[EuroPython] Hotel Reservation

fabio.pliger fabio.pliger at siavr.it
Thu May 31 00:26:51 CEST 2007

Hi, i was looking for the EP hote reservation and noticed that there's no 
difference between booking from the hotel site or EP site. The rate from the 
hotel site is 79 euros (for early bookers rate) and from the europython.org 
is 80€. It also seems that the early rate from hotel site includes the 
usage of the fitness center and the sauna, wich is said to be 
complementary... I've got it right or am i wrong?
Also, in the registration form at the EP site it's written that registration 
form is to "EURO-PYTHON" july 9-13 2007. Is it a fixed period or can it, 
chaged?( for instance from 9 to 12..)
Anyway, is there any real difference from booking from EP site or from the 
hotel site?
(sorry to bother with all those questions.. :)  )
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