[EuroPython] Registration

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Jun 6 20:57:15 CEST 2007

On Wednesday 06 June 2007 12:03, MPIOTROWSKI at fm2i.com wrote:
> Good morning,
> I would like to participate in Europython 2007 together with my colleagues
> from the same company and I would like to ask you how can I register
> myself and my colleagues? As we are from the same company and I am
> responsible for I would like to manage this registration and all things
> connected with. Could you tell me how to do that?

Unfortunately, the conference management service that we are using doesn't 
directly support one person making registrations on behalf of others: each 
registrant must have an account in the system, and each account is directly 
connected to a particular e-mail address.

There are workarounds for this situation:

  * Get everyone to register themselves - it shouldn't take more than a few
    minutes and we'll gladly fix any mistakes. You can pay later instead of
    paying immediately in the registration process.

  * Make accounts for everyone using e-mail addresses that you can monitor in
    some way, either by having your colleagues forward any messages to you
    regarding account creation, or by creating a special conference e-mail
    address for each person (eg. europython-name at yourcompany.com) and then
    collecting messages sent to those addresses on their behalf. Then,
    register those people using the created accounts.

We are aware that this has created a rather awkward situation, and we 
apologise to anyone who has had problems registering. Again it should be 
emphasised that we will try and get people registered as quickly and as 
painlessly as possible when they report problems in this regard.


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