[EuroPython] proposals for the webpage

Benedikt Hegner benedikt.hegner at cern.ch
Mon May 15 13:02:34 CEST 2006


I had a look at the website. It is a little bit confusing.
I have the following idea for Tracks&Talks to make it a little bit  
more structered:

Is it possible to reduce this part by one Level? The information on  
"Call for Proposals" could be put directly on Tracks&Talks or the  
link renamed . "Call for Abstracts" should be deleted completely.
What about a more direct link to the programme once it is fixed. One  
click and you are there. At the moment you have to follow too many  
links. :-(
And maybe a link like "Propose a talk" should be on top of the  
Tracks&Talks page.

Any comments and ideas?

Benedikt Hegner

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