[EuroPython] [Fwd: EuroPython payment]

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed May 24 14:33:40 CEST 2006

Just got this email...

There are some obvious bits of information missing without which
you cannot do a money transfer:

* name of the recipient
* name of the bank
* what to put into the note field

Could someone please add this information to the emails and/or
put them on the web ?!

BTW: How will we get invoices for the registration fee ?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: EuroPython payment
Date: 24 May 2006 14:10:52 +0200
From: Euro-Loc.Secretariat at cern.ch
To: mal at egenix.com

Dear Mr. Marc-Andre Lemburg,

thank you for registering for EuroPython 2006. To pay the registration
fee please use the following information:

IBAN : SE76 8000 0810 5903 7676 5343
Bank Address: 105 34 Stockholm

For your convenience, we include the following information:
The fees are listed at:

In case you discover problems or have any questions, please don't hesitate
to send a mail to:  europython at python.org

Best regards,

The EuroPython Organizers

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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