[EuroPython] Europython 2006

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Mar 16 22:47:25 CET 2006

On 16 Mar 2006, at 20:49, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

> Michael Hudson wrote:
>> As I was beginning to suspect by the end of my hour, I don't think  
>> I  have the permissions to have done that.  Thanks though!
> OK, you are manager now, so it should work.

Hurrah.  It really shouldn't have taken so long for the "something  
seems bizarrely impossible" -> "it's a permissions problem" to have  
occurred to me.  Obviously haven't used zope for a while...

Thank you for the fast response!

>>> why not focus instead on writing the content / the information  
>>> and  send it to either me or Dario and we put it online ? we can  
>>> do a  chat session next week too.
>>> is there any content ready yet?
>> Well, there's this:  http://wiki.python.org/moin/EuroPython/2006/  
>> CallForProposals
>> And there's lots of stuff that could be removed and placeholdered   
>> like the "how to get around the Göteborg area".
>> Cheers,
>> mwh
> OK, I've done some cleaning. removed reference to Göteborg, keep  
> some of the pages that will surely be reused, with some adjustments.

Precisely.  Pages with missing info seem better than pages with flat  
out out-of-date info.

> who has the information anyway?

Well, Benedikt, I guess.  CERN must have web pages describing how to  
get there, etc, so we probably don't have to write so much content  
ourselves this year, just point to it.


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