[EuroPython] EuroPython payment
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Thu Jun 1 14:55:39 CEST 2006
Andreas Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hi all,
>> The short version is: bank transfers from EU-country to EU-country =
>> same as within country, for you an addition of Pound2Euro costs.
> ... please correct me if I'm wrong, but IIRC this statement is only
> correct
> if it would read "EUR-country" instead of "EU-country", i.e., only
> countries
> in which the EURO is the default currency participate in this.
> All other (even EU) countries which do not have the EURO as their
> currency
> do not follow this rule. Which includes GB amongst some of the
> newcomers :-)
> Of course you might find a bank which is willing to do this, but as
> this would
> cost money to the bank ... (if you do find one, let me know :-))
The press release has all the details:
Which transfers will benefit from the same charges as for domestic
Transfers that satisfy all the following conditions:
* transfers in euros not exceeding €12 500 to an EU country;
* the IBAN and BIC codes of the beneficiary must be indicated by the
originator on the standard document used by his or her bank (the forms
are not identical to those used for domestic transfers);
* originators pay their own costs.
If you are in the UK, you only have to make sure that you
initiate a transfer in EUR. You then pay the same fee as
if you were transferring that same EUR amount to another EUR bank
account in the UK:
How will the Regulation apply to transactions with EU countries that are
outside the euro area?
If a Belgian firm sends a transfer in euros to a UK firm with a euro
account, the Regulation is applicable. The payment originator will pay
the same charges as for a domestic transfer. If the UK firm makes euro
payments to the euro area, the charges to the issuer will be the same as
for a euro transfer within the United Kingdom, and costs to the
recipient, if any, will be the same as for a domestic transfer.
If your bank tries to cheat on you, complain to the local
What penalties are provided for?
Article 7 of the Regulation provides that "compliance with this
Regulation shall be guaranteed by effective, proportionate and deterrent
Each Member State is responsible for such sanctions. This is a principle
of Community law: each Member State must ensure that infringements of
Community law are penalised in a similar way as infringements of
national law.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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