 202b
70197 Stuttgart
From jacob at  Thu Mar 31 21:29:09 2005
From: jacob at (Jacob Hallen)
Date: Thu Mar 31 21:29:24 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] PyCon blog - something interesting to be noted
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <opsn7x2ttwiddoij@localhost> <>
Message-ID: <>

torsdag 31 mars 2005 18.43 skrev Michael Hudson:
> Stefano Masini <> writes:
> > Facundo Batista wrote:
> >> No. There're two kind of different events: Open Spaces and Lightning
> >> Talks.
> >
> > Open Spaces: something I loved in PyCon. Great idea. Please let us
> > have in Europython.
> >
> > Lightning talks: something great done the wrong way at PyCon. They
> > should be held in front of the whole conference crowd, like at
> > EuroPython, not hidden in a small conference room in parallel with the
> > main talks.
> >
> > At EuroPython I'd love to have "PyCon style" Open Spaces and
> > "EuroPython style" lightning talks.
> As lightning talk chair, you can be assurred any attempt to confine
> the lightning talks to a small room in parallel will be staunchly
> resisted.  Not that I'd expect this, in any case.

I'd like to have OpenSpace too, and if the budget comes out balanced we will 
rent some extra space for this. The nice thing is that it can be decided 
fairly late in the process.

Michael does not need to worry. Lightning talks should go in the biggest room, 
with only Zope Lightning talks to compete, according to my point of view. 
Lightning talks lose much of their value if the audience is small. The whole 
point is to spread many small ideas to lots of people.

From pw.edwards at  Thu Mar 31 22:41:19 2005
From: pw.edwards at (peter edwards)
Date: Thu Mar 31 22:41:10 2005
Subject: [EuroPython] Europython 2005 
Message-ID: <>

Dear Europython organizers,

I would be very grateful if you could confirm that a Europython 
conference will indeed be held this year in Gothenburg.  If so, what are 
the dates?  I presume that it's not the full (5 day) week as the website 
currently implies.  Will the conference be Monday - Wednesday as previously?

many thanks

Peter Edwards

From magnus at  Thu Mar 31 22:44:01 2005
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Mar 31 22:44:05 2005
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtFdXJvUHl0aG9uXSBQeUNvbiBibG9nIC0gc29tZXRoaW5nIGludGVyZXN0aW5nIHRvIGJlIG5vdGVk?=
Message-ID: <>

> However, I had no  
> response from Adele Goldberg. I don't know if I reached her at all at the  
> email address I managed to dig up.

I'm sure you guys who go to the Python conferences in America
have met all those famous people before, but I'd be interested in
seeing someone like Tim Berners-Lee or Mitch Kapor talk. I think
it could also give some attention to Python to a bigger audience,
although I suspect noone from the Swedish trade press will show
up since it's not in Stockholm...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB