[EuroPython] keynote speakers on ep.org

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Tue May 16 12:31:02 CEST 2006

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 11:21, Benedikt Hegner wrote:
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Kay
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_van_rossum
> >
> > are even more helpfull, too?

I'll add the text Michael proposed for Alan Kay, and will try and track down 
decent photos.

> I have another idea about the site. Why is the "Sprints & Wiki page"
> not just called "Sprints"? It is only about sprints and the sprint
> wiki. So where is the attendee wiki part in the links on http://
> www.europython.org/sections/sprints_and_wiki ?
> And here again (like in Tracks&Talks) the structure could be changed.
> "Sprint times and loc" + "propose a sprint" on one page with a
> structure like:
> - What is a sprint
> - Propose a sprint
> - Get information about planned sprints
> (even if point 1 and 2 would link to the same page)

I've simplified this, even finding out how to hide the original "propose a 
sprint" and "sprint times" pages, although it may be useful to delete those 
in order to remove them from the menu.

In addition, I've put attendee Wiki information on the registration page, 
because I imagine that once people register they might be inclined to look at 
the Wiki a bit more, possibly announcing their attendance or adding some 


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