[EuroPython] Administratrivia: Mail addresses for europython functions

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Fri May 26 10:43:52 CEST 2006

Dario Lopez-Kästen <dario at ita.chalmers.se> writes:

> hello,
> I have registered an account at PayPal for EuroPython and I am about to
> register another account at a svedish payment service called payson
> (www.payson.se) which is similar to paypal.
> However, we need to figure out how to manage emailaddresse for
> functional needs.
> Ie. it is inapproiate that the registraton and contact address for both
> papal and payson be my own or europython at python.org.
> Specifically for payson, i'd like to have a payment at europython.org or
> similar address, and for both services generic addresses at europython.org
> that do not go to the list, but to specific persons that are incharge of
> the economy, etc.
> Is this possible to arrange? Suggestions?

This requires getting the attention of someone at Amaze -- have you
tried support at amaze.nl ?

If it's hard for amaze to provide this kind of flexibility, we could
set up some other machine like python.net as the MX for the
europython.org domain, though this would require me flexing more admin
muscles than I currently have :)


  If design space weren't so vast, and the good solutions so small a
  portion of it, programming would be a lot easier.
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