[EuroPython] minutes from meeting 2005-05-15 1700 CEST

Harald Armin Massa haraldarminmassa at gmail.com
Mon May 15 18:55:50 CEST 2006

    minutes of meeting 2005-05-15:1700-1840 cest
    agenda points
    1) payment
    2) website
    3) money and access to the account
    4) deadlines
    5) other stuff
    6) PR

1) payment

registration will open now (=t0). Payment via world pay will be possible
soon (=t1).  Payment of persons registering between t0 and t1 have to pay
with other means; that is not different from people who do not want to pay
via world pay.

    <Bene>    but that's true anyway for people deciding not to pay via
    <Bene>    no. They will get an email with SWIFT information

    <Bene>    question: one week early bird?
    decision: early bird up to 2006-05-26, 23:59 CEST

decision made in knowledge that people have to register early bird without
full knowledge of talks. That "risk" is rewarded with discount.

    <Bene>    A list of approved talks would be better than nothing
    <mwh>    i'll email all the track chairs soon, anyway
    <pboddie>    I think the talks need to be known soon after the end of
early bird. The problem last year was even normal registrants didn't know
what they were being served.

    <mwh>    well, i'd like to have A schedule by the 4th of June
    <mwh>    maybe not THE schedule

    <apf>    yes. and any schedule is better than none. even if it's
labelled preliminary.

    <Bene>    I just got information that Wolfgang von Rueden from CERN
wants to give the welcome talk.
    <GHUM_>    Bene: before the Keynote
    <GHUM_>    in the morning is impossible
    <mwh>    before the keynote probably makes more sense indeed

    <GHUM_>    starting event: it must be something more informal
    <GHUM_>    lets distribute coffee. or champagne or something
    <mwh>    i can say a few words, i guess
    <pboddie>    Just some kind of coffee and pastries would be nice.

2) website
pboddie has done quite a lot the last days. thanks for that!

<pboddie>    I want to remove those links at the bottom, but Jean-Marc seems
to suggest that you have to move the documents out of that folder to get the
effect. Which has its own side-effects, I imagine.
<Bene>    okay, so a technical problem?
<Bene>    okay. the following
<Bene>    rename propose a talk to call for pater announcement
<Bene>    and add go to talk sumbission

<pboddie>    Right, refer to the announcement, but give a link to the
submission. I think that the submission has a list of tracks anyway.
<Bene>    what means:
<Bene>    skip the #interest

3) money -> became food

R1 is closed, offer from R2, R for restaurant. The things is. We have a new
offer and the only things is that I need a yes from some people. cost
doesn't change

<GHUM_>    Bene: either we take R2 or we take nothing :) ... So I vote to
take R2 :)
<pboddie>    +1
<Bene>    the payment I will make with dario then
<mwh>    +1
<Bene>    okay then.

topic 4) deadlines

<pboddie>    I propose removing the comment about it being "some time after
30th May". People may panic!
<Bene>    good point
<pboddie>    Closure is probably a logistical thing. If someone names a date
at some point, I or they can put it up. Otherwise, let's not mention it,
<mwh>    when is the latest we can practically close registration?
<Bene>    we need to know some things in advance. so one week before
conference would nice.

<pboddie>    Monday 26th June?
<apf>    as there will be a rush after the closing date, maybe we go a bit
earlier for the announcement ?
<mwh>    yeah, that's what i was thinking
<apf>    what about june 15 as "official" closing ?

<pboddie>    4th June (talk schedule released),
                   15th June ("registration will close"),
                    26th June (registration closes)?
It'd be good to have the "timetable of hype" so that people can gear up for
the event.

all agreed.

<pboddie>    Might we make the 4th June deadline sort-of official/public in
order to tease people during early bird registration? ;-)

6) PR

a) collect a list of pushing points on the mailinglist
    (pushing point: WHO has access to WHICH networks / press / magazine with
WHICH confidence

b) zopepaul is willing to draft a press release under the condition that
people will spread it
c) translate the press release to the languages available
d) push the translated press release to the pushing points collected by step

GHUM    will list his pushing points to EPML tonight, and ask averybody to
list his contacts

<mwh>    my contacts are mainly within the python crowd though, who mostly
know about europython already
<apf>    one obvious other place is the CERN web home page, mainly the one
for the "Users" :-), but probably also the one for the "Public"
<pboddie>    I added an entry to the python.org Wiki page, and it was
suggested that python.org pick the event up for the front page.
<pboddie>    Whoever is doing a press release might want to consider
publications like Linux Journal - they've covered PyCon before now, at least

<GHUM_>    which is "the wiki" ?
<pboddie>    We've got http://wiki.python.org/moin/EuroPython as the main
and the organisers' page is http://wiki.python.org/moin/EuroPython/2006 -
note the subtle differences!

Okay. We will ask people to put their names and ideas on the PR list. Paul
will prepare a text and we will spread it out - even to the back side of the

Next meeting Tuesday 23rd May at 6pm (UTC+2) is fine.

GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
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