[EuroPython] Reserving a room at the CERN hostel (was: Paying for the conference)

Steve Alexander steve at canonical.com
Mon May 22 19:15:51 CEST 2006

Aiste Kesminaite wrote:
>> On Monday 22 May 2006 15:14, John Wilson wrote:
>>> I registered for the conference and booked accommodation in the
>>> hostel. However i wasn't asked for credit card details:)
>>> How am I going to pay?
> I think the reason is the following -- you only registered for the
> conference and noted what kind of accommodation you would like. You
> should send an email to the CERN hostel in order to book accommodation
> and provide credit card details and so on directly to them.

This is *insane*.

When I signed up on the site, it looked a lot like I was reserving a room.

Whoever has the list of people who have checked that box should email
them and clear this up.  Otherwise, there will be a lot of people coming
to EuroPython, and expecting to stay at the CERN hostel, who do not have

Steve Alexander

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