[EuroPython] New logo for Europython
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Tue Feb 12 21:55:33 CET 2008
On 2008-02-12 19:45, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:
> Laura Creighton wrote:
>> Some people have gotten tired of the old Europython logo and think
>> that it is time for a change.
>> Here is a candidate for a new Europython logo,
>> suggested by Jeroen Vloothuis and Thijs Jonkman
>> http://europython.pyconuk.org/community/Planning/ProposedLogo
>> We're interested in finding out what people think.
>> And, if you have an idea for a logo, please send it to
>> europython-improve at python.org . Or better yet, join that newsgroup,
>> where we have begun organising Europython 2008.
>> There's always room for more organisers.
>> thanks very much,
>> Laura Creighton
> Remember that the 12 stars (representing since the age of times the 12
> constellations of the zodiac for those who wonder where that comes from
> ...) are an emblem of the European Union, not necessarily a symbol of
> Europe. Then the serpent is highly symbolic too, meaning cold wisdom or
> pure intellect, as in "wise as a serpent".
> I thought I'd mention that since Europython took place two years ago in
> a country which isn't part of the EU, i.e Switzerland.
While it's true that the EU uses the "Flag of Europe" as symbol,
the meaning is broader that you might think:
The flag is indeed the flag of Europe as it was created by
the Council of Europe:
Switzerland and Lithuania are members of the Council.
The Council of Europe described the flag as: "Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars represent the peoples
of Europe in a circle, a symbol of unity. Their number shall be invariably set at twelve, the symbol of completeness and
perfection ... just like the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the whole universe, the twelve gold stars stand for
all peoples of Europe -- including those who cannot as yet take part in building up Europe in unity and peace."
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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