[EuroPython] Is EuroPython happening this year?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Sat May 13 16:13:36 CEST 2006

Michael <ms at cerenity.org> writes:

> On Friday 12 May 2006 10:03, Benedikt Hegner wrote:
>> By the way - what the current status for the track chairs?
> How can I seriously ask people to propose talks when the organisers
> don't seem to understand the following: (after you've resolved the
> difficult part of finding a venue)
>    * You make it easy for people to submit talks

Well, *this* is done, and was done weeks & weeks ago.

>    * You make it easy for people to register & pay

And this is nearly done.

> By "organisers" here I mean the people who stood up and said "we
> would like to host/run Europython", not the people pushing you to do
> it. I've simply had no time recently to push for asking for talks,
> and quite frankly at the moment I have NO confidence that the
> current organisers can deliver what they offered.

We'll get there in the end, we always do...

> Also, I remember you, Benedikt, boasting loudly that you would want
> proposals in 6 months before the conference, and the same going for
> registration. I had high hopes that CERN could do this, given your
> long history.

I'm a bit gutted at how this has turned out too.  But I think such a
strong attack is unjustified and unhelpful.

> On the off chance I've missed something: is it now possible to register and 
> pay for registration? After all, I note I've only got 7 days to get early 
> bird registration now!!!! cf:
>    http://mail.python.org/pipermail/europython/2006-January/005555.html

Well, the other dates on that mail have slipped past as well.

> On a more serious note, can we find an alternate venue quickly ? I
> have zero confidence that this is happening.

If you think finding another venue in this timescale is even vaguely
realistic, I'd like some of what you're smoking.


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