[EuroPython] Fwd: EuroPython payment

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed May 24 20:03:50 CEST 2006

moshez at divmod.com wrote:
> It would be nice if the e-mail explicitly listed the amount (I assume 120Eu?).

Is this the speaker rate? What about the banquet?

> Also, giving exact details on how to pay via CC or PayPal or some way which
> does not require me to pay exorbitant fees for int'l money transfer would
> be appreciated.

Yes, I certainly don't intend to pay by international money transfer...

If PayPal or CC can't be arranged, I'm gonna have to think about whether 
or not to attend the conference.

Can someone PLEASE sort this out urgently, I'd really like to book 
flights and hotels _tonight_ if I do end up going...


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