[EuroPython] Help with Invitation letter needed.

Volodymyr Cherepanyak chervol at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 12:26:54 CEST 2007


It turned out that we also need invitation letter to get Lithuanian Visa.

            registration id    : c13919r24

            Family Name: Cherepanyak
            First Name: Volodymyr
            Position: CEO
            Institution: Quintagroup

            City: Lviv
            Country: UA
            Phone: 380503713347
            Fax: 380322457622

The second person from Ukraine is Maksym Ischenko. He is going to present
talk "A case study of a Pylons project".

Thank you,
Volodymyr Cherepanyak
e-mail: chervol at gmail.com
skype : callto://chervol?chat
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