[EuroPython] Presseinformation "EuroPython 2005"

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Sun May 29 20:57:21 CEST 2005

I translated it.

I distributed it:

computerwoche - per Webformular
computerbild - per Webformular

heise: newstip at heise.de gesandt (c't, ix, teleopolis)

chip - per Email gesandt

zdnet (pc professionell) de.presse at cnet.com

Information-Week per Email an cmp-weka.de <http://cmp-weka.de>

and also to a MailingList of "Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland"

Just to inhibit double sendings.


GHUM Harald Massa
persuasion python postgresql
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
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